Coase-Sandor Working Paper Series in Law and Economics
Submissions from 2024
Uncovering the Role of Hubs: A Network Science Perspective on Platform Competition, Raz Agranat
Predictability and Adaptation in Law and other Markets (chapter in a coming book: Research Handbook on Law and Time), Saul Levmore
Labor Market Traps, Eric A. Posner
Submissions from 2023
Privacy Protection, At What Cost? Exploring the Regulatory Resistance to Data Technology in Auto Insurance, Omri Ben-Shahar
How Progressive is the U.S. Tax System?, Thomas Coleman and David A. Weisbach
Overview of the Characteristics of Tax Havens, Dhammika Dharmapala
Strategic Subdelegation, Brian D. Feinstein and Jennifer Nou
Property as Service Streams, Lee Anne Fennell
Residents Against Housing, Lee Anne Fennell
Toward Principled Background Principles in Takings Law, Rebecca Hansen and Lior Jacob Strahilevitz
Expecting Corporate Prosociality, Hajin Kim
Does ESG Crowd Out Support For Government Regulation?, Hajin Kim, Joshua Macey, and Kristen Underhill
Distributing Deterrence Fairly: A New Rationale for Decoupling Tort Liability, H. Javier Kordi
Hidden Value Transfers in Public Utilities, Aneil Kovvali and Joshua Macey
The Corporate Governance of Public Utilities, Aneil Kovvali and Joshua A. Macey
Cross-Border Influencers: Democracy and Externalities, Saul Levmore
Simplicity and Complexity in Law and in Markets, Saul Levmore
Sharing where Bargains are Impossible, Saul Levmore and Andrew Verstein
Grid Reliability in the Electric Era, Joshua Macey, Shelley Welton, and Hannah Wiseman
Real-World Prior Art, Jonathan S. Masur and Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
Labor Mobility and the Problems of Modern Policing, Jonathan S. Masur, Aurélie Ouss, and John Rappaport
No-Poach Antitrust Litigation in the United States, Eric A. Posner and Sarah Hammond Roberts
Timing the Regulatory Tightrope, Adriana Z. Robertson
When Bill Rolls Off: Continuity and Change on Corporate Boards, Adriana Z. Robertson and Peter Cziraki
Duplicative Taxation Among the States: a Problem Not Worth Solving?, Julie Roin
Against Anti-Tax Exceptionalism, David A. Weisbach
Constrained Income Redistribution and Inequality: Legal Rules Compared to Taxes and Transfers, David A. Weisbach
Regulatory Trading, David A. Weisbach
Climate Change Policy in the International Context: Solving the Carbon Leakage Problem, David A. Weisbach and Samuel S. Kortum
Trade, Leakage, and the Design of a Carbon Tax, David A. Weisbach, Samuel S. Kortum, Michael Wang, and Bella Yao
Submissions from 2022
Civil Procedure as the Regulation of Externalities: Toward a New Theory of Civil Litigation, Ronen Avraham and William H.J. Hubbard
The Promise and Perils of Open Finance, Dan Awrey and Joshua Macey
Nonparty Interests in Contract Law, Omri Ben-Shahar, David A. Hoffman, and Cathy Hwang
Managerial Contracting: A Preliminary Study, Lisa E. Bernstein and Brad Peterson
Competition and Congestion in Trademark Law, Christopher Buccafusco, Jonathan S. Masur, and Mark P. McKenna
Screening Meaning, Christopher Buccafusco, Jonathan S. Masur, and Mark P. McKenna
Foreword (The Economic Structure of Corporate Law at Thirty: A Retrospective on the Work of Easterbrook & Fischel), Anthony J. Casey, Hajin Kim, and Joshua Macey
In Defense of Chapter 11 for Mass Torts, Anthony J. Casey and Joshua C. Macey
The Bankruptcy Tribunal, Anthony J. Casey and Joshua C. Macey
The Expanding Universe of Bilateral Labor Agreements, Adam Chilton and Bartosz Woda
The Consequences of the TCJA’s International Provisions: A Conceptual Framework and Survey of the Evidence, Dhammika Dharmapala
SPACs and PIPEs as Efficient Tools for Corporate Growth, Frank Fagan and Saul Levmore
Submerged Independent Agencies, Brian D. Feinstein and Jennifer Nou
Optional Price Discrimination, Lee Anne Fennell
Streaming Property, Lee Anne Fennell
Countercyclical Corporate Governance, Aneil Kovvali
Stark Choices for Corporate Reform, Aneil Kovvali
Toward a "Tender Offer" Market for Labor Representation, Aneil Kovvali and Jonathan R. Macey
The Win-Win That Wasn’t: Managing to the Stock Market’s Negative Effects on American Workers and Other Corporate Stakeholders, Aneil Kovvali and Leo E. Strine
SPACs, PIPEs, and Common Investors, Saul Levmore and Frank Fagan
Horizontal Collusion and Parallel Wage-Setting in Labor Markets, Jonathan S. Masur and Eric A. Posner
Regulatory Diffusion, Jennifer Nou and Julian Nyarko
Duplicative Taxation Among the States: a Problem Not Worth Solving?, Julie Roin
Cash Substitution and Deferred Consumption as Data Breach Harms, Lior Strahilevitz and Lisa Yao Liu
Review of Daniel Farber, Inequality and Regulation: Designing Rules to Address Race, Poverty, and Environmental Law, David A. Weisbach
Submissions from 2021
Open Access, Interoperability, and the DTCC's Unexpected Path to Monopoly, Dan Awrey and Joshua Macey
Open Access, Interoperability, and the DTCC's Unexpected Path to Monopoly, Dan Awrey and Joshua Macey
Framing Vaccine Mandates: Messenger and Message Effects, Christopher Buccafusco and Daniel Hemel
The Law of Restitution for Mistaken Payments: An Economic Analysis, Dhammika Dharmapala and Nuno Garoupa
Controlling Externalities: Ownership Structure and Cross-Firm Externalities, Dhammika Dharmapala and Vikramaditya S. Khanna
Congress’s Commissioners: Former Hill Staffers at the S.E.C. and Other Independent Regulatory Commissions, Brian D. Feinstein and M. Todd Henderson
Visibility and Indivisibility in Resource Arrangements, Lee Anne Fennell
Closing Gaps in the Estate and Gift Tax Base, Daniel J. Hemel
Regulation and Redistribution with Lives in the Balance, Daniel J. Hemel
The Tax Gap's Many Shades of Gray, Daniel J. Hemel, Janet Holtzblatt, and Steve Rosenthal
Equalizing the Tax Treatment of Stock Buybacks and Dividends, Daniel J. Hemel and Gregg D. Polsky
Taxing Buybacks, Daniel J. Hemel and Gregg D. Polsky
Mega-IRAs, Mega-401(k)s, and Other Mega-Retirement Accounts: Statement for the Record, Daniel J. Hemel and Steve Rosenthal
Grid Reliability Through Clean Energy, Alexandra Klass, Joshua Macey, Shelley Welton, and Hannah Jacobs Wiseman
Optimal Unilateral Carbon Policy, Samuel E. Kortum and David A. Weisbach
Essential Businesses and Shareholder Value, Aneil Kovvali
Probabilistic Disclosures for Corporate and Other Law, Saul Levmore
Shining a Light on Dark Patterns, Jamie Luguri and Lior Strahilevitz
Utility Mergers and the Modern (and Future) Power Grid, Joshua Macey
Promoting Regulatory Prediction, Jonathan S. Masur and Jonathan Remy Nash
Stigler's Theory of Economic Regulation After Fifty Years, Sam Peltzman
Antitrust and Labor Markets: A Reply to Richard Epstein, Eric A. Posner
Property Law for the Ages, Lior Strahilevitz and Michael C. Pollack
Submissions from 2020
Employer Neighborhoods and Racial Discrimination, Amanda Y. Agan and Sonja B. Starr
Rethinking Nudge: An Information-Costs Theory of Default Rules, Oren Bar-Gill and Omri Ben-Shahar
Rethinking Nudge: An Information-Costs Theory of Default Rules, Oren Bar-Gill and Omri Ben-Shahar
Do Legal Origins Predict Legal Substance?, Anu Bradford, Yun-chien Chang, Adam Chilton, and Nuno Garoupa
Drugs, Patents, and Well-Being, Christopher Buccafusco and Jonathan S. Masur
Political Ideology and the Law Review Selection Process, Adam Chilton, Jonathan S. Masur, and Kyle Rozema
Do Multinational Firms use Tax Havens to the Detriment of Other Countries?, Dhammika Dharmapala
The Tax Elasticity of Financial Statement Income: Implications for Current Reform Proposals, Dhammika Dharmapala
Outside Advisers Inside Agencies, Brian D. Feinstein and Daniel J. Hemel
State Politics and Mortgage Markets, Brian D. Feinstein, Chen Meng, and Manisha Padi
Property as the Law of Complements, Lee Anne Fennell
Remixing Resources, Lee Anne Fennell
Sizing Up Categories, Lee Anne Fennell
Sizing Up Categories, Lee Anne Fennell
The Wandering Officer, Ben Grunwald and John Rappaport
Indexing, Unchained, Daniel J. Hemel
Immunity Passports and Moral Hazard, Daniel J. Hemel and Anup Malani
Innovation Institutions and the Opioid Crisis, Daniel J. Hemel and Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
Trademark Law Pluralism, Daniel J. Hemel and Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
MOPR Madness, Joshua Macey and Robert Ward
Chevronizing Around Cost-Benefit Analysis, Jonathan S. Masur and Eric A. Posner