Journals | Chicago Unbound - Chicago Law Faculty Scholarship


Journal of Law and Economics (Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics)

Journal of Legal Studies (Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics)

Supreme Court Review

SCR is an in-depth annual critique of the Supreme Court and its work, keeping up on the forefront of the origins, reforms, and interpretations of American law. SCR is written by and for legal academics, judges, political scientists, journalists, historians, economists, policy planners, and sociologists.

The University of Chicago Business Law Review

The University of Chicago Business Law Review, also known as UChiBLR, is a business law journal focused on securities, antitrust, mergers and acquisitions, tax, corporate governance, business regulation, and other business law topics that entertain the intersection of law and economics. UChiBLR aims to provide a venue for academic engagement inclusive of professionals along a spectrum ranging from academics and practitioners focused on the private sector to academics, regulators, and policy makers that work in the regulatory sphere.

University of Chicago Law Review Online

The University of Chicago Law Review was first published in 1933, thirty-one years after the Law School began offering classes. The Law Review published online articles in the University of Chicago Law Review Online from 2012 to 2017 and was replaced in 2018 by the University of Chicago Law Review Blog.

University of Chicago Legal Forum

First published in 1985, the University of Chicago Legal Forum is the Law School’s second-oldest journal. The Legal Forum is a student-edited journal that focuses on a single cutting-edge legal issue every year, presenting an authoritative and timely approach to a particular topic. Each fall, the Legal Forum hosts a symposium, with the participants then contributing articles for the forthcoming volume.