Coase-Sandor Working Paper Series in Law and Economics
Submissions from 2017
New View Integration, David A. Weisbach
Judicial Mistakes in Discovery, Diego Zambrano
Submissions from 2016
Tax Sparing, FDI, and Foreign Aid: Evidence from Territorial Tax Reforms
United Nations Endorsement & Support for Human Rights: An Experiment on Women's Rights in Pakistan, Gulnaz Anjum, Adam S. Chilton, and Zahid Usman
Bankruptcy on the Side, Kenneth M. Ayotte, Anthony Casey, and David A. Skeel Jr.
Bankruptcy's Quiet Revolution, Douglas G. Baird
Priority Matters, Douglas G. Baird
Optimal Defaults in Consumer Markets, Oren Bar-Gill and Omri Ben-Shahar
Making Doctrinal Work More Rigorous: Lessons from Systematic Reviews, William Baude, Adam S. Chilton, and Anup Malani
Beyond Relational Contracts: Social Capital and Network Governance in Procurement Contracts, Lisa Bernstein
Custom in the Courts, Lisa Bernstein
Unbundling Efficient Breach: An Experiment, Maria Bigoni, Stefania Bortolotti, Francesco Parisi, and Ariel Porat
Measuring Judicial Ideology Using Law Clerk Hiring, Adam Bonica, Adam S. Chilton, Jacob Goldin, Kyle Rozema, and Maya Sen
The Political Ideologies of Law Clerks and their Judges, Adam Bonica, Adam S. Chilton, Jacob Goldin, Kyle Rozema, and Maya Sen
The Political Ideology of Law Clerks, Adam Bonica, Adam S. Chilton, Jacob Goldin, Kyle Rozema, and Maya Sen
Bankruptcy's Endowment Effect, Anthony Casey
The Problem of Creative Collaboration, Anthony Casey and Andres Sawicki
Condominium Law in Taiwan: Doctrinal Overview Under the Lens of Information-Cost Theory, Yun-chien Chang
The Problematic Concept of Possession in the DCFR: Lessons from Law and Economics of Possession, Yun-chien Chang
Anchoring Effect in Real Litigation: An Empirical Study, Yun-chien Chang, Kong-Pin Chen, and Chang-Chin Lin
Pain and Suffering Damages in Personal Injury Cases: An Empirical Study, Yun-chien Chang, Theodore Eisenberg, Tsung Hsien Lee, and Martin T. Wells
The Empirical Foundation of Normative Arguments in Legal Reasoning, Yun-chien Chang and Peng-Hsiang Wang
Simplification of Privacy Disclosures: An Experimental Test, Adam S. Chilton and Omri Ben-Shahar
Did the Creation of the United Nations Human Rights Council Produce a Better 'Jury'?, Adam S. Chilton and Robert Golan-Vilella
Respect for Human Rights: Law and History, Adam S. Chilton and Eric A. Posner
The Limitations of Supply Chain Disclosure Regimes, Adam S. Chilton and Galit Sarfaty
Rights Without Resources: The Impact of Constitutional Social Rights on Social Spending, Adam S. Chilton and Mila Versteeg
The Economics of Corporate and Business Tax Reform, Dhammika Dharmapala
The Impact of Mandated Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from India's Companies Act of 2013, Dhammika Dharmapala and Vikramaditya S. Khanna
Multisided Platforms, Dynamic Competition, and the Assessment of Market Power for Internet-Based Firms, David S. Evans
Designing Executive Agencies for Congressional Control, Brian D. Feinstein
Fee Simple Obsolete, Lee Anne Fennell
Information-Dissemination Law: The Regulation of How Market-Moving Information Is Revealed, Kevin S. Haeberle and M. Todd Henderson
The President's Power to Tax, Daniel Hemel
Inequality and the Mortgage Interest Deduction, Daniel Hemel and Kyle Rozema
Making a Market for Corporate Disclosure, M. Todd Henderson and Kevin S. Haeberle
How Patent Damages Skew Licensing Markets, Erik Hovenkamp and Jonathan Masur
The Empirical Effects of Twombly and Iqbal, William Hubbard
New Dimensions in Criminal Threat Deterrence, Saul Levmore and Ariel Porat
CBA at the PTO, Jonathan Masur
Should Regulation Be Countercyclical?, Jonathan Masur and Eric A. Posner
Strategic Rulemaking Disclosure, Jennifer Nou and Edward Stiglitz
Remedies, Ariel Porat
The Future of Law and Economics and the Calabresian External Moral Costs, Ariel Porat
What Legal Authority Does the Fed Need During a Financial Crisis?, Eric A. Posner
Quadratic Election Law, Eric A. Posner and Nicholas Stephanopoulos
An Insurance-Based Typology of Police Misconduct, John Rappaport
How Private Insurers Regulate Public Police, John Rappaport
Historic Preservation and Its Even Less Authentic Alternative, Lior Strahilevitz
Is Privacy Policy Language Irrelevant to Consumers?, Lior Strahilevitz and Matthew B. Kugler
Capital Gains Taxation and Corporate Investment, David A. Weisbach
Ownership of the Means of Production, E. Glen Weyl and Anthony Lee Zhang
Submissions from 2015
The Perverse Effects of Subsidized Weather Insurance, Omri Ben-Shahar and Kyle D. Logue
Under the Weather: Government Insurance and the Regulation of Climate Risks, Omri Ben-Shahar and Kyle D. Logue
Personalizing Negligence Law, Omri Ben-Shahar and Ariel Porat
Revisiting Procedure and Precedent in the WTO: An Analysis of US-Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Measure (China), Mostafa Beshkar and Adam S. Chilton
The Political Ideologies of American Lawyers, Adam Bonica, Adam S. Chilton, and Maya Sen
The Death of Rules and Standards, Anthony Casey and Anthony Niblett
A Framework for Bailout Regulation, Anthony Casey and Eric A. Posner
Introduction to Spontaneous Order and Emergence of New Systems of Property, Yun-chien Chang and Richard A. Epstein
The Politics of the United States' Bilateral Investment Treaty Program, Adam S. Chilton
The Influence of History on States’ Compliance with Human Rights Obligations, Adam S. Chilton and Eric A. Posner
International Law, Constitutional Law, and Public Support for Torture, Adam S. Chilton and Mila Versteeg
The Inefficacy of Constitutional Torture Prohibitions, Adam S. Chilton and Mila Versteeg
Redundant Public-Private Enforcement, Zachary D. Clopton
Disgorgement Damages for Accidents, Robert D. Cooter and Ariel Porat
Legitimacy and Cooperation: Will Immigrants Cooperate with Local Police Who Enforce Federal Immigration Law?, Adam B. Cox and Thomas J. Miles
Interest Deductions in a Multijurisdictional World, Mihir A. Desai and Dhammika Dharmapala
An Empirical Examination of Why Mobile Money Schemes Ignite in Some Developing Countries but Flounder in Most, David S. Evans and Alexis Pirchio
Slicing Spontaneity, Lee Anne Fennell
A Fresh Look at Plausibility Pleading, William Hubbard
Surveillance Duration Doesn't Affect Privacy Expectations: An Empirical Test of the Mosaic Theory, Matthew B. Kugler and Lior Strahilevitz
No-Haggle Agreements, Saul Levmore and Ariel Porat
Rethinking Threats, Saul Levmore and Ariel Porat
The Use and Misuse of Patent Licenses, Jonathan Masur
Toward a Pigouvian State, Jonathan Masur and Eric A. Posner
Unquantified Benefits and Bayesian Cost-Benefit Analysis, Jonathan Masur and Eric A. Posner
Punitive Police? Agency Costs, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Procedure, Richard H. McAdams, Dhammika Dharmapala, and Nuno Garoupa
The Distributive Deficit in Law and Economics, Richard H. McAdams and Lee Anne Fennell
Intra-Agency Coordination, Jennifer Nou
The Law, Economics, and Psychology of Manipulation, Eric A. Posner
Don't Ask, Must Tell—and Other Combinations, Adam M. Samaha and Lior Strahilevitz
The New and Old Originalism: A Discussion, Steven Douglas Smith, Michael B. Rappaport, William Baude, and Stephen E. Sachs
Submissions from 2014
The Fannie and Freddie Bailouts Through the Corporate Lens, Adam Badawi and Anthony Casey
One-and-a-Half Badges of Fraud, Douglas G. Baird
The Futility of Cost Benefit Analysis in Financial Disclosure Regulation, Omri Ben-Shahar and Carl E. Schneider
Copying and Context: Tying as a Solution to the Lack of Intellectual Property Protection of Contract Terms, Lisa Bernstein
Trade Usage in the Courts: The Flawed Conceptual and Evidentiary Basis of Article 2’s Incorporation Strategy, Lisa Bernstein
Unbundling Efficient Breach, Maria Bigoni, Stefania Bortolotti, Francesco Parisi, and Ariel Porat
Well-Being and Public Policy, John Bronsteen, Christopher Buccafusco, and Jonathan Masur
The Article III Problem in Bankruptcy, Anthony Casey and Aziz Huq
Partition and Revelation, Yun-chien Chang and Lee Anne Fennell
Reconsidering the Motivations of the United States' Bilateral Investment Treaty Program, Adam S. Chilton
The Laws of War and Public Opinion: An Experimental Study, Adam S. Chilton
An Empirical Study of Political Bias in Legal Scholarship, Adam S. Chilton and Eric A. Posner
Do Constitutional Rights Make a Difference?, Adam S. Chilton and Mila Versteeg
Lapses of Attention in Medical Malpractice and Road Accidents, Robert D. Cooter and Ariel Porat
Does Immigration Enforcement Reduce Crime? Evidence from 'Secure Communities', Adam B. Cox and Thomas J. Miles
Base Erosion and Profit Shifting: A Simple Conceptual Framework, Dhammika Dharmapala
What Do We Know About Base Erosion and Profit Shifting? A Review of the Empirical Literature, Dhammika Dharmapala