Coase-Sandor Working Paper Series in Law and Economics
Submissions from 2020
Productivity, Prices and Productivity in Manufacturing: a Demsetzian Perspective, Sam Peltzman
The Economic Basis of the Independent Contractor/Employee Distinction, Eric Posner
Policy Implications of the Common Ownership Debate, Eric A. Posner
The Boundaries of Normative Law and Economics, Eric A. Posner
The Economic Basis of the Independent Contractor/Employee Distinction, Eric A. Posner
Changing Places, Changing Taxes: Exploiting Tax Discontinuities, Julie Roin
The Legal Envelope Theorem, Daniel A. Weisbach and Daniel J. Hemel
The Trade-Off Between Tax Administration and Tax Compliance, David A. Weisbach
Submissions from 2019
What Should Law School Rankings Measure and How Should We Measure it: A Comment on Heald & Sichelman's Rankings, Adam Chilton and Jonathan S. Masur
Rethinking Law School Tenure Standards, Adam S. Chilton, Jonathan Masur, and Kyle Rozema
Small-c Constitutional Rights, Adam Chilton and Mila Versteeg
Imputing Unreported Hate Crimes Using Google Search Data, Dhammika Dharmapala and Aziz Z. Huq
Imputing Unreported Hate Crimes Using Google Search Data, Dhammika Dharmapala and Aziz Z. Huq
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Rules, Standards, and Judicial Discretion, Frank Fagan and Saul Levmore
Property Beyond Exclusion, Lee Anne Fennell
Slices and Lumps: Division and Aggregation in Law and Life (Intro + Ch 1), Lee Anne Fennell
The Architecture of a Basic Income, Miranda Perry Fleischer and Daniel J. Hemel
Tort Liability and the Risk of Discriminatory Government, Enud Guttel and Ariel Porat
A Place for Place in Federal Tax Law, Daniel J. Hemel
Beyond the Marriage Tax Trilemma, Daniel J. Hemel
Does the Tax Code Favor Robots?, Daniel J. Hemel
Economic Perspectives on Free Speech, Daniel J. Hemel
Tangled Up in Tax: The Nonprofit Sector and the Federal Tax System, Daniel J. Hemel
Tangled Up in Tax: The Nonprofit Sector and the Federal Tax System, Daniel J. Hemel
Taxing Wealth in an Uncertain World, Daniel J. Hemel
There’s a Problem with Buybacks, but It’s Not What Senators Think, Daniel J. Hemel and Gregg D. Polsky
Free Speech and Cheap Talk, Daniel J. Hemel and Ariel Porat
Outside Influence on Democratic Elections, Saul Levmore
Piece Problems: Component Valuation in Marketing and in Patent and Tort Law, Saul Levmore
Changing People's Preferences by the State and the Law, Ariel Porat
Is Police Behavior Getting Worse? The Importance of Data Selection in Evaluating the Police, John Rappaport and Aurelie Ouss
RadicalxChange: An Academic Agenda, E. Glen Weyl
Submissions from 2018
The Spectrum of Procedural Flexibility, Ronen Avraham and William H.J. Hubbard
Procedural Flexibility in Three Dimensions, Ronen Avraham, William Hubbard, and Itay E. Lipschits
The Bankruptcy Partition, Douglas G. Baird, Anthony Casey, and Randal C. Picker
Data Pollution, Omri Ben-Shahar
Personalizing Mandatory Rules in Contract Law, Omri Ben-Shahar and Ariel Porat
Contract Governance in Small World Networks: The Case of the Maghribi Traders, Lisa Bernstein
Does the Priest and Klein Model Travel? Testing Litigation Selection Hypotheses with Foreign Court Data, Yun-chien Chang and William Hubbard
New Empirical Tests for Classic Litigation Selection Models, Yun-chien Chang and William H.J. Hubbard
Political Discrimination in the Law Review Selection Process, Adam S. Chilton, Jonathan Masur, and Kyle Rozema
Torts and Restitution: Legal Divergence and Economic Convergence, Robert D. Cooter and Ariel Porat
Stock Market Reactions to India's 2016 Demonetization: Implications for Tax Evasion, Corruption, and Financial Constraints, Dhammika Dharmapala and Vikramaditya S. Khanna
Collective Bargaining Rights and Police Misconduct: Evidence from Florida, Dhammika Dharmapala, Richard H. McAdams, and John Rappaport
Judging Judicial Foreclosure, Brian D. Feinstein
Who Conducts Oversight? Bill-Writers, Lifers, and Nail-Biters, Brian D. Feinstein
Personalizing Precommitment, Lee Anne Fennell
States and Localities Can Offset Federal Tax Law's Impact on Their Residents, Daniel Hemel
Appendix to 'The Marginal Revenue Rule in Cost-Benefit Analysis', Daniel Hemel, Jennifer Nou, and David A. Weisbach
Innovation Policy Pluralism, Daniel Hemel and Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
Decisionmaking on Multimember Courts: The Assignment Power in the Circuits, Daniel Hemel and Kyle Rozema
Sexual Harassment and Corporate Law, Daniel Hemel and Dorothy Shapiro Lund
A Regulatory Classification of Digital Assets: Toward an Operational Howey Test for Cryptocurrencies, ICOs, and Other Digital Assets, M. Todd Henderson and Max Raskin
Stalling, Conflict, and Settlement, William Hubbard
Assessing the Empirical Upside of Personalized Criminal Procedure, Matthew B. Kugler and Lior Jacob Strahilevitz
Patents, Property, and Prospectivity, Jonathan Masur and Adam Mortara
Norming in Administrative Law, Jonathan Masur and Eric A. Posner
Antitrust Remedies for Labor Market Power, Suresh Naidu, Eric A. Posner, and E. Glen Weyl
Regulatory Bundling, Jennifer Nou and Edward H. Stiglitz
Limited Inalienability Rules, Ariel Porat and Stephen D. Sugarman
Submissions from 2017
Disclosure Rules in Contract Law, Oren Bar-Gill and Ariel Porat
The Restoration Remedy in Private Law: A Novel Approach to Compensation for Emotional Harm, Omri Ben-Shahar and Ariel Porat
Contracting Over Privacy: Introduction, Omri Ben-Shahar and Lior Strahilevitz
Interpreting Contracts via Surveys and Experiments, Omri Ben-Shahar and Lior Strahilevitz
Black Hole Apparitions, Lisa Bernstein
Influence and Ideology in the American Judiciary: Evidence from Supreme Court Law Clerks, Adam Bonica, Adam S. Chilton, Jacob Goldin, Kyle Rozema, and Maya Sen
The Legal Academy's Ideological Uniformity, Adam Bonica, Adam S. Chilton, Kyle Rozema, and Maya Sen
Intelligent Design, Christopher Buccafusco, Mark Lemley, and Jonathan Masur
Intellectual Property Law and the Promotion of Welfare, Christopher Buccafusco and Jonathan Masur
Reciprocity and Public Opposition to Foreign Direct Investment, Adam S. Chilton, Helen V. Milner, and Dustin Tingley
Why Countries Sign Bilateral Labor Agreements, Adam S. Chilton and Eric A. Posner
Congress in the Administrative State, Brian D. Feinstein
Partisan Balance with Bite, Brian D. Feinstein and Daniel Hemel
Accidents and Aggregates, Lee Anne Fennell
Introduction to Evidence and Innovation in Housing Law and Policy, Lee Anne Fennell and Benjamin J. Keys
Inverted Theories, Lee Anne Fennell and Richard H. McAdams
Atlas Nods: The Libertarian Case for a Basic Income, Miranda Perry Fleischer and Daniel Hemel
Circles of Trust: A Proposal for Better Migrant Screening, Tom Ginsburg and Alberto Simpser
Easy on the SALT: A Qualified Defense of the Deduction for State and Local Taxes, Daniel Hemel
The Federalist Safeguards of Progressive Taxation, Daniel Hemel
Bayh-Dole Beyond Borders, Daniel Hemel and Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
Public Perceptions of Government Speech, Daniel Hemel and Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
Can Blockchain Solve the Holdup Problem in Contracts?, Richard T. Holden and Anup Malani
Costly Signaling, Pleading, and Settlement, William Hubbard
Quantum Economics, Newtonian Economics, and Law, William Hubbard
The President and the Detainees, Aziz Huq
Semi-Confidential Settlements in Civil, Criminal, and Sexual Assault Cases, Saul Levmore and Frank Fagan
The End of Bargaining in the Digital Age, Saul Levmore and Frank Fagan
Quadratic Voting as an Input to Cost-Benefit Analysis, Jonathan Masur
Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Judicial Role, Jonathan Masur and Eric A. Posner
Subdelegating Powers, Jennifer Nou
Can Restitution Save Fragile Spiderless Networks?, Ariel Porat and Robert E. Scott
The Decline of Supreme Court Deference to the President, Eric A. Posner and Lee Epstein
Moral Commitments in Cost-Benefit Analysis, Eric A. Posner and Cass R. Sunstein
Are Reactors Like Casinos? A Culture of Dependency in Japan, J. Mark Ramseyer
Criminal Justice, Inc., John Rappaport
Nonvoting Shares and Efficient Corporate Governance, Dorothy Shapiro Lund
The Case Against Passive Shareholder Voting, Dorothy Shapiro Lund
The Myth of Fourth Amendment Circularity, Lior Strahilevitz and Matthew B. Kugler
A Guide to the GOP Tax Plan – The Way to a Better Way, David A. Weisbach