Coase-Sandor Working Paper Series in Law and Economics
Submissions from 2008
Expanding Restitution: Liability for Unrequested Benefits, Ariel Porat
Does Political Bias in the Judiciary Matter?: Implications of Judicial Bias Studies for Legal and Constitutional Reform, Eric A. Posner
Erga Omnes Norms, Institutionalization, and Constitutionalism in International Law, Eric A. Posner
Fault in Contract Law, Eric A. Posner
Human Welfare, Not Human Rights, Eric A. Posner
Which States Have the Best (and Worst) High Courts?, Eric A. Posner, Stephen J. Choi, and G. Mitu Gulati
Crisis Governance in the Administrative State: 9/11 and the Financial Meltdown of 2008, Eric A. Posner and Adrian Vermeule
Rational Judicial Behavior: A Statistical Study, Richard A. Posner and William M. Landes
Adolescent Risk-Taking and Social Meaning: A Commentary, Cass R. Sunstein
Beyond Judicial Minimalism, Cass R. Sunstein
Is OSHA Unconstitutional?, Cass R. Sunstein
Judging National Security post-9/11: An Empirical Investigation, Cass R. Sunstein
Second Amendment Minimalism: Heller as Griswold, Cass R. Sunstein
Trimming, Cass R. Sunstein
Two Conceptions of Irreversible Environmental Harm, Cass R. Sunstein
Four Failures of Deliberating Groups, Cass R. Sunstein and Reid Hastie
Depoliticizing Administrative Law, Cass R. Sunstein and Thomas J. Miles
Conspiracy Theories, Cass R. Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule
Overreaction to Fearsome Risks, Cass R. Sunstein and Richard Zeckhauser
Submissions from 2007
Optimal Bail and the Value of Freedom: Evidence from the Philadelphia Bail Experiment, David Abrams and Chris Rohlfs
Controlling Avian Influenza in Chickens, Maciej Boni, Anup Malani, Abraham Wickelgren, and Ramanan Laxminarayan
Homeownership 2.0, Lee Anne Fennell
The Fiscal Consequences of Electoral Institutions, Jacob Gersen and Christopher R. Berry
A Reader’s Companion to Against Prediction: A Reply to Ariela Gross, Yoram Margalioth, and Yoav Sapir, Bernard E. Harcourt
From the Asylum to the Prison: Rethinking the Incarceration Revolution. Part II: State Level Analysis, Bernard E. Harcourt
Judge Richard Posner on Civil Liberties: Pragmatic Authoritarian Libertarian, Bernard E. Harcourt
Deconstructing Duff and Phelps, M. Todd Henderson
Everything Old Is New Again: Lessons from Dodge v. Ford Motor Company, M. Todd Henderson
From Seriatim to Consensus and Back Again: A Theory of Dissent, M. Todd Henderson
Other People's Money, M. Todd Henderson and Douglas G. Baird
Inefficient Customs in International Law, Eugene Kontorovich
What Standing Is Good For, Eugene Kontorovich
Valuing Laws as Local Amenities, Anup Malani
Reforming Entrapment Doctrine in United States v. Hollingsworth, Richard H. McAdams
The Economic Costs of Inequality, Richard H. McAdams
Judging the Voting Rights Act, Thomas J. Miles and Adam B. Cox
Economic Efficiency versus Public Choice: The Case of Property Rights in Road Traffic, Jonathan Remy Nash
An Empirical Investigation into Appellate Structure and the Perceived Quality of Appellate Review, Rafael I. Pardo and Jonathan Remy Nash
Of Pirates and Puffy Shirts: A Comment on ‘The Piracy Paradox: Innovation and Intellectual Property in Fashion Design, Randal C. Picker
Pulling a Rabbi Out of His Hat: The Bankruptcy Magic of Dick Posner, Randal C. Picker
Climate Change and International Human Rights Litigation: A Critical Appraisal, Eric A. Posner
Happiness Research and Cost-Benefit Analysis, Eric A. Posner and Matthew D. Adler
A Critique of the Odious Debt Doctrine, Eric A. Posner and Albert H. Choi
Timing Rules and Legal Institutions, Eric A. Posner and Jacob Gersen
Are Judges Overpaid?: A Skeptical Response to the Judicial Salary Debate, Eric A. Posner, G. Mitu Gulati, and Stephen J. Choi
Professionals or Politicians: The Uncertain Empirical Case for an Elected Rather than Appointed Judiciary, Eric A. Posner, G. Mitu Gulati, and Stephen J. Choi
Constitutional Showdowns, Eric A. Posner and Adrian Vermeule
The Economics of Presidential Pardons and Commutations, Richard A. Posner and William M. Landes
The Prime Directive, Robert K. Rasmussen and Douglas G. Baird
’Don't Try This at Home’: Posner as Political Economist, Lior Strahilevitz
Privacy versus Antidiscrimination, Lior Strahilevitz
Reputation Nation: Law in an Era of Ubiquitous Personal Information, Lior Strahilevitz
Completely Theorized Agreements in Constitutional Law, Cass R. Sunstein
Cost-Benefit Analysis without Analyzing Costs or Benefits: Reasonable Accommodation, Balancing, and Stigmatic Harms, Cass R. Sunstein
Deliberating Groups versus Prediction Markets (or Hayek's Challenge to Habermas), Cass R. Sunstein
Due Process Traditionalism, Cass R. Sunstein
If People Would Be Outraged by Their Rulings, Should Judges Care?, Cass R. Sunstein
Illusory Losses, Cass R. Sunstein
The Complex Climate Change Incentives of China and the United States, Cass R. Sunstein
Willingness to Pay versus Welfare, Cass R. Sunstein
Extremism and Social Learning, Cass R. Sunstein and Edward L. Glaeser
Climate Change and Animals, Cass R. Sunstein and Wayne Hsiung
Indignation: Psychology, Politics, Law, Cass R. Sunstein and Daniel Kahneman
Availability Cascades and Risk Regulation, Cass R. Sunstein and Timur Kuran
Causation in Tort: General Populations vs. Individual Cases, Cass R. Sunstein and William Meadow
The New Legal Realism, Cass R. Sunstein and Thomas J. Miles
The Real World of Arbitrariness Review, Cass R. Sunstein and Thomas J. Miles
Climate Change Justice, Cass R. Sunstein and Eric A. Posner
A Welfarist Approach to Disabilities, David A. Weisbach
The Irreducible Complexity of Firm-Level Income Taxes: Theory and Doctrine in the Corporate Tax, David A. Weisbach
The Taxation of Carried Interests in Private Equity, David A. Weisbach
What Does Happiness Research Tell Us about Taxation?, David A. Weisbach
Consumption Taxation Is Still Superior to Income Taxation, David A. Weisbach and Joseph Bankman
Submissions from 2006
Prediction Markets for Corporate Governance, Michael Abramowicz and M. Todd Henderson
Liability Externalities and Mandatory Choices: Should Doctors Pay Less?, Robert D. Cooter and Ariel Porat
The Temporal Dimension of Voting Rights, Adam B. Cox
China As a Test Case: Is the Rule of Law Essential for Economic Growth?, Kenneth W. Dam
Credit Markets, Creditors' Rights, and Economic Development, Kenneth W. Dam
Equity Markets, the Corporation, and Economic Development, Kenneth W. Dam
Institutions, History, and Economic Development, Kenneth W. Dam
Land, Law, and Economic Development, Kenneth W. Dam
Legal Institutions, Legal Origins, and Governance, Kenneth W. Dam
The Judiciary and Economic Development, Kenneth W. Dam
Famous Trademarks and the Rational Basis for Protecting "Irrational Beliefs", Shahar J. Dilbary
Transparency in the Budget Process, Elizabeth Garrett and Adrian Vermeule
Temporary Legislation, Jacob Gersen
Chevorn as a Voting Rule, Jacob Gersen and Adrian Vermeule
The Unconventional Uses of Transaction Costs, David Gilo and Ariel Porat
Embracing Chance: Post-Modern Meditations on Punishment, Bernard E. Harcourt
Muslim Profiles Post 9/11: Is Racial Profiling an Effective Counterterrorist Measure and Does It Violate the Right to Be Free from Discrimination?, Bernard E. Harcourt
Reefer Madness: Broken Windows Policing and Misdemeanor Marijuana Arrests in New York, Bernard E. Harcourt and Jens Ludwig
Paying CEOs in Bankruptcy: Executive Compensation When Agency Costs Are Low, M. Todd Henderson
Defusing DRM, Douglas Gary Lichtman
Irreparable Benefits, Douglas Gary Lichtman
Patent Holdouts and the Standard Setting Process, Douglas Gary Lichtman
Mistrust-Based Digital Rights Management, Randal C. Picker
The Antitrust Enterprise: Principle and Execution, Randal C. Picker
Who Should Regulate Entry into IPTV and Municipal Wireless?, Randal C. Picker
Antitrust and Regulation, Randal C. Picker and Dennis W. Carlton