Articles written by faculty and other members of the University of Chicago Law School community. Links to full-text are provided when available.


Submissions from 1968

Legal System: Comparative Law and the Legal Systems, Max Rheinstein


Court Delay Caused by the Bar, Hans Zeisel

In Defense of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet", Hans Zeisel

L'école Viennoise des recherches de motivation, Hans Zeisel


Pretrial and Date of Settlement, Hans Zeisel

Statistics as Legal Evidence, Hans Zeisel

The Indirect Experiment, Hans Zeisel

Submissions from 1967


Motive, Intent, and Purpose in Federal Income Taxation, Walter J. Blum

Progressive Taxation Reconsidered - North of the Border, Walter J. Blum

Critique of Proposed Automobile Compensation Plans, A, Walter J. Blum and Harry Kalven Jr.


The Empty Cabinet of Dr. Calabresi - Auto Accidents and General Deterrence, Walter J. Blum and Harry Kalven Jr.

Book Review (reviewing Michael Wybo, Discrimination et Marche Commun (1966)), Kenneth W. Dam


Some International Constraints on Improved Export Earnings of Developing Countries: Tariff Preferences and the Cotton Textiles Agreement, Kenneth W. Dam


The European Common Market in Agriculture, Kenneth W. Dam

Trademarks, Price Discrimination and the Bureau of Customs, Kenneth W. Dam


Jurisprudence: Vietnam and Civil Disobedience, Gidon A. G. Gottlieb

Advocacy and the Jury System: The Impact of the Trial Lawyer, Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Judicial Conference, Third Judicial Circuit of the United States, Harry Kalven Jr.


Broadcasting, Public Policy and the First Amendment, Harry Kalven Jr.


My Friend Grows No Older, Harry Kalven Jr.

The Problems of Privacy in the Year 2000, Harry Kalven Jr.


The Reasonable Man and the First Amendment: Hill, Butts, and Walker, Harry Kalven Jr.


Upon Rereading Mr. Justice Black on the First Amendment, Harry Kalven Jr.

The Supreme Court as Legislator, Harry Kalven Jr., Philip B. Kurland, Ralph Lerner, and Kenneth J. Northcott


The American Jury: Notes for an English Controversy, Harry Kalven Jr. and Hans Zeisel


Book Review (reviewing Leonard Baker, Back to Back: The Duel between FDR and the Supreme Court (1967)), Philip B. Kurland


Book Review (reviewing Walter V. Schaefer, The Suspect and Society: Criminal Procedure and Converging Constitutional Doctrines (1967)), Philip B. Kurland

The Effect of State Fair Employment Laws on the Economic Position of Nonwhites, William M. Landes


Ruminations about Ideology, Law, and Labor Administration, Bernard D. Meltzer


Law and Social Change in Ghana, Max Rheinstein

Vierzig Jahre Max-Planck-Institut fur auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht, Max Rheinstein

Justice and the Press, Hans Zeisel


Methodological Problems and Techniques in Sociolegal Research Department, Hans Zeisel


The Simple Truth-in-Lending, Hans Zeisel and Paul Boschan

Submissions from 1966

Estate and Gift Tax Retackled: A Progress Report on the AILJ, Walter J. Blum and Willard H. Pedrick

In Honor of Aaron Director, Ronald H. Coase

The Economics of Broadcasting and Government Policy, Ronald H. Coase


Suitcase Divorce in the Conflict of Laws: Simons, Rosenstiel, and Borax, David P. Currie


The Multiple Personality of the Dead: Executors, Administrators, and the Conflict of Laws, David P. Currie

Book Review (reviewing Thomas S. Szasz, Psychiatric Justice (1965)), Harry Kalven Jr.


For M.P.S., Harry Kalven Jr.


The Right of Privacy in Tort Law - Were Warren and Brandeis Wrong?, Harry Kalven Jr.


The American Jury and the Death Penalty, Harry Kalven Jr. and Hans Zeisel


Book Review (reviewing Alexander M. Bickel, Politics and the Warren Court (1965)), Philip B. Kurland

Book Review (reviewing Bernard J. Coughlin, Church and State in Social Welfare (1965)), Philip B. Kurland

Book Review (reviewing Paul A. Freund et al., Religion and the Public Schools (1965)), Philip B. Kurland


Brainerd Currie, Philip B. Kurland


Church and State in the United States: A New Era of Good Feelings, Philip B. Kurland

Motion for a Directed Verdict, Philip B. Kurland


Politics and the Constitution: Federal Aid to Parochial Schools, Philip B. Kurland

The Role of the Supreme Court in American History: A Lawyer's Interpretation, Philip B. Kurland

Aaron Director and the Study of Law and Economics, Edward Hirsch Levi


Laird Bell, Edward Hirsch Levi


Aaron Director: A Personal Appreciation, Bernard D. Meltzer


Labor Arbitration: A Dissenting View, Bernard D. Meltzer


De Tocqueville and the Role of the Lawyer in Society, Phil C. Neal

Judicial Activism, Nonjudicial Passivism, and Law Reform, Phil C. Neal

The Function of a Law School, Phil C. Neal

The Function of a Law School, Phil C. Neal

Deutsch-amerikanische Erbfalle, Max Rheinstein

Familienrecht; Darstellung des deutschen Familienrechts mit rechtsvergleichenden Hinweisen, Max Rheinstein

Die Rolle der Geschwomen in den USA, Hans Zeisel

Submissions from 1965

Taxation of Capital Gains in the Light of Recent Economic Developments - Some Observations, Walter J. Blum


Depreciation and Enterprise Valuation, Walter J. Blum and Wilber Griffith Katz

Estate and Gift Taxation: A Preliminary Report on an Underdeveloped Project of the American Institute of Legal Jurimetrics, Walter J. Blum and Willard H. Pedrick

Evaluation of Public Policy Relating to Radio and Television Broadcasting: Social and Economic Issues, Ronald H. Coase


Book Review (reviewing Lawrence F. Ebb, Regulation and Protection of International Business: Cases, Comments and Materials (1964)), Kenneth W. Dam

Oil and Gas Licensing and the North Sea, Kenneth W. Dam


The Concept of the Public Forum: Cox v. Louisiana, Harry Kalven Jr.


Torts: The Quest for Appropriate Standards, Harry Kalven Jr.


Felix Frankfurter, Philip B. Kurland

Trends in the U.S. Supreme Court, Philip B. Kurland


Book Review (reviewing Edwin W. Patterson, Law in a Scientific Age (1963)), Edward Hirsch Levi

Law Schools and the Universities, Edward Hirsch Levi


The Nature of Judicial Reasoning, Edward Hirsch Levi


Labor Unions, Collective Bargaining, and the Antitrust Laws, Bernard D. Meltzer


The Government as a Source of Union Power, Bernard D. Meltzer

The Government as a Source of Union Power: The Role of Public Policy in Collective Bargaining, Bernard D. Meltzer

The Lockout Cases, Bernard D. Meltzer

Deutsch-amerikanische Erbfalle; die Bedeutung der Qualifikation und der Angleichung, der Anpassung und der Umdeutung bei ihrer rechtlichen Behandlung, Max Rheinstein


Ehrenzweig on the Law of Conflict of Laws, Max Rheinstein

Ernst Rabels Vergleichende Studie des internationalen Privatrechts - zu seinem, Max Rheinstein


Treatise on the Conflict of Laws, Max Rheinstein


Facts for the Law Maker: Three Recent Studies, Hans Zeisel


The Law, Gambling, and Empirical Research, Hans Zeisel

Submissions from 1964

More on 'Twenty Questions', Walter J. Blum

Nonaggression Revisited in a Nutshell, Walter J. Blum

The Contemporary Functions of the Gift and Estate Taxes, Walter J. Blum


Public Law Perspectives on a Private Law Problem--Auto Compensation Plans, Walter J. Blum and Harry Kalven Jr.

Discussion, Ronald H. Coase and Ernest W. Williams Jr.


Human Rights in Contemporary Africa, Denis V. Cowen


The Three-Judge District Court in Constitutional Litigation, David P. Currie


Book Review (reviewing R.E. Caves, Air Transport and its Regulators: An Industry Study (1962)), Kenneth W. Dam

Trademarks, Price Discrimination and the Bureau of Customs, Kenneth W. Dam

Felix Frankfurter: A Tribute, Harry Kalven Jr.


Mr. Justice Holmes: Some Modern Views - Torts, Harry Kalven Jr.


The Dignity of the Civil Jury, Harry Kalven Jr.


The New York Times Case: A Note on "The Central Meaning of the First Amendment", Harry Kalven Jr.


Torts, Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing Bernard Schwartz, A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States (1963)), Philip B. Kurland


Book Review (reviewing Robert F. Drinan et al., Religion, the Courts, and Public Policy (1963)), Philip B. Kurland


Foreword: 'Equal in Origin and Equal in Title to the Legislative and Executive Branches of the Government', Philip B. Kurland


The Court of the Union or 'Julius Caesar' Revised, Philip B. Kurland

Book Review (reviewing F. James Davis, Henry H. Foster, Jr., C. Ray Jeffery, & E. Eugene Davis, Society and the Law: New Meanings for an Old Profession (1962)), Edward Hirsch Levi


Book Review (reviewing Solon T. Kimball & James E. McClellan, Education and the New America (1962)), Edward Hirsch Levi

General and Liberal Education, Edward Hirsch Levi


Comment on Professor Lewis' Paper, Jo Desha Lucas


Flood Tide: Some Irrelevant History of the Admiralty, Jo Desha Lucas

The Electrical Equipment Antitrust Cases: Novel Judicial Administration, Phil C. Neal and Perry Goldberg


An Introduction to the Legal System of the United States, Max Rheinstein

Ehe und Recht, Max Rheinstein

Rechtstheorie und Rechtsdogmatik: Studien zur Rechtsmethode und zur Rechtserkenntnis, Max Rheinstein

Eichmann in Jerusalem, Hans Zeisel

Explanation in Social Science, Hans Zeisel

Literature and Science, Hans Zeisel

Long Live the American Jury, Hans Zeisel

Submissions from 1963

Book Review (reviewing Jerome R. Hellerstein, Taxes, Loopholes and Morals (1963)), Walter J. Blum

Federal Income Tax Reform - Twenty Questions, Walter J. Blum


Some Reflections about the Impact of Federal Taxation on American Private Law, Walter J. Blum


An Agenda for Jurisprudence, Denis V. Cowen

Flags of Convenience, American Labor, and the Conflict of Laws, David P. Currie


The Growth of the Long Arm: Eight Years of Extended Jurisdiction in Illinois, The Recent Developments in Illinois Practice, David P. Currie


Regional Economic Arrangements and the GATT: The Legacy of a Misconception, Kenneth W. Dam


The Economics and Law of Price Discrimination: Herein of Three Regulatory Schemes, Kenneth W. Dam


General Analysis of and Introduction to the Problem of Court Congestion and Delay, A Rules and Procedures, Harry Kalven Jr.


Of Ducks and Drakes: Judicial Relief in Reapportionment Cases, Jo Desha Lucas

Labor Unions, Collective Bargaining, and the Antitrust Laws, Bernard D. Meltzer

Lockouts: Licit and Illicit, Bernard D. Meltzer

The Doctor's Right to Strike, Bernard D. Meltzer


The Doctors' Right to Strike, Bernard D. Meltzer


Challenge and Response in Family Law, Max Rheinstein

Karl Nickerson Llewellyn, 1893-1962, Max Rheinstein


Splitting Liability and Damage Issue Saves 20 Percent of the Court's Time Rules and Procedures, Hans Zeisel

The Pre-History of Legal Sociology Studies in the Sociology of Law, Hans Zeisel

What Determines the Amount of Argument per Juror, Hans Zeisel

Submissions from 1962


Commentaries on Professor Sneed's Lecture, Walter J. Blum

How to Succeed in a Business Deduction without Really Trying Or the Conservative Taxpayer's Pocket Guide to Planning for Deduction of Travel and Entertainment Expenses under the Revenue Act of 1962, Walter J. Blum

How to Succeed in a Business Deduction without Really Trying or the Conservative Taxpayer's Pocket Guide to Planning for Deduction of Travel and Entertainment Expenses under the Revenue Act of 1962, Walter J. Blum

Knetsch v. United States: A Pronouncement on Tax Avoidance, Walter J. Blum


Tax Policy and Preferential Provisions in the Income Tax Base, Walter J. Blum


Revised Uniform Principal and Income Act, George Gleason Bogert

Uniform Principal and Income Act Revised, George Gleason Bogert

The Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee, Ronald H. Coase

The Outreach of Government: At What Point Peril?, Ronald H. Coase


African Legal Studies--A Survey of the Field and the Role of the United States African Law, Denis V. Cowen

Book Review (reviewing Symposium on Next Steps in Extending the Rule of Law, Notre Dame Lawyer, Vol. 37, No. 1 (1961)), Kenneth W. Dam

Symposium on Next Steps in Extending the Rule of Law, Kenneth W. Dam

Book Review (reviewing Alan Barth, The Price of Liberty (1961)), Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing Francis E. Rourke, Secrecy and Publicity: Delimmas of Democracy (1961)), Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing James C. N. Paul et al., Federal Censorship: Obscenity in the Mail (1961)), Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing Wallace Mendelson, Justice Black and Frankfurter: Conflict in the Court (1961)), Harry Kalven Jr.

Administration of the Law of Torts: Report on the 1961 Summer Research Training Institute on the Interrelations of Law and Other Social Institutions, Harry Kalven Jr. and Richard D. Schwartz


Administration of the Law of Torts: The 1961 Summer Research Training Institute on Interrelations of Law and Other Social Institutions Law School Developments, Harry Kalven Jr. and Richard D. Schwartz


Book Review (reviewing Sidney Hook, The Paradoxes of Freedom (1962)), Philip B. Kurland

The Regents' Prayer Case, Philip B. Kurland

The Regents' Prayer Case: Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying, Philip B. Kurland


Book Review (reviewing Lucy Kramer Cohen, ed., The Legal Conscience: Selected Papers of Felix S. Cohen (1960)), Edward Hirsch Levi


Legislative Apportionment and Representative Government: The Meaning of Baker v. Carr, Jo Desha Lucas


Organizational Picketing and the NLRB: Five on a Seesaw, Bernard D. Meltzer

Baker v. Carr: Politics in Search of Law, Phil C. Neal

How to Review a Festschrift, Max Rheinstein


Law and Social Changes in Africa, Max Rheinstein


Political Justice: The Use of Legal Procedure for Political Ends, Max Rheinstein


Delay by the Parties and Delay by the Courts, Hans Zeisel

Who Sues in New York City?: A Study of Automobile Accidents Claims, Hans Zeisel


Split Trials and Time Saving: A Statistical Analysis, Hans Zeisel and Thomas Callahan

A Method of Measuring the Effectiveness of Television through Controlled Field Experiments, Hans Zeisel, Leo A. Goodman, and Irwin M. Towers

Submissions from 1961

Book Review (reviewing Louis Eisenstein, The Ideologies of Taxation (1961)), Walter J. Blum

Knetsch v. United States: A Pronouncement on Tax Avoidance, Walter J. Blum

Tax Lawyers and Tax Policy, Walter J. Blum

The British Post Office and the Messenger Companies, Ronald H. Coase


Diversification of Ownership in the Regulated Industries - The Folklore of Regulation Antitrust and the Regulated and Exempt Industries, Roger C. Cramton


Attachment and Garnishment in the Federal Courts, Brainerd Currie


Justice Traynor and the Conflict of Laws, Brainerd Currie


The Verdict of Quiescent Years: Mr. Hill and the Conflict of Laws, Brainerd Currie

Conflict of Interest and Federal Service / the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Special Committee on the Federal Conflict of Interest Laws, Kenneth W. Dam


Book Review (reviewing Edwin Blythe Stason et al., Atoms and the Law (1959)), Harry Kalven Jr.

Congressional Testing of Linus Pauling, Part II: Sour wine in an Old Bottle [reviewing Morton Grodzins & Eugene Rabinowitch, The Atomic Age], Harry Kalven Jr.


The Bar Admission Cases: An Unfinished Debate between Justice Harlan and Justice Black, Harry Kalven Jr. and Roscoe Turner Steffen


Book Review (reviewing Karl N. Llewellyn, The Common Law Tradition: Deciding Appeals (1960)), Philip B. Kurland


Of Church and State and the Supreme Court, Philip B. Kurland


Personal Thoughts about Some Problems of Judicial Biography, Philip B. Kurland


The Mersky Case and the Criminal Appeals Act: A Suggestion for Amendment of the Statute, Philip B. Kurland

Legal Education: A Ten Years' Perspective, Edward Hirsch Levi


A Lecture on Appellate Advocacy, Karl N. Llewellyn

A Traditional Gradualist? Oh Horror, Karl N. Llewellyn


Dragon in the Thicket: A Perusal of Gomillion v. Lightfoot, Jo Desha Lucas


Lockouts under the LMRA: New Shadows on an Old Terrain, Bernard D. Meltzer

The New Climate for Collective Bargaining, Bernard D. Meltzer


The Supreme Court, Arbitrability and Collective Bargaining, Bernard D. Meltzer


Commercial Arbitration, Soia Mentschikoff

African Homicide and Suicide, Max Rheinstein

Epistemology and Social Order. Observations on F. S. C. Northrop. The Complexity of Legal and Ethical Experience, Max Rheinstein


Fraud on the Widow's Share, Max Rheinstein

Kirchenvater und soziales Erbrecht: Wanderungen religioser Ideen durch die Rechte der ostlichen und westlichen Welt, Max Rheinstein

Scheidung und Scheidungsrecht; Grundfragen der Ehescheidung in Deutschland Untesucht an Hand der Statstiken, Max Rheinstein

An Introduction to Longitudinal Statistical Analysis; the Method of Repeated Observations From a Fixed Sample, Hans Zeisel

The Opinion Game and the Danger of Stereotypes, Hans Zeisel

Submissions from 1960


Book Review (reviewing Hugh Holleman Macauley, Jr., Fringe Benefits and Their Federal Tax Treatment (1960)), Walter J. Blum


Income Tax Law and Slums: Some Further Reflections, Walter J. Blum and Allison Dunham


Disposition of Probate Income: Recent Developments, George Gleason Bogert

The Problem of Social Cost, Ronald H. Coase

Book Review (reviewing Carl Beck, Contempt of Congress (1960)), Roger C. Cramton


Book Review (reviewing Kenneth Culp Davis, Administrative Law Treatise and Administrative Law Text (1958 & 1959)), Roger C. Cramton


Book Review (reviewing Glendon A. Schubert, Quantitative Analysis of Judicial Behavior (1960)), Roger C. Cramton and Hans Zeisel


Book Review (reviewing Albert A. Ehrenzweig, Conflict of Laws (1959)), Brainerd Currie


Book Review (reviewing Otto C. Sommerich & Benjamin Busch, Foreign Law: A Guide to Pleading and Proof (1959)), Brainerd Currie


Change of Venue and the Conflict of Laws: A Retraction, Brainerd Currie

Note Sui Metodi e Gli Scopi Del Diritto Internazionale Privato, Brainerd Currie


Purchase-Money Mortgages and State Lines: A Study in Conflict-of-Laws Method, Brainerd Currie and Mark S. Lieberman


Unconstitutional Discrimination in the Conflict of Laws: Equal Protection, Brainerd Currie and Herma Hill Schreter


Unconstitutional Discrimination in the Conflict of Laws: Privileges and Immunities, Brainerd Currie and Herma Hill Schreter


A Commemorative Case Note: Scopes v. State, Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing Julius Cohen et al., Parental Authority: the Community and the Law (1958)), Harry Kalven Jr.

Congressional Testing of Linus Pauling, Part I: The Legal Framework [reviewing Morton Grodzins & Eugene Rabinowitch, The Atomic Age], Harry Kalven Jr.

Improving Our Courts: Collected Studies on Judicial Administration, Harry Kalven Jr.

Lagging Justice, Harry Kalven Jr.


Mr. Alexander Meiklejohn and the Barenblatt Opinion, Harry Kalven Jr.

The Bar, the Court and the Delay, Harry Kalven Jr.


The Metaphysics of the Law of Obscenity, Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing Charles Lund Black, The People and the Court (1960)), Philip B. Kurland

Preface, Philip B. Kurland


The Romero Case and Some Problems of Federal Jurisdiction, Philip B. Kurland

Toward a Co-operative Judical Federalism, Philip B. Kurland

Book Review (reviewing Continuing Legal Education for Professional Competence and Responsibility (The Report on the Arden House Conference, December 16-19, 1958) (1959)), Edward Hirsch Levi

The Parke, Davis-Colgate Doctrine: The Ban on Resale Price Maintenance, Edward Hirsch Levi


Jurisprudence, Karl N. Llewellyn


Constitutional Uniformity and Equality in State Taxation, Jo Desha Lucas


The State Legislative Institution, Jo Desha Lucas


Some Introductory Observations in Symposium on Labor Union Power and the Public Interest, Bernard D. Meltzer

The Chicago & North Western Case: Judicial Workmanship and Collective Bargaining, Bernard D. Meltzer

Book Review (reviewing Societe Jean Bodin, Recueils de la Societe Jean Bodin, No. X. L'Etranger (1958)), Max Rheinstein

Divorce and the Law in Germany: A Review, Max Rheinstein

The Common Law Tradition: Deciding Appeals, Max Rheinstein

The Importance of Central Files of Divorce Records, Max Rheinstein and Alexander Plateris

Quantitative Analysis of Judicial Behavior, Hans Zeisel

Submissions from 1959

How the Courts, Congress and the IRS Try To Limit Legal Tax Avoidance, Walter J. Blum


The Interstate Commerce Commission as Lawmaker: The Development of Standards for Modification of Railroad Securities, Walter J. Blum

The Tax Idea of the Decade, Walter J. Blum

The Federal Communications Commission, Ronald H. Coase

The Supreme Court and the Decline of State Power, Roger C. Cramton


Book Review (reviewing Grant Gilmore & Charles L. Black, Jr., The Law of Admiralty (1958)), Brainerd Currie


Death Makes a Difference, Brainerd Currie


Notes on Methods and Objectives in the Conflict of Laws, Brainerd Currie


The Constitution and the Transitory Cause of Action, Brainerd Currie


The Constitution and the Transitory Cause of Action, Brainerd Currie


The Constitution and the "Transitory" Cause of Action: Parts I and II, Brainerd Currie


The Silver Oar and All That: A Study of the Romero Case, Brainerd Currie


Book Review (reviewing Leon Green, Traffic Victims: Tort Law and Insurance (1958)), Harry Kalven Jr.

The Elimination of the Jury Instructions, Harry Kalven Jr.


Is the Trial Bar a Cause of Delay?, Harry Kalven Jr., Hans Zeisel, and Bernard Buchholz

Distribution of Judicial Power between National and State Courts, Philip B. Kurland


The Chief Justice and the School Segregation Cases, Philip B. Kurland


The Distribution of Judicial Power between National and State Courts, Philip B. Kurland


The Supreme Court and Its Judicial Critics, Philip B. Kurland


Public Prosecutions in England, 1854-79: An Essay in English Legislative History, Philip B. Kurland and D. W. M. Waters


Book Review (reviewing G.E. Hale & Rosemary D. Hale, Market Power: Size and Shape under the Sherman Act (1958)), Edward Hirsch Levi

Book Review (reviewing G.E. Hale & Rosemary D. Hale, Market Power: Size and Shape under the Sherman Act (1958)), Edward Hirsch Levi

The Political, the Professional, and the Prudent in Legal Education, Edward Hirsch Levi


The Supreme Court, Congress, and State Jurisdiction over Labor Relations: I, Bernard D. Meltzer


The Supreme Court, Congress, and State Jurisdiction over Labor Relations: II, Bernard D. Meltzer


Conflict of Laws, Part I: Jurisdiction and Judgments, Max Rheinstein


Legal Thinking Revised, Max Rheinstein

Preface to the American Edition, Max Rheinstein

Statistics Essential for Police Efficiency, Hans Zeisel

Survey Interviewees as Witnesses, Hans Zeisel


The Uniqueness of Survey Evidence, Hans Zeisel

Submissions from 1958

Competition and Democracy, Gary S. Becker

Bank-Plan Financing and the Cost of Life Insurance, Walter J. Blum

Bank-Plan Financing and the Cost of Life Insurance, Walter J. Blum


Full Priority and Full Compensation in Corporate Reorganizations-- A Reappraisal, Walter J. Blum

Some Off-Center Observations about Our Tax System, Walter J. Blum


Pennsylvania v. Nelson: A Case Study in Federal Pre-Emption, Roger C. Cramton


The Supreme Court and State Power to Deal with Subversion and Loyalty, Roger C. Cramton


Married Women's Contracts: A Study In Conflict-of-Laws Method, Brainerd Currie


On the Displacement of the Law of the Forum, Brainerd Currie


Survival of Actions: Adjudication Versus Automation in the Conflict of Laws, Brainerd Currie


The Constitution and the the Choice of Law: Governmental Interests and the Judicial Function, Brainerd Currie


Some Comments on the Law and Behavorial Science Project at the University of Pennsylvania Law School Developments, Harry Kalven Jr.


The Jury, The Law and the Personal Injury Damage Award, Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing Sir Patrick Devlin, The Criminal Prosecution in England (1958)), Philip B. Kurland


Book Review (reviewing Walter F. Berns, Freedom, Virtue and the First Amendment (1957)), Philip B. Kurland


Mr. Justice Frankfurter, Philip B. Kurland


The Supreme Court and the Attrition of State Power, Philip B. Kurland


The Supreme Court, the Due Process Clause, and the In Personam Jurisdiction of State Courts, Philip B. Kurland

The DuPont Case and Section 7 of the Clayton Act, Edward Hirsch Levi

Chicago, The Advancement of the Law, Karl N. Llewellyn


What Law Cannot Do for Inter-Racial Peace, Karl N. Llewellyn


Municipal Law, Jo Desha Lucas

Recognition-Organizational Picketing and Right-to-Work Laws, Bernard D. Meltzer


The Approach to German Law, The Addison C. Harris Lectures, Max Rheinstein

Submissions from 1957

The Capital Gains Issue: A Handy Summary of the Arguments, Walter J. Blum


Book Review (reviewing Arthur A. Cohen et al., Freedom, Education and the Fund: Essays and Addresses, 1946-1956, by Robert M. Hutchins (1956)), Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing St. John-Stevas et al., Obscenity and the Law (1956)), Harry Kalven Jr.

Book Review (reviewing St. John-Stevas, Obscenity and the Law (1956)), Harry Kalven Jr.

Law and Education, Harry Kalven Jr.


Strict Liability in Symposium on the Jurisprudential Basis of the Law of Strict Liability, Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing Alpheus Thomas Mason, Harlan Fiske Stone: Pillar of the Law (1956)), Philip B. Kurland


Jerome N. Frank: Some Reflections and Recollections of a Law Clerk, Philip B. Kurland


Mr. Justice Frankfurter, the Supreme Court and the Erie Doctrine in Diversity Cases, Philip B. Kurland


Portrait of the Jurist as a Young Mind, Philip B. Kurland

Book Review (reviewing Hans Kelsen, What Is Justice?: Justice, Law, and Politics in the Mirror of Science: Collected Essays (1957)), Edward Hirsch Levi

The Monopoly Problem as Viewed by a Lawyer, Edward Hirsch Levi

Chicago: Advancement of the Law, Karl N. Llewellyn

Max Weber on Law in Economics and Society, Karl N. Llewellyn


Why We Need the Uniform Commercial Code, Karl N. Llewellyn


Nonproperty Taxes under the Illinois Constitution, Jo Desha Lucas

Alternatives to General Disclosure Requirements in Pending Welfare and Pension Legislation, Bernard D. Meltzer


Book Review (reviewing Zelman Cowen & P.B. Carter, Essays on the Law of Evidence (1956)), Bernard D. Meltzer


Bibliography on Foreign Comparative Law, Max Rheinstein


Grundsatz und Norm in der richterlichen Fortbildung des Privatrechts: Rechtsvergleichende Beitrage zur Rechtsquellen - und Interpretationslehre [Principle and Norm in the Judicial Development of Private Law: A Comparative Inquiry into the Problems of the, Max Rheinstein

Legal Devices to Promote and Protect Marriage Stability, Max Rheinstein

Rechtsform und Realitat Juristischer Personen; ein Rechtsvergleichender Beitrag zur Frage des Durchgriffs auf die Personen Oder Gegenstande hinter der Juristischen Person, Max Rheinstein

Submissions from 1956

How the Growth of Favored Tax Treatment Affects Taxpayers and Practitioners, Walter J. Blum


The Art of Opinion Research: A Lawyer's Appraisal of an Emerging Science, Walter J. Blum and Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing Lewis M. Simes, Public Policy and the Dead Hand (1955)), George Gleason Bogert


John Marshall and the Constitution, Proceedings, Association of American Law Schools, William W. Crosskey


Law and the Future: Legal Education, Brainerd Currie


Law and the Future: Trade Regulation, Aaron Director and Edward Hirsch Levi


A Special Corner of Civil Liberties: A Legal View, Harry Kalven Jr.


Special Corner of Civil Liberties: A Legal View I, A Symposium, Harry Kalven Jr.

The Jury in Auto Cases: Invitation to Research, Harry Kalven Jr.


The Palo Alto Conference on Law and Behavioral Science, Harry Kalven Jr. and Ralph W. Tyler

On What Makes Legal Research Worthwhile, Karl N. Llewellyn


The Strength of Ten: Three-Quarters of a Century of Purity in Election Finance, Jo Desha Lucas


Single Employer and Multi-Employer Lockouts under the Taft-Hartley Act, Bernard D. Meltzer


Letters of Credit: The Need for Uniform Legislation, Soia Mentschikoff


A Common Lawyer Looks at the Civil Law, Max Rheinstein

In Memory of Ernst Rabel, Max Rheinstein

The Rescue and Achievement of Refugee Scholars, Max Rheinstein

Types of Reception, Max Rheinstein

Conflict Avoidance in Succession Planning, Max Rheinstein and Eugene F. Scoles


Some Reflections on Legal Experimentation, Hans Zeisel

Submissions from 1955

Divorce and Taxes, Walter J. Blum

The New Directions for Priority Rights in Bankruptcy Reorganizations, Walter J. Blum

1913-2013 - A Hundred Years of Income Taxation, Walter J. Blum and James P. Johnson

The Community Trust: A Service Opportunity for Lawyers, George Gleason Bogert

The Erie Doctrine and Transfer of Civil Actions, Brainerd Currie


The Materials of Law Study, Brainerd Currie


Book Review (reviewing Albert Armin Ehrenzweig, "Full Aid" Insurance for the Traffic Victim: A Voluntary Compensation Plan (1954)), Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing Joseph Dean, Hatred, Ridicule, or Contempt (1954)), Harry Kalven Jr.


Insanity and the Criminal Law--A Critique of Durham v. United States, Harry Kalven Jr.


The American Legal System, Harry Kalven Jr.


Taxation in the United States, Vance N. Kirby

Analysis of Chapter IV, 'Antitrust Policy in Distribution', Edward Hirsch Levi


It's Your Law, Karl N. Llewellyn

Comparative Military Justice, Max Rheinstein


Critique: Contracts to Make a Will, Max Rheinstein

Die Vertretung beim Rechtsgeschaft, Max Rheinstein


El Derecho comun y el derecho civil: una comparacion elemental articulo, Max Rheinstein

Il Contratto, Max Rheinstein


Some Observations on Wills Under the Indiana Probate Code of 1953, Max Rheinstein


The Law of Divorce and the Problem of Marriage Stability, Max Rheinstein

The Significance of Insignificant Differences, Hans Zeisel

Submissions from 1954

Simplification of the Federal Income Tax Law, Walter J. Blum


Book Review (reviewing Eleanor K. Taylor, Public Accountability of Foundation and Charitable Trusts (1953)), George Gleason Bogert


Nathan Report and the Supervision and Enforcement of Chairtable Trusts, George Gleason Bogert


Proposed Legislation Regarding State Supervision of Charities, George Gleason Bogert


Recent Developments Regarding the Law of Charitable Donations and Charitable Trusts, George Gleason Bogert

Book Review (reviewing J. Fred Weston, The Role of Mergers in the Growth of Large Firms (1953)), Ronald H. Coase

The Development of the British Television Service, Ronald H. Coase


Charles Fairman, 'Legislative History,' and the Constitutional Limitations on State Authority, William W. Crosskey


Change of Venue and the Conflict of Laws, Brainerd Currie


Book Review (reviewing Clarence Morris, Morris on Torts (1963)), Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing Eleanor Bontecou, The Federal Loyalty-Security Program (1953)), Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing Theodor Viehweg, Topik und Jurisprudenz (1953)), Harry Kalven Jr.

The Case of F. Robert Oppenheimer before the Atomic Energy Commission, Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing Henry M. Hart Jr. et al., The Federal Courts and the Federal System (1953)), Philip B. Kurland


Book Review (reviewing William F. Buckley Jr. et al., McCarthy and His Enemies (1954)), Philip B. Kurland


Symposium Review: Galbraith's 'Concept of Countervailing Power' and Lilienthal's 'Big Business', Edward Hirsch Levi

The Decline and Fall of Quantity Discounts: The Quantity Limit Rule in Tires and Tubes, John S. McGee


Involuntary Confessions: The Allocation of Responsibility between Judge and Jury - A Comment on Stein v. People of the State of New York, Bernard D. Meltzer

Inheritance and Property Rights - Social, Economic, Legal, and Religious Bases, Max Rheinstein


The Constitutional Bases of Jurisdiction, Max Rheinstein


The Growth of Scandinavian Law, Max Rheinstein

Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Italian Institute of Legislative Studies, Max Rheinstein

The Illinois-Michigan Canal Amendment, Kenneth Craddock Sears


Book Review (reviewing Alfred C. Kinsey et al., Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953)), Hans Zeisel

Submissions from 1953

Changing Concepts of Business Income: Report of a Study Group on Business Income, Walter J. Blum

How to Get All (But All) the Tax Advantages of Dabbling in Oil, Walter J. Blum


The 'New Directions' for Priority Rights in Bankruptcy Reorganizations, Walter J. Blum

Book Review (reviewing Gilbert T. Stephenson, Drafting Wills and Trust Agreements: Administrative Provisions (1952)), George Gleason Bogert

Discussion, Ronald H. Coase, M. Slade Kendrick, and Theodore C. Mesmer

Book Review (reviewing Richard B. Morris, Fair Trial (1952)), Brainerd Currie


Full Faith and Credit to Foreign Land Decrees, Brainerd Currie


The Place of Law in the Liberal Arts College, Brainerd Currie


Book Review (reviewing Young B. Smith et al., Cases and Materials on Torts (1952)), Harry Kalven Jr.

Invoking the Fifth Amendment: Some Legal and Impractical Considerations, Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing Alex Elson et al., Civil Practice Forms, Illinois and Federal, Annotated (1952)), Philip B. Kurland


Book Review (reviewing Robert Wyness Millar, Civil Procedure of the Trial Court in Historical Perspective (1952)), Philip B. Kurland


A Law School Dean's Review (reviewing Albert J. Harno, Legal Education in the United States (1953)), Edward Hirsch Levi


Studies in Legal Philosophy: Vol. 1: Pogo; Vol. 2: I Go Pogo, Karl N. Llewellyn


The Spirit of Liberty - Papers and Addresses of Learned Hand, Karl N. Llewellyn

U.C.C. - Effect of Adoption in Kentucky - A Symposium. Why a Commercial Code, Karl N. Llewellyn


Why a Commercial Code?, Karl N. Llewellyn

State Taxation of Interstate Commerce, Jo Desha Lucas

A Projected Study of the Jury as a Working Institution, Bernard D. Meltzer

Die Geburtssfunde des souveroner Staates, Max Rheinstein


Marital Property in Conflict of Laws, Max Rheinstein

Politics and the Constitution, Max Rheinstein

The Just Judge, the Just Law and the Just Society, Max Rheinstein

Trends in Marriage and Divorce Law of Western Countries, Max Rheinstein

Vormundschaft und Treuhand des Romischen und Englischen Privatrechts in Ihrer Anwendbarkeit auf Volkerrechtlicher Ebene: Eine Studie zur Strukturproblematik des Volkerrechts, Max Rheinstein

Submissions from 1952


The Uneasy Case for Progressive Taxation, Walter J. Blum and Harry Kalven Jr.


Law and Social Action: Selected Essays of Alexander H. Pekelis, Harry Kalven Jr.


A Two Level Anti-Monopoly Law, Edward Hirsch Levi

Development of a 'Missing Fundamental', Edward Hirsch Levi

The Graduate Legal Clinic: Restoring Lawyers' Research Responsibilities, Edward Hirsch Levi

The Robinson-Patman Act: Is it in the Public Interest?, Edward Hirsch Levi


Problems of the Legal Profession - Restoration of Our Legal Tradition, Karl N. Llewellyn


Restoration of Our Legal Tradition, Karl N. Llewellyn


Sale of Consumers Goods, Karl N. Llewellyn


Social Meaning of Legal Concepts No. 4, Sale of Consumers Goods, Karl N. Llewellyn


Cases and Materials on Evidence, Bernard D. Meltzer


The Privilege against Self-Incrimination and Required Income Tax Records, Bernard D. Meltzer


The Significance of Arbitration--A Preliminary Inquiry, Soia Mentschikoff


The Clayton Act and the Transamerica Case, Phil C. Neal

Analysis of the Boardman and White Cases, An Jurisdiction in Matters of Child Custody: An Examination of the Boardman and White Cases, Max Rheinstein

Bibliographia Juridica Fennica, Max Rheinstein


Cases and Materials on Soviet Law, Max Rheinstein


Common Law and Civil Law: An Elementary Comparison, Max Rheinstein


Corbin on Contracts, Max Rheinstein

Jurisdiction in Matters of Child Custody: An Analysis of the Boardman and White Cases, Max Rheinstein

Teaching Tools in Comparative Law: A Book Survey, Max Rheinstein

The Japan Science Review. Law and Politics, Max Rheinstein


What Should be the Relation of Morals to Law, Max Rheinstein

Submissions from 1951


Foreword, Congressional Investigations, Edward Hirsch Levi


What Can the Law Schools Do?, Edward Hirsch Levi


Required Records, the McCarran Act, and the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination, Bernard D. Meltzer

Book Review (reviewing Ernst Rabel, The Conflict of Laws: A Comparative Study, Volume III (1950)), Max Rheinstein

Conflict of Laws in the Uniform Commercial Code Commercial Code: Part 1, Max Rheinstein


The German Penal Code of 1871 (with Introductory Act of 1870), Amended to May, 1950, as Effective in the British Occupied Zone of Western Germany and the British Sector of Berlin (with an List of Supplementary Penal Enactmets [sic] Appended) For Use in Co, Max Rheinstein

Submissions from 1950

Fiscal Policy in a Defense Economy, Roy Blough

Political and Administrative Requisites for Achieving Economic Stability, Roy Blough

Changing from a Corporation to a Partnership, 3rd Annual Federal Tax Conference, Walter J. Blum

The Decline and Fall of Capital Gains: 1921-1957, Walter J. Blum


The Investment Value Standard Under the Railway Modification Act, Walter J. Blum

The Nationalization of Electricity Supply in Great Britain, Ronald H. Coase


Book Review (reviewing Howard Mumford Jones, Primer of Intellectual Freedom (1949)), Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing W. Friedmann, Legal Theory, 2d Edition (1949)), Edward Hirsch Levi


Segregation and the Equal Protection Clause: Brief for Committee of Law Teachers Against Segregation in Legal Education, Edward Hirsch Levi, Thomas I. Emerson, John P. Frank, and Alexander Hamilton Frey


Book Review (reviewing Magdalena Schoch, Sidney Post Simpson & Julius Stone, Cases and Readings on Law and Society (1948)), Max Rheinstein


Comments on Conflict of Laws, Max Rheinstein


Der Tatbestand Der Luge, Max Rheinstein


Dicey's Conflict of Laws, Max Rheinstein

The German Referendar Training Program at the University of Chicago Law School, Max Rheinstein

The Kalingas: Their Institutions and Custom Law, Max Rheinstein

Submissions from 1949


Appreciation, Harry A. Bigelow


The Argument Phase of Taxpayer Politics, Roy Blough

Tax Policy in a Democratic Society, Walter J. Blum


The Law and Language of Corporate Reorganization, Walter J. Blum


Book Review (reviewing Rebeccca West, The Meaning of Treason (1947)), Harry Kalven Jr.

The Effectiveness of the Federal Antitrust Laws: A Symposium, Edward Hirsch Levi


Comments on the Conflict of Laws - Introduction Comments on the Conflict of Laws, Max Rheinstein

Domicile as Jurisdictional Basis of Divorce Decree: An Appraisal of Rice v. Rice, Max Rheinstein

Social Meaning of Legal Concepts, Max Rheinstein

The Jurisprudence of Interests, Max Rheinstein


The Province and Function of Law, Max Rheinstein


Collection of 'Forfeited' Real Estate Taxes in Illinois, William H. Speck

Submissions from 1948

Measurement Problems of the Excess Profits Tax, Roy Blough

Wire Broadcasting in Great Britain, Ronald H. Coase


Law School Training in Research and Exposition, Harry Kalven Jr.


An Introduction to Legal Reasoning, Edward Hirsch Levi

Book Review (reviewing S. Chesterfield Oppenheim, Cases on Federal Anti-Trust Laws (1938)), Edward Hirsch Levi


Criminal Law, Administration and Public Order, Ernst W. Puttkammer

Book Review (reviewing Ernst Rabel, The Conflict of Laws: A Comparative Study, Volume II (1947), Max Rheinstein


Essays on the Conflict of Laws, Max Rheinstein


The Legal Status of Occupied Germany, Max Rheinstein


The Model Probate Code: A Critique, Max Rheinstein


The Need for Research in Family Law, Max Rheinstein

Submissions from 1947


The Issue of Diversification in Federal Tax Policy, Roy Blough


Book Review (reviewing Randolph E. Paul, Taxation for Prosperity (1947)), Walter J. Blum


Tax Subsidies for Rental Housing, Walter J. Blum and Norman Bursler


Book Review (reviewing Erwin N. Griswold, Spendthrift Trusts (1947)), George Gleason Bogert

The Economics of Uniform Pricing Systems, Ronald H. Coase

The Marginal Cost Controversy: Some Further Comments, Ronald H. Coase

The Origin of the Monopoly of Broadcasting in Great Britain, Ronald H. Coase


True Meaning of the Constitutional Prohibition of Ex-Post-Facto Laws, William W. Crosskey


Book Review (reviewing Elton Mayo, The Political Problems of Industrial Civilization (1947)), Harry Kalven Jr.


Book Review (reviewing James R. Newman et al., The Control of Atomic Energy: A Study of Its Social, Economic, and Political Implications (1948)), Harry Kalven Jr.


Liberal Education, the Case System and Jurisprudence, Harry Kalven Jr.


The Antitrust Laws and Monopoly, Edward Hirsch Levi


A Note on the Nuremberg Debate, Bernard D. Meltzer


Criminal Justice and Social Reconstruction, Ernst W. Puttkammer


Law Training in Continental Europe, Max Rheinstein


The Conflict of Laws: A Comparative Study: Vol. I, Max Rheinstein

The German Food Catastrophe, Max Rheinstein


The Nuremberg Trial and Aggressive War, Max Rheinstein

Zwischen Gesten und Morgen: Betrachtungen zur Heutigen, Max Rheinstein

Submissions from 1946


Trust Investments: Earmarking or Nominees?, George Gleason Bogert

Monopoly Pricing with Interrelated Costs and Demands, Ronald H. Coase

The Marginal Cost Controversy, Ronald H. Coase


Book Review (reviewing Morris R. Cohen et al., The Faith of a Liberal: Selected Essays (1946)), Harry Kalven Jr.


Legal Control of Medical Practice; Validity and Methods, Kenneth Craddock Sears

Submissions from 1945


Book Review (reviewing Charles S. Rhyne, Airports and the Courts (1944)), George Gleason Bogert

Price and Output Policy of State Enterprise: A Comment, Ronald H. Coase


Directivas Fundamentales Del Derecho Internacional Privado Puertoriqueno, Max Rheinstein


Education for Legal Craftsmanship, Max Rheinstein


The Place of Wrong: A Study in the Method of Case Law, Max Rheinstein


The Task of Law. The North Law Lectures, Franklin and Marshall College, Max Rheinstein


The Tyrants' War and the Peoples' Peace, Max Rheinstein