Articles written by faculty and other members of the University of Chicago Law School community. Links to full-text are provided when available.
Submissions from 2023
The Promise & Perils of Open Finance, Dan Awrey and Joshua Macey
Severability First Principles, William Baude
Book Review: The “Common-Good” Manifesto, William Baude and Stephen E. Sachs
State International Agreements: The United States, Canada, and Constitutional Evolution, Curtis A. Bradley
SPACs, PIPEs, and Common Investors, Frank Fagan and Saul Levmore
Coordinated Rulemaking and Cooperative Federalism’s Administrative Law, Bridget A. Fahey
Strategic subdelegation, Brian D. Feinstein and Jennifer Nou
Residents against Housing: A Response to Professor Infranca’s ‘Differentiating Exclusionary Tendencies’, Lee Anne Fennell
The Long Hand of Anti-Corruption: Israeli Judicial Reform in Comparative Perspective, Tom Ginsburg
Against Political Theory in Constitutional Interpretation, Christopher S. Havasy, Joshua C. Macey, and Brian Richardson
The Corporate Governance of Public Utilities, Aneil Kovvali and Joshua A. Macey
Fractured Majorities and Their Reasons, Saul Levmore
Horizontal Collusion and Parallel Wage Setting in Labor Markets, Jonathan S. Masur and Eric A. Posner
Introduction to the Symposium on Labor Market Power, Eric A. Posner
The (Mis)uses of the S&P 500, Adriana Z. Robertson
Submissions from 2022
The Corruption of the Pardon Power, Albert Alschuler
Civil Procedure as the Regulation of Externalities: Toward a New Theory of Civil Litigation, Ronen Avraham and William Hubbard
Open Access, Interoperability, and DTCC’s Unexpected Path to Monopoly, Dan Awrey and Joshua C. Macey
Reflections of a Supreme Court Commissioner, William Baude
Data Pollution, Omri Ben-Shahar
Personalized Class Actions, Omri Ben-Shahar
Nonparty Interests in Contract Law, Omri Ben-Shahar, David A. Hoffman, and Cathy Hwang
Managerial Contracting: A Preliminary Study, Lisa Bernstein and Brad Peterson
Restating US Foreign Relations Law: Lessons from the Treaty Materials, Curtis Bradley and Edward Swaine
Kids Are Not So Different: The Path from Juvenile Exceptionalism to Prison Abolition, Emily Buss
Kids Are Not So Different: The Path from Juvenile Exceptionalism to Prison Abolition, Emily Buss
What Can We Learn From the Federal Approach to The Prosecution of Juvenile Crime?, Emily Buss
The Limits of Public Contract Law, Anthony Casey and Anthony Niblett
Assessing Affirmative Action's Diversity Rationale, Adam Chilton, Justin Driver, Jonathan Masur, and Kyle Rozema
The Expanding Universe of Bilateral Labor Agreements, Adam Chilton and Bartosz Woda
Managing the Police Emergency, Adam Davidson
Procedural Losses and the Pyrrhic Victory of Abolishing Qualified Immunity, Adam A. Davidson
The Ghost of John Hart Ely, Ryan Doerfler
Modeling Comparative Cost-Effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Dose Fractionation in India, Zhanwei Du, Lin Wang, Abhishek Pandey, Wey Wen Lim, Matteo Chinazzi, Ana Pastore Piontti, Eric H.Y. Lau, Peng Wu, Anup Malani, Sarah Cobey, and Benjamin Cowling
Antitrust Overreach in Labor Markets: A Response to Eric Posner, Richard Epstein
The Application of Antitrust Law to Labor Markets -Then and Now, Richard A. Epstein
Data Federalism, Bridget Fahey
Escape Room: Implicit Takings After Cedar Point Nursery, Lee Fennell
Streaming Property, Lee Anne Fennell
Article 2(4) and Authoritarian International Law, Tom Ginsburg
Democratic Backsliding and Multiracial Democracy. A Response to the 2021 Jorde Symposium Lecture by Steven Levitsky, Tom Ginsburg
Ideation and Innovation in Constitutional Rights, Tom Ginsburg
Police agencies on Facebook overreport on Black suspects, Ben Grunwald, Julian Nyarko, and John Rappaport
English Common Law and the Ius Commune: The Contributions of an English Civilian, R. H. Helmholz
Marching Orders, Richard Helmholz
Hidden Agendas in Shareholder Voting, Scott Hirst and Adriana Z. Robertson
The Supreme Court and the Dynamics of Democratic Backsliding, Aziz Huq
Artificially Intelligent Regulation, Aziz Huq and Mariano Florentino Cuéllar
Symposium Introduction: This Violent City? Urban Violence in Chicago and Beyond, Aziz Z. Huq and John Rappaport
Grid Reliability Through Clean Energy, Alexandra Klass, Joshua Macey, Shelley Welton, and Hannah Wiseman
Toward a “Tender Offer” Market for Labor Representation, Aneil Kovval and Jonathan R. Macey
A Counter-History of First Amendment Neutrality, Genevieve Lakier
The Epistemology of the Internet and the Regulation of Speech in America, Brian Leiter
Not-for-Profits, ESGs, and The Economic Structure of Corporate Law, Saul Levmore
Checks, Not Balances, Joshua C. Macey and Brian M. Richardson
Infrastructure, Enforcement and COVID-19 in Mumbai Slums: A First Look, Anup Malani, Vaidehi Tandel, Sahil Gandhi, Shaonlee Patranabis, and Luas Bettencourt
Promoting Regulatory Prediction, Jonathan Masur and Jonathan Remy Nash
Regulatory Oscillation, Jonathan S. Masur
Constitutional Challenges to Public Health Orders in Federal Courts during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kenny Mok and Eric A. Posner
Labor Monopsony and the Limits of the Law, Suresh Naidu and Eric Posner
In Tribute: Justice Stephen G. Breyer, Jennifer Nou
Regulatory Diffusion, Jennifer Nou and Julian Nyarko
Antitrust and Labor Markets: A Reply to Richard Epstein, Eric Posner
Antitrust and Inequality, Eric A. Posner and Cass R. Sunstein
The Roberts Court and the Transformation of Constitutional Protections for Religion: A Statistical Portrait, Eric Posner and Lee Epstein
Introduction: This Violent City? Urban Violence in Chicago and Beyond, John Rappaport and Aziz Huq
Duplicative Taxation among the States: A Problem Not Worth Solving?, Julie Roin
The Legal Envelope Theorem, David A. Weisbach and Daniel J. Hemel
The Legal Envelope Theorem, David Weisbach and Daniel Hemel
The Potential Beneficial Effects of Vaccination on Antigenically Evolving Pathogens, Frank Wen, Anup Malani, and Sarah Cobey
Assembly-Line Plaintiffs, Daniel Wilf-Townsend
Class Action Boundaries, Daniel Wilf-Townsend
Indian Sovereignty in Context, Diane Wood
Words, Words, Words: Some Reflections on the Texas Law Review, Diane Wood
Submissions from 2021
The Social Science Approach to International Law, Daniel Abebe, Adam Chilton, and Tom Ginsburg
What Role Should Governments Play in Setting Rewards for Medical Innovation?, Michael Abramowicz Abramowicz, Daniel Hemel, and Bhaven Sampat
Plea Bargaining and Mass Incarceration, Albert Alschuler
Limiting the Pardon Power, Albert W. Alschuler
A Cause for Distress? Ways the Federal Income Tax Pushes Taxpayers into Bankruptcy, Douglas Baird
Bankruptcy - Past, Present, and Future, Douglas Baird and Marvin Isgur
Rethinking Nudge: An Information-Costs Theory of Default Rules, Oren Bar-Gill and Omri Ben-Shahar
Constitutionalizing Interstate Relations: The Temptation of the Dark Side, William Baude
The Real Enemies of Democracy, William Baude
Do Legal Origins Predict Legal Substance?, Anu Bradford, Yun-chien Chang, Adam Chilton, and Nuno Garoupa
Regulating Antitrust through Trade Agreements, Anu Bradford and Adam Chilton
Conflicting Approaches to the U.S. Common Law of Foreign Official Immunity, Curtis Bradley
Reassessing the Legislative Veto: The Statutory President, Foreign Affairs, and Congressional Workarounds, Curtis Bradley
Unpacking Third-Party Standing, Curtis Bradley and Ernest Young
The Milwaukee youth engagement pilot: Evidence of reciprocal legal socialization in Juvenile Court, Emily Buss
Symposium: The Roberts Court and Free Speech: Transcript, Michael Cahill, Joel Gora, and Geoffrey Stone
Sex and the Constitution: Some Additional Views of the Cathedral, Mary Anne Case
The Status of Marriage, Mary Anne Case
Who Conquers with This Sign? The Significance of The Secularization of The Bladensburg Cross, Mary Anne Case
Bankruptcy & Bailouts, Subsidies & Stimulus: The Government Toolset for Responding to Market Distress, Anthony Casey
Bankruptcy Shopping: Domestic Venue Races and Global Forum Wars, Anthony Casey and Joshua Macey
Micro-Directives and Computational Merger Review, Anthony Casey and Anthony Niblett
New Empirical Tests for Classic Litigation Selection Models: Evidence from a Low Settlement Environment, Yun-chien Chang and William H.J. Hubbard
United Nations Endorsement and Support for Human Rights: An Experiment on Women's Rights in Pakistan., Adam Chilton, Gulnaz Anjum, and Zahid Usman
Designing Supreme Court Term Limits, Adam Chilton, Daniel Epps, Kyle Rozema, and Maya Sen
Preferences and Compliance with International Law, Adam Chilton and Katerina Linos
Measurement and Causal Identification in Constitutional Law: A Reply to Niels Petersen and Konstantin Chatziathanasiou, Adam Chilton and Mila Versteeg
Taxing Buybacks, Daniel Daniel and Gregg Polsky
Guido Calabresi's "Other Justice Reasons", Adam Davidson
Democratizing the Supreme Court, Ryan Doerfler and Samuel Moyn
On Disruption and Leximetrics: A Reply to Niels Petersen and Konstantin Chatziathanasiou, Zachary Elkins and Tom Ginsburg
What Can We Learn from Written Constitutions?, Zachary Elkins and Tom Ginsburg
Birth Rights and Birth Wrongs Through A Common Law Lens: Why the No Liability Regime Is Likely to Ensure, Richard Epstein
Delegation of Powers: A Historical and Functional Analysis, Richard Epstein
Liability Rules for Autonomous Vehicles, Richard Epstein
Rules and Reasons, Public and Private: On the Use and Limits of Simple Rules 25 Years Later, Richard Epstein
Valuation Blunders in the Law of Eminent Domain, Richard Epstein
Getting It Right: The push for open borders ignores the hard questions. How to ask--and answer--them., Richard A. Epstein
Police Deception in Interrogation as a Problem of Procedural Legitimacy, Margareth Etienne and Richard McAdams
Police Deception in Interrogation as a Problem of Procedural Legitimacy, Margareth Etienne and Richard McAdams
Congress's Commissioners, Brian Feinstein and M Henderson
Remixing Resources, Lee Fennell
Sizing Up Categories, Lee Fennell
Global Impunity: How Police Laws & Policies In The World's Wealthiest Countries Fail International Human Rights Standards, Claudia Flores, Brian Citro, Nino Guruli, Mariana Olaizola Rosenblat, Chelsea Kehrer, and Hannah Abrahams
Review of Dixon and Landau's Abusive Constitutional Borrowing, Tom Ginsburg
The Bound Executive: Emergency Powers During the Pandemic, Tom Ginsburg
"The Economy, Stupid": Notes on a Continuing Conversation, Tom Ginsburg
The Performance of Africa's International Courts: Using Litigation for Political, Legal, and Social Change, Tom Ginsburg
Chevron's Next Chapter: A Fig Leaf for the Nondelegation Doctrine, Alison Gocke
The Limits of International Law Fifteen Years Later, Jack Goldsmith and Eric A. Posner
Rethinking Prosecutorial Discretion in Immigration Enforcement, Nicole Hallett
The Law of Waste and the Law of Dilapidations: A Comparative History, Richard Helmholz
Beyond the Dignity of Work Comment on M. Sandel's The Tyranny of Merit, Daniel Hemel
Can Structural Changes Fix the Supreme Court?, Daniel Hemel
Four Futures for U.S. Pandemic Policy, Daniel Hemel
Price Gouging in a Pandemic, Daniel Hemel, Christopher Buccafusco, and Eric Talley
Trademark Law Pluralism, Daniel Hemel and Lisa Ouellette
The Behavioral Elasticity of Tax Revenue, Daniel Hemel and David Weisbach
How (not) to explain a democratic recession, Aziz Huq
Why Judicial Independence Fails, Aziz Huq
The Comparative Constitutional Law of Presidential Impeachment, Aziz Huq, Tom Ginsburg, and David Landau
Democracy as Failure, Aziz Z. Huq
Can Mandating Corporate Social Responsibility Backfire, Hajin Kim
Essential Businesses and Shareholder Value, Aneil Kovvali
The Non-First Amendment Law of Speech, Genevieve Lakier
Back to Hart, Brian Leiter
Addictive Law, Saul Levmore
Probabilistic Disclosures for Corporate and other Law, Saul Levmore
The Eventual Decline of Empirical Law and Economics, Saul Levmore
The Evolutionary Force of Behavioral Economics in Law, Saul Levmore
Competing Algorithms for Law: Sentencing, Admissions, and Employment, Saul Levmore and Frank Fagan
Long Live The Federal Power Act’s Bright Line, Joshua Macey
Utility Mergers and the Modern (and Future) Power Grid, Joshua Macey
Zombie Energy Laws, Joshua Macey
Research Letter: Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Karnataka, India, Anup Malan, Manoj Mohanan, Kaushik Krishnan, and Anu Acharya
Still in Mortal Peril? Recent Research Suggests a New Agenda for Health Care Reform, Anup Malani
Moral Norms, Adaptive Preferences, and Hedonic Psychology, Jonathan Masur
The Scholar as Coauthor, Jonathan Masur
Drugs, Patents, and Wellbeing, Jonathan Masur and Christopher Buccafusco
Rethinking Law School Tenure Standards, Jonathan Masur, Adam Chilton, and Kyle Rozema
Chevronizing Around Cost-Benefit Analysis, Jonathan Masur and Eric Posner
Epstein on Private Discrimination: Searching for Common Ground, Richard McAdams
Introduction, Thomas Miles
The Future of Felon Disenfranchisement Reform: Evidence from the Campaign to Restore Voting Rights in Florida, Michael Morse
Who Votes Without Identification? Using Individual-Level Administrative Data to Measure the Burden of Strict Voter Identification Laws, Michael Morse, Phoebe Henninger, and Marc Meredith
The Racial Burden of Voter List Maintenance Errors, Michael Morse, Gregory Huber, Marc Meredith, and Katie Steele
Constraining Executive Entrenchment, Jennifer Nou
Cost-Benefit Conventions, Jennifer Nou
Identity, Equality, Freedom: McCloskey’s Crossing and the new Trans Scholarship, Martha C. Nussbaum
Can There Be Friendship Between Human Beings and Wild Animals?, Martha Nussbaum and Rachel Nussbaum
What Should We Do About The Big Tech Monopolies?, Randal Picker
Property Law for the Ages, Michael Pollack and Lior Strahilevitz
Policy Implications of the Common Ownership Debate, Eric Posner
The Boundaries of Normative Law and Economics, Eric Posner
The Economic Basis of the Independent Contractor/Employee Distinction, Eric Posner
The Other American Law, Elizabeth Reese
Changing Places, Changing Taxes: Exploiting Tax Discontinuities, Julie Roin
The Foreign Tax Credit Implications of Reallocating the Income of "Digital" Taxpayers, Julie Roin
Discovering Racial Discrimination by the Police, Alison Siegler
Solitary Confinement and the U.S. Prison Boom, Jessica Simes and Ryan Sakoda
On Prisoners, Politics, and the Administration of Criminal Justice: Professor Rachel Barkow, Sonja Starr
Introductory Remarks: The Roberts Court and the First Amendment: An Introduction, Geoffrey Stone
Sex and the Constitution: A Challenge of Our Times, Geoffrey Stone
The NSA, The Metadata Program, and the FISC, Geoffrey Stone
Hyde Park’s Two Turns in the Takings Clause Spotlight, Lior Strahilevitz
Sexual Orientation and the Dynamics of Discrimination, David Strauss
Debating Debating Climate Ethics, David Weisbach
Foreword: In Honor of Stephen Burbank: Beyond the Forest and the Trees, Diane Wood
Submissions from 2020
Common Law Judging in an Age of Statutes, Douglas Baird
Making Sense of Make-Wholes, Douglas Baird
Precedent and Discretion, William Baude
Historical Gloss, Madisonian Liquidation, and the Originalism Debate, Curtis A. Bradley and Neil S. Siegel
Chapter 11's Renegotiation Framework and the Purpose of Corporate Bankruptcy, Anthony Casey
The Chicago School's Limited Influence on International Antitrust, Adam Chilton, Anu Bradford, and Filippo Lancieri
A New Measure of Foreign Rule Based on Genetic Distance, Dhammika Dharmapala
The Tax Elasticity of Financial Statement Income: Implications for Current Reform Proposals, Dhammika Dharmapala
The "Ambiguity" Fallacy, Ryan Doerfler
A New Approach to Antitrust Law: Transparency, Frank Easterbrook, John Nalbandian, Deborah Garza, Eric Grannon, A.Douglas Melamed, Dan McGinnis, and Bob Popper
Property Rights: Long and Skinny, Richard Epstein
The Acquisition of Property Rights in Animals: A Brief Comment on Oliar and Stern: Right on Time: First Possession in Property and Intellectual Property, Richard Epstein
The Civil Rights Juggernaut David C. Baum Memorial Lecture on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights, Richard Epstein
Joint Employment: The Unintended and Unpredictable "Employment" Relationship, Richard Epstein, Timothy Tymkovich, Phillip Miscimarra, Richard Griffin, and Pepper Crutcher
Pattern Recognition in Tyus v. Urban Search Management, Lee Fennell
Foreword for special issue on legislatures in the time of Covid-19, Tom Ginsburg
How Authoritarians Use International Law, Tom Ginsburg
Review of Robert Hazell & Bob Morris, eds., The Role of Monarchy in Modern Democracy: European Monarchies Compared, Tom Ginsburg
Substitutes, Complements, and Irritants:Garza v Lappinand the Role of International Law in US Courts, Tom Ginsburg
The Machinery of International Law and Democratic Backsliding: The Problem of Term Limits, Tom Ginsburg
The Failed Transparency Regime for Executive Agreements: An Empirical and Normative Analysis, Oona A. Hathaway, Curtis A. Bradley, and Jack L. Goldsmith
Unintended Consequences of Products Liability: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Market, Eric Helland, Darius Lakdawalla, Anup Malani, and Seth Seabury
Counsel in the Medieval Canon Law, Richard Helmholz
The Medieval Canon Law in Scotland: Marriage and Divorce, Richard Helmholz
Brian Tierney, Richard Helmholz, Stanley Chodorow, and Kenneth Pennington
A public health framework for COVID-19 business liability, Daniel Hemel and Daniel Rodriguez
Swanson v Citibank and the 1L Canon, William Hubbard
A Right to a Human Decision, Aziz Huq
Constitutional Rights in the Machine Learning State, Aziz Huq
Equality's Understudies, Aziz Huq
The Double Movement of National Origin Discrimination, Aziz Huq
Scaling Up Solutions for a Sustainability Transition, Hajin Kim, Eric Lambin, Jim Leape, and Kai Lee
The Role of Judges in Democracies: A Realistic View, Brian Leiter
Death as Divorce for the Abandoned Spouse: Davis v Combes and the Cautious and Gender-Sensitive Judiciary, Saul Levmore
My Dear Chief, Lyonette Louis-Jacques
Zombie Energy Laws, Joshua C. Macey
Rate Regulation Redux, Joshua Macey and Jackson Salovaara
Devise an India-specific Covid vaccination plan, Anup Malani
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in slums versus non-slums in Mumbai, India, Anup Malani, Daksha Shah, Gagandeep Kang, Gayatri Nair Lobo, Jayanthi Shastri, Manoj Mohanan, Rajesh Jain, Sachee Agrawal, Sandeep Juneja, and Sofia Imad
Cost-Benefit Analysis Under Trump: A Comment on Dan Farber's Regulatory Review in Anti-Regulatory Times, Jonathan Masur
Defending Speech Crimes, Judith Miller
Is Police Behavior Getting Worse? Data Selection and the Measurement of Policing Harms, Aurélie Ouss and John Rappoport
Constitutionalism in Unexpected Places, Farah Peterson
Expounding the Constitution, Farah Peterson
The Patriot Slave: The Dangerous Myth that Blacks in Bondage Chose Not to be Free in Revolutionary America, Farah Peterson
The Arc of Monopoly: A Case Study in Computing, Randal Picker
Deference to the Executive in the United States after September 11, Eric Posner
The Antitrust Challenge to Covenants Not to Compete in Employment Contracts, Eric Posner
The Boundaries of Normative Law and Economics, Eric Posner
Why Has Antitrust Law Failed Workers?, Eric Posner and Ioana Marinescu
Labor Monopsony and European Competition Law, Eric Posner and Cristina Volpin
Expungement of Criminal Convictions: An Empirical Study, J.J. Prescott and Sonja B. Starr
Judge Wood Meets International Tax, Julie Roin
Bail, Alison Siegler
Rethinking Federal Bail Advocacy to Change the Culture of Detention, Alison Siegler and Erika Zunkel
Expungement Reform in Arizona: The Empirical Case for a Clean Slate, Sonja Starr
The Power of a Clean Slate, Crime & Public Safety, Sonja Starr and J.J. Prescott
Data Security's Unjust Enrichment Theory, Lior Strahilevitz
Personalizing Default Rules and Disclosure with Big Data Personalized Law: Article and Comments, Lior Strahilevitz and Ariel Porat
Migratory Birds and the Administrative State, David Strauss
The Enduring Challenges for Habeas Corpus, Diane Wood
The Federal Judiciary's Role in Drug Law Reform in an Era of Congressional Dysfunction, Erica Zunkel and Alison Siegler
Submissions from 2019
Tax Sparing Agreements, Territorial Tax Reforms, and Foreign Direct Investment, Céline Azémar and Dhammika Dharmapala
Unlikely Resurrection: Richard Posner, Promissory Estoppel, and The Death of Contract, Douglas Baird
Constitutional Liquidation, William Baude
Grounding Originalism, William Baude and Stephen E. Sachs
Personalizing Mandatory Rules in Contract Law, Omri Ben-Shahar and Ariel Porat
Contract Governance in Small-World Networks: The Case of the Maghribi Traders, Lisa Bernstein
Trans Formations in the Vatican’s War on "Gender Ideology", Mary Anne Case
A Framework for the New Personalization of Law, Anthony Casey and Anthony Niblett
Legal Rasputins? Law Clerk Influence on Voting at the U.S. Supreme Court, Adam S. Chilton, Adam Bonica, Kyle Rozema, and Jacob Goldin
Competition Gone Global: The Comparative Competition Law and Enforcement Datasets, Adam S. Chilton, Anu Bradford, Christopher Megaw, and Nathaniel Sokol
Profit Shifting in a Globalized World, Dhammika Dharmapala
Stock Market Reactions to India's 2016 Demonetization, Dhammika Dharmapala and Vikramaditya S. Khanna
Personalizing Precommitment, Lee Anne Fennell
Inversion Aversion, Lee Anne Fennell and Richard H. McAdams
From Catalonia to California: Secession in Constitutional Law, Tom Ginsburg and Mila Versteeg
Innovation Policy Pluralism, Daniel Hemel and Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
Outsourcing the Board: A Rebuttal, M. Todd Henderson
A Replication Study Worth Replicating: A Comment on Salmanowitz and Spamann, William Hubbard
Fourth Amendment Gloss, Aziz Huq
Racial Equity in Algorithmic Criminal Justice, Aziz Huq
The Games They Will Play: Tax Games, Roadblocks, and Glitches Under the 2017 Tax Legislation, David Kamin, David Gamage, Ari Glowgower, Rebecca Kysar, and Darien Shanske
Segregation by Citizenship, Emma Kaufman
The New Legal Liberalism, Emma Kaufman
Context-Specific Seminole Rock Reform, Aneil Kovvali
Assessing the Empirical Upside of Personalized Criminal Procedure, Matthew B. Kugler and Lior Strahilevitz
Imagining an Antisubordinating First Amendment, Genevieve Lakier
Not Such a Fixed Star After All: West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, and the Changing Meaning of the First Amendment Right Not To Speak, Genevieve Lakier
Death of God and the Death of Morality, Brian Leiter
Rorty's Rejection of Philosophy, Brian Leiter
The Innocence of Becoming: Nietzsche against Guilt, Brian Leiter
Convergence and then Downstream Divergence in Torts and other Law, Saul Levmore
Labor Markets in Statistics: The Subject Supply Effect in Medical R&D, Anup Malani and Tomas J. Philipson
Patents, Property, and Prospectivity, Jonathan Masur and Adam Mortara
Norming in Administrative Law, Jonathan Masur and Eric A. Posner
Civil Servant Disobedience, Jennifer Nou
Regulatory Bundling, Jennifer Nou and Jed Stiglitz
Disparate Impact, Unified Law, Nicholas Stephanopoulos
The Living Constitution and Moral Progress: A Comment On Professor Young’s Boden Lecture, David A. Strauss
Against Intolerance: The Red Scare Roots Of Legal Liberalism, Laura Weinrib
Financial Services Under A Consumption Tax: Grubert and Mackie (2000) Revisited, David A. Weisbach
Submissions from 2018
Why Limits on Contributions to Super PACs Should Survive Citizens United, Albert W. Alschuler, Laurence H. Tribe, Norman Eisen, and Richard W. Painter
Panel on Rules Versus Standards in Constitutional and Statutory Interpretation, Akhil Reed Amar, Frank H. Easterbrook, John C. Harrison, and William Francis Kuntz II
The Tax Legislative Process: A Byrd's Eye View, Ellen P. Aprill and Daniel Hemel
The Bankruptcy Partition, Douglas G. Baird, Anthony Casey, and Randal C. Picker
Caveat IRS: Problems with Abandoning the Full Deduction Rule, Joseph Bankman, David Gamage, Jacob Goldin, and Daniel Hemel
Is Qualified Immunity Unlawful?, William Baude
Originalism as a Constraint on Judges, William Baude
Arguing with Friends, William Baude and Ryan D. Doerfler
Compelled Subsidies and the First Amendment, William Baude and Eugene Volokh
Bringing the World's Constitutions to the Classroom, Jesse Baugher, Zachary Elkins, and Tom Ginsburg
Data Driven Contract Interpretation: Discovering Plain Meaning through Quantitative Methods, Omri Ben-Shahar
The Restoration Remedy in Private Law, Omri Ben-Shahar and Ariel Porat
The Myth of Trade Usages: A Talk, Lisa Bernstein
The Legal Academy's Ideological Uniformity, Adam Bonica, Adam S. Chilton, Kyle Rozema, and Maya Sen
Exiting Congressional-Executive Agreements, Curtis A. Bradley
Presidential Control over International Law, Curtis A. Bradley and Jack L. Goldsmith
Treaty Exit in the United States: Insights from the United Kingdom or South Africa?, Curtis A. Bradley and Laurence R. Helfer
Analysing the Law's Effects on Human Well-Being: A Comparative Perspective, John Bronsteen, Christopher Buccafusco, and Jonathan Masur
Intelligent Design, Christopher Buccafusco, Mark Lemley, and Jonathan Masur
From Executive Appointment to the Collegium System: The Impact on Diversity in the Indian Supreme Court, Aparna Chandra, William Hubbard, and Sital Kalantry
Competition Law Around the World from 1889 to 2010: The Competition Law Index, Adam S. Chilton and Anu Bradford
Optimal Design of Guest Worker Programs: An Introduction, Adam S. Chilton, Tom Ginsburg, and Eric A. Posner
Country Specific Investments and the Rights of Non-Citizens, Adam S. Chilton and Eric A. Posner
Treaties and Human Rights: The Role of Long-Term Trends, Adam S. Chilton and Eric A. Posner
Why Countries Sign Bilateral Labor Agreements, Adam S. Chilton and Eric A. Posner
Courts’ Limited Ability to Protect Constitutional Rights, Adam S. Chilton and Mila Versteeg
Revisiting the Uneasy Case for Corporate Taxation in an Uneasy World, Mihir A. Desai and Dhammika Dharmapala
International Spillovers from Proposed US Tax Reforms, Dhammika Dharmapala
The Consequences of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act's International Provisions: Lessons from Existing Research, Dhammika Dharmapala
The Impact of Mandated Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from India's Companies Act of 2013, Dhammika Dharmapala and Vikramaditya S. Khanna
The Courts, the Schools, and the Constitution, Justin Driver
The Keyes of Constitutional Law, Justin Driver
A Common Law for the First Amendment, Richard A. Epstein
A Not Quite Contemporary View of Privacy, Richard A. Epstein
Positive and Negative Externalities in Real Estate Development, Richard A. Epstein
Regulatory Enforcement Under New York's Martin Act: From Financial Fraud to Global Warming, Richard A. Epstein
Sitaraman’s Mistaken Case for the Middle-Class Constitution, Richard A. Epstein
The Nature of the Religious Firm, Richard A. Epstein
The Role of Exit Rights: What the Theory Of the Firm Says About the Conduct of Brexit Negotiations, Richard A. Epstein
The Supreme Court Tackles Patent Reform: A Series of Articles Examining Oil States Energy Services, LLC v. Greene's Energy Group, LLC, Richard A. Epstein
The Wrong Rights, or: The Inescapable Weaknesses of Modern Liberal Constitutionalism, Richard A. Epstein
Congress in the Administrative State, Brian D. Feinstein
Judging Judicial Foreclosure, Brian D. Feinstein
Accidents and Aggregates, Lee Anne Fennell
Peter Stein 29.5.1926–7.8.2016., Richard Fentiman, Richard H. Helmholz, David Johnston, and Reinhard Zimmermann
Constitutional Knowledge, Tom Ginsburg
Democratic Backsliding and the Rule of Law, Tom Ginsburg
Introduction to the Symposium on Thomas Franck, "Emerging Right to Democratic Governance" at 25, Tom Ginsburg
The Jurisprudence of Anti-Erosion, Tom Ginsburg
Who Judges?: Designing Jury Systems in Japan, East Asia and Europe, Tom Ginsburg
Circles of Trust: A Proposal for Better Migrant Screening, Tom Ginsburg and Alberto Simpser
A New Market-Based Approach to Securities Law, Kevin S. Haeberle and M. Todd Henderson
Making a Market for Corporate Disclosure, Kevin S. Haeberle and M. Todd Henderson
Economic Analysis in Labor Regulation, Hiba Hafiz
Picketing in the New Economy, Hiba Hafiz
Book Review (reviewing Gratian the Theologian by John C. Wei), Richard H. Helmholz
Pope Innocent III and the Annulment of Magna Carta, Richard H. Helmholz
Statutory Interpretation - Then and Now, Richard H. Helmholz
Federalism as a Safeguard of Progressive Taxation, Daniel Hemel
The Living Anti-Injunction Act, Daniel Hemel
Partisan Balance with Bite, Daniel Hemel and Brian D. Feinstein
Public Perceptions of Government Speech, Daniel Hemel and Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
Presidential Obstruction of Justice, Daniel Hemel and Eric A. Posner
Sexual Harassment and Corporate Law, Daniel Hemel and Dorothy Shapiro Lund
Quantum Economics, Newtonian Economics, and Law, William Hubbard
Democratic Erosion and the Courts: Comparative Perspectives, Aziz Huq
Legal or Political Checks on Apex Criminality: An Essay on Constitutional Design, Aziz Huq
Separation of Powers Metatheory, Aziz Huq
Terrorism and Democratic Recession, Aziz Huq
The People against the Constitution, Aziz Huq
What is Discriminatory Intent?, Aziz Huq
Institutional Loyalties in Constitutional Law, Aziz Huq and David Fontana
How to Lose a Constitutional Democracy, Aziz Huq and Tom Ginsburg
The Coming Demise of Liberal Constitutionalism?, Aziz Huq, Tom Ginsburg, and Mila Versteeg
Apparent Fault, Aziz Huq and Genevieve Lakier
Reforming Seminole Rock, Aneil Kovval
The Truth is Terrible, Brian Leiter
Semi-Confidential Settlements in Civil, Criminal, and Sexual Assault Cases, Saul Levmore and Frank Fagan
The End of Bargaining in the Digital Age, Saul Levmore and Frank Fagan
Police Violence in The Wire, Jonathan Masur and Richard H. McAdams
Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Judicial Role, Jonathan Masur and Eric A. Posner
The Cross-Examination of Mayella Ewell, Richard H. McAdams
Antitrust Remedies for Labor Market Power, Suresh Naidu, Eric A. Posner, and E. Glen Weyl
Introduction to Decentralization and Development, Shitong Qiao and Richard A. Epstein
Criminal Justice, Inc., John Rappaport
The Cultural Evolution of National Constitutions, Daniel Rockmore, Fang Chen, Nick Foti, and Tom Ginsburg
The Case Against Passive Shareholder Voting, Dorothy Shapiro Lund
Accountability Claims in Constitutional Law, Nicholas Stephanopoulos
Liable Lies, Nicholas Stephanopoulos
The Causes and Consequences of Gerrymandering, Nicholas Stephanopoulos
The Measure of a Metric: The Debate Over Quantifying Partisan Gerrymandering, Nicholas Stephanopoulos and Eric McGhee
National Security, National Origin, and the Constitution: 75 Years after EO9066, Geoffrey R. Stone
Roe v. Wade, Past, Present, and Future, Geoffrey R. Stone
Sexual Expression and Free Speech: How Our Values Have (D)evolved, Geoffrey R. Stone
The Origins of the Espionage Act of 1917: Was Judge Learned Hand's Understanding of the Act Defensible?, Geoffrey R. Stone
Why The Burger Court Mattered (reviewing The Burger Court and the Rise of the Judicial Right by Michael J. Graetz and Linda Greenhouse), David A. Strauss
The Vagrancy Law Challenge and the Vagaries of Legal Change, Laura Weinrib
Untangling the Radical Roots of America's Civil Liberties Settlement: Causation, Compromise, and the Taming of Free Speech, Laura Weinrib
The Marginal Revenue Rule in Cost-Benefit Analysis, David A. Weisbach, Daniel Hemel, and Jennifer Nou
Judicial Mistakes in Discovery, Diego Zambrano
The States' Interest in Federal Procedure, Diego Zambrano
Submissions from 2017
Does International Human Rights Law in African Courts Make a Difference?, Daniel Abebe
Bankruptcy on the Side, Kenneth M. Ayotte, Anthony Casey, and David A. Skeel Jr.
Bankruptcy's Quiet Revolution, Douglas G. Baird
Pari Passu Clauses and the Skeuomorph Problem in Contract Law, Douglas G. Baird
Priority Matters: Absolute Priority, Relative Priority, And The Costs Of Bankruptcy, Douglas G. Baird
Searching for the Common Law: The Quantitative Approach of the Restatement of Consumer Contracts, Oren Bar-Gill, Omri Ben-Shahar, and Florencia Marotta-Wurgler
Searching for the Common Law: The Quantitative Approach of the Restatement of Consumer Contracts, Oren Bar-Gill, Omri Ben-Shahar, and Florencia Marotta-Wurgler
Sovereign Immunity and the Constitutional Text, William Baude
Standing in the Shadow of Congress, William Baude
A Call for Developing a Field of Positive Legal Methodology, William Baude, Adam S. Chilton, and Anup Malani
Making Doctrinal Work More Rigorous: Lessons from Systematic Reviews, William Baude, Adam S. Chilton, and Anup Malani
The (Not So) Plain Meaning Rule, William Baude and Ryan D. Doerfler
The Law of Interpretation, William Baude and Stephen E. Sachs
Black Hole Apparitions, Lisa Bernstein
Doing Gloss, Curtis A. Bradley
Historical Gloss, Constitutional Convention, and the Judicial Separation of Powers, Curtis A. Bradley and Neil S. Siegel
Corporate Bankruptcy Panel—Chapter 11 Cramdown Interest Rates: Till, Momentive, and the Proper Valuation Method, Ralph Brubaker, Anthony Casey, Susan Freeman, and Bruce A. Markell
The Divisive Supreme Court, Emily Buss
Heterosexuality as a Factor in the Long History of Women's Sports, Mary Anne Case
Consumer Bankruptcy Pathologies: Comment, Anthony Casey
Self-Driving Contracts, Anthony Casey and Anthony Niblett
The Death of Rules and Standards, Anthony Casey and Anthony Niblett
The Problem of Creative Collaboration, Anthony Casey and Andres Sawicki
Challenges To Reducing Discrimination And Health Inequity Through Existing Civil Rights Laws, Amitabh Chandra, Michael Frakes, and Anup Malani
Civil Rights Laws: The Authors Reply, Amitabh Chandra, Michael Frakes, and Anup Malani
Book Review of The Continent of International Law: Explaining Agreement Design by Barbara Koremenos, Adam S. Chilton
Experimentally Testing the Effectiveness of Human Rights Treaties, Adam S. Chilton
Has Trump's Promised Assault on International Law Materialized?, Adam S. Chilton
The Political Ideologies of Law Clerks, Adam S. Chilton, Adam Bonica, Jacob Goldin, Kyle Rozema, and Maya Sen
Measuring Judicial Ideology Using Law Clerk Hiring, Adam S. Chilton, Adam Bonica, Kyle Rozema, Jacob Goldin, and Maya Sen
Reciprocity and Public Opposition to Foreign Direct Investment, Adam S. Chilton, Helen V. Milner, and Dustin Tingley
The Influence of History on States’ Compliance with Human Rights Obligations, Adam S. Chilton and Eric A. Posner
The Limitations of Supply Chain Disclosure Regimes, Adam S. Chilton and Galit Sarfaty
Rights Without Resources: The Impact of Constitutional Social Rights on Social Spending, Adam S. Chilton and Mila Versteeg
"Pay It Forward" and Higher Education Subsidies: A Median Voter Model, Jennifer A. Delaney and Dhammika Dharmapala
"Pay It Forward" and Higher Education Subsidies: A Median Voter Model, Jennifer A. Delaney and Dhammika Dharmapala
The Forms and Limits of Constitutions as Political Insurance, Rosalind Dixon and Tom Ginsburg
The Absence of Method in Statutory Interpretation, Frank H. Easterbrook
When It Comes to Business, the Right and Left Sides of the Court Agree, Lee Epstein, William M. Landes, and Richard A. Posner
Compounding Errors: Why Heightened Regulation and Taxation Are Bad Antidotes for Recessions and Income Inequality, Richard A. Epstein
Concepts before Percepts: The Central Place of Doctrine in Legal Scholarship, Richard A. Epstein
Disappointed Expectations: How The Supreme Court Failed to Clean Up Takings Law in Murr v. Wisconsin, Richard A. Epstein
Dual Sovereignty Under the Constitution: How Best to Protect States Against Federal Taxation and Regulation, Richard A. Epstein
Hayek’s Constitution of Liberty - A Guarded Retrospective, Richard A. Epstein
In Memoriam: Michael E. Levine, Richard A. Epstein
Missed Opportunities, Good Intentions: The Takings Decisions of Justice Antonin Scalia, Richard A. Epstein
My Methodological Flip-Flop on Individual Liberty, Richard A. Epstein
Review of Peter T. Leeson, Anarchy Unbound: Why Self-Governance Works Better Than You Think, Richard A. Epstein
The Misconceived Modern Attack on Right to Work Laws, Richard A. Epstein
Why Incentives for "Patent Holdout" Threaten to Dismantle FRAND, and Why It Matters, Richard A. Epstein and Kayvan B. Noroozi
Designing Executive Agencies for Congressional Control, Brian D. Feinstein
Searching for Fair Housing, Lee Anne Fennell
Book Review of A World of Struggle: How Power, Law and Expertise Shape Global Political Economy by David Kennedy, Tom Ginsburg
Constitutional Advice and Transnational Legal Order, Tom Ginsburg
Constitutions and Foreign Relations Law: The Dynamics of Substitutes and Complements, Tom Ginsburg
Introduction to Symposium on Sovereignty, Cyberspace, and Talinn Manual 2.0, Tom Ginsburg
Adam Usk (c 1360–1430), Richard H. Helmholz
Approaches to Law: Catholic and Protestant, Richard H. Helmholz
Book Review (reviewing The Idea of a Moral Economy: Gerard of Siena on Usury, Restitution, and Prescription by Lawrin Armstrong), Richard H. Helmholz
Henry Charles Coote (1815-1885), Richard H. Helmholz
William Somner (c 1598–1669), Richard H. Helmholz
Can New York Publish President Trump's State Tax Returns?, Daniel Hemel
Pooling and Unpooling in the Uber Economy, Daniel Hemel
The President's Power to Tax, Daniel Hemel
Atlas Nods: The Libertarian Case for a Basic Income, Daniel Hemel and Miranda Perry Fleischer
Chevron Step One-and-a-Half, Daniel Hemel and Aaron Nielson
Bayh-Dole Beyond Borders, Daniel Hemel and Lisa Larrimore Ouellette
Inequality and the Mortgage Interest Deduction, Daniel Hemel and Kyle Rozema
Taking Systemic Risk Seriously in Financial Regulation, M. Todd Henderson and James C. Spindler
How Patent Damages Skew Licensing Markets, Erik Hovenkamp and Jonathan Masur
The Effects of Twombly and Iqbal, William Hubbard
The Supreme Court of India: A People's Court?, William Hubbard, Aparna Chandra, and Sital Kalantry
Tribute to Omri Ben-Shahar, William Hubbard and Edward Morrison
Community-Led Counterterrorism, Aziz Huq
Preemption Deals, Aziz Huq
The Consequences of Disparate Policing: Evaluating Stop and Frisk as a Modality of Urban Policing, Aziz Huq
The President and the Detainees, Aziz Huq
Algorithmic Decision Making and the Cost of Fairness, Aziz Huq, Sam Corbett-Davies, Emma Pierson, and Avi Feller
Legitimating Practices: Revisiting the Predicates of Police Legitimacy, Aziz Huq, Rick Trinkner, and Jonathan Jackson
Extraterritorial Punishment, Emma Kaufman
The Design of Border Adjustments for Carbon Prices, Sam Kortum and David A. Weisbach
Confederate Statute Removal, Aneil Kovvali
Constitutional Avoidance and Presidential Power, Aneil Kovvali
How Do You Formalize a Tamale?: How to Ease Street Vendors’ Transition out of the Shadow Economy, Elizabeth Kregor
The Mood of the Cave: The Intellectual Legacy of Ideological Origins, Alison LaCroix
The Insurance Value of Medical Innovation, Darius Lakdawalla, Anup Malani, and Julian Reif
Reed v. Town of Gilbert, Arizona, and the Rise of the Anti-Classificatory First Amendment, Genevieve Lakier
Nietzsche's Naturalism and Nineteenth-Century Biology, Brian Leiter
Merit Goods, Calabresi Goods, and Rent-Seeking: In Honor of Guido Calabresi's The Future of Law and Economics, Saul Levmore
Merit Goods, Calabresi Goods, and Rent-Seeking: In Honor of Guido Calabresi's The Future of Law and Economics, Saul Levmore
Title VII to Tinder: Law's Antidiscrimination Asymmetry and Occasional Market Superiority, Saul Levmore
Threats and Criminal Deterrence in Several Dimensions, Saul Levmore and Ariel Porat
Book Review (reviewing Comparative Tort Law: Global Perspectives), Lyonette Louis-Jacques
Guide to Cuban Law and Legal Research, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Julienne Grant, Marisol Floren-Romero, Sergio D. Stone, and Cate Kellett
Quadratic Voting As An Input To Cost-Benefit Analysis, Jonathan Masur
Should Regulation Be Countercyclical?, Jonathan Masur and Eric A. Posner
Reply to Commentators, Richard H. McAdams
The Need for a General Theory of Discrimination: A Comment on Katharine T. Bartlett & Mitu Gulati, Discrimination by Customers, Richard H. McAdams
Subdelegating Powers, Jennifer Nou
Liberal Internationalism and the Populist Backlash, Eric A. Posner
Should Human Rights Law Play a Role in Development?, Eric A. Posner
What Legal Authority Does the Fed Need During a Financial Crisis?, Eric A. Posner
Moral Commitments in Cost-Benefit Analysis, Eric A. Posner and Cass R. Sunstein
Property Is Only Another Name For Monopoly, Eric A. Posner and E. Glen Weyl
Quadratic Voting and the Public Good: Introduction, Eric A. Posner and E. Glen Weyl
Legal Research and Practical Experience, Richard A. Posner
How Private Insurers Regulate Public Police, John Rappaport
The Structural Function of the Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel of Choice, John Rappaport
Retroactive Taxation, Unfunded Pensions, and Shadow Bankruptcies, Julie Roin