Book Sections | Scholarship | University of Chicago Law School

Book chapters or other book sections written or edited by faculty and other members of the University of Chicago Law School community.


Submissions from 2014

Moral Skepticism and Moral Disagreement in Nietzsche, Brian Leiter

Coase Is (Still) Everywhere, Saul Levmore

Snitching, Whistleblowing, and "Barn Burning": Loyalty in Law, Literature, and Sports, Saul Levmore

Introduction: The American Guy in Law and Literature, Saul Levmore and Martha Craven Nussbaum

Empathy and Masculinity in Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird, Richard H. McAdams

Do Exclusionary Rules Convict the Innocent?, Richard H. McAdams, Dhammika Dharmapala, and Nuno Garoupa

Coasean Bargaining in Consumer Bankruptcy, Edward Morrison

Aristotle on Human Nature and the Foundations of Ethics, With an Addendum, Martha Nussbaum

Introduction: Capabilities, Challenges, and the Omnipresence of Political Liberalism, Martha Nussbaum

Perfectionist Liberalism and Political Liberalism, Martha Nussbaum

Compassion: Human and Animal, Martha Craven Nussbaum

Genocide in Gujarat, Martha Craven Nussbaum

Jewish Men, Jewish Lawyers: Roth’s 'Eli, the Fanatic' and the Question of Jewish Masculinity in American Law, Martha Craven Nussbaum

Law and Development in MICs: Conclusion, Randall Peerenboom

Coase Calibration, Randal C. Picker

Climate Change Justice, Eric A. Posner and Cass R. Sunstein

Customary International Law, Eric A. Posner and Alan O. Sykes

Manhood in Hemingway, Richard A. Posner

Ronald H. Coase - In Memoriam, Richard A. Posner

Ethics of Taxation, Julie Roin

Introduction, Michael H. Schill

Ronald Coase and the Freedom of Speech, Geoffrey R. Stone

Lessons from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Regarding the Effectiveness of the Clean Water Act and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, Mark N. Templeton

Magna Carta and Sovereign Immunity: Strained Bedfellows, Diane P. Wood and Danieli Evans

Submissions from 2013

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Albert W. Alschuler

Law, Commerce, and Gender in Trollope's Framley Parsonage, Douglas G. Baird

An epidemiological analysis of constitutional mortality, Zachary Elkins, Tom Ginsburg, and James Melton

A Most Improbable 1787 Constitution: A (Mostly) Originalist Critique of the Constitutionality of the ACA, Richard A. Epstein

How to Create Markets in Contestable Commodities, Richard A. Epstein

Sequential Injunctions in Patent Litigation: The Gratuitous Novelty of TiVo v. EchoStar, Richard A. Epstein

The Legacy of Progressive Thought: Decline, not Death, By a Thousand Cuts, Richard A. Epstein

Introduction, Lee Anne Fennell

Constitutional Afterlife: The Continuing Impact of Thailand's Postpolitical Constitution, Tom Ginsburg

Constitutions as Contract, Constitutions as Charter, Tom Ginsburg

Political Constraints on International Courts, Tom Ginsburg

The Constitutional Court and Judicialization of Korean Politics, Tom Ginsburg

The Politics of Courts in Democratization: Four Junctures in Asia, Tom Ginsburg

The Content of Authoritarian Constitutions, Tom Ginsburg, Zachary Elkins, and James Melton

When Courts and Politics Collide: Mongolia's Constitutional Crisis, Tom Ginsburg and Gombosuren Ganzorig

Innovative Language in the Preamble: Research and Poetics, Tom Ginsburg and Amber Ginsburg

The Effects of Liberalization on Litigation: Notes toward a Theory in the Context of Japan, Tom Ginsburg and Glenn Hoetker

Introduction, Tom Ginsburg and Alberto Simpser

Punitive Preventive Justice: A Critique, Bernard E. Harcourt

The Changing Demand for Insider Trading Regulation, M. Todd Henderson

How Costly Is Financial (Not Economic) Distress? Evidence from Highly Leveraged Transactions That Became Distressed, Steven Kaplan and Gregor Andrade

The Lawyer’s Library in the Early American Republic, Alison LaCroix and Alison LaCroix

Introduction, Alison LaCroix and Martha Nussbaum

Nietzsche's Naturalism Reconsidered, Brian Leiter

The Demarcation Problem in Jurisprudence: A New Case for Skepticism, Brian Leiter

Primogeniture, Legal Change, and Trollope, Saul Levmore

Unemployment and Regulatory Policy, Jonathan Masur and Eric A. Posner

Vengeance, Complicity, and Criminal Law in Othello, Richard H. McAdams

Equality and Love at the End of The Marriage of Figaro: Forging Democratic Emotions, Martha Nussbaum

'Romans, countrymen, and lovers': Political Love and the Rule of Law in Julius Caesar, Martha Nussbaum

The Damage of Death: Incomplete Arguments and False Consolations, Martha Nussbaum

The Stain of Illegitimacy: Gender, Law, and Trollopian Subversion, Martha Nussbaum

Shakespeare's Laws: A Justice, a Judge, a Philosopher, and an English Professor, Martha Nussbaum, Stephen G. Breyer, Richard A. Posner, and Richard Strier

Introduction: Shakespeare and the Law, Martha Nussbaum, Bradin Cormack, and Richard Strier

Law and Commerce in The Merchant of Venice, Richard A. Posner

The Concept of Regulatory Capture: A Short, Inglorious History, Richard A. Posner

The United States Has a Deficit Problem that Threatens Its Future, Richard A. Posner

Pious Perjury in Scott’s The Heart of Midlothian, Julia Simon-Kerr

Perilous Times: Civil Liberties in Wartime, Geoffrey R. Stone

The History of Obscenity, the British Novel, and the First Amendment, Geoffrey R. Stone

The Social Evaluation of Intergenerational Policies and Its Application to Integrated Assessment Models of Climate Change, David A. Weisbach, Louis Kaplow, and Elisabeth Moyer

A Lesson from Shakespeare to the Modern Judge on Law, Disobedience, Justification, and Mercy, Diane P. Wood

Our 18th Century Constitution in the 21st Century World, Diane P. Wood

Preface: Gender, Law, and the British Novel, Diane P. Wood

Submissions from 2012

The Economics of Bankruptcy: An Introduction to the Literature


Treaty Signature, Curtis Bradley

Feminist Constitutionalism and the Constitutionalism of Marriage, Mary Anne Case

Abortion, Dignity and a Capabilities Approach., Rosalind Dixon and Martha Nussbaum

Common Law Liability for Fire: A Conceptual, Historical, and Economic Analysis, Richard A. Epstein

Playing by Different Rules? Property Rights in Land and Water, Richard A. Epstein

Constitutional Law and Courts, Tom Ginsburg

Japanese Law and Asian Development, Tom Ginsburg

Lawrence M. Friedman's Comparative Law, with Notes on Japan, Tom Ginsburg

Does the Process of Constitution-Making Matter?, Tom Ginsburg, Justin Blount, and Zachary Elkins

Still the Land of Presidentialism? Executives and the Latin American Constitution, Tom Ginsburg, Jose Antonio Cheibub, and Zachary Elkins

Do Executive Term Limits Cause Constitutional Crises?, Tom Ginsburg, Zachary Elkins, and James Melton

Economic Analysis and Comparative Law, Tom Ginsburg and Nuno Garoupa

The Judicialization Of Japanese Politics, Tom Ginsburg and Tokujin Matsudaira

The Judicialization of Japanese Politics?, Tom Ginsburg and Tokujin Matsudaira

Becoming an International Arbitrator: Qualifications, Disclosures, Conduct, and Removal, Tom Ginsburg and Richard M. Mosk

Introduction, Tom Ginsburg and Harry Scheiber

Annuities and Annual Pensions, Richard H. Helmholz

Religion and Succession in the History of English Law, Richard H. Helmholz

Insider Trading and Executive Compensation: What We Can Learn from the Experience with Rule 10b5-1, M. Todd Henderson

Cómo explicar los desacuerdos entre juristas, Brian Leiter

El problema de la demarcación en la teoría del derecho: una razón más a favor del escepticismo, Brian Leiter

The circumstances of civility, Brian Leiter

Nietzsche: Daybreak, Brian Leiter and Maudemarie Clark

Commentary (commenting on Jessica L. Cohen and William T. Dickens, Adoption of Over-the-Counter Malaria Diagnostics in Africa: The Role of Subsidies, Beliefs, Externalities,and Competition (2012)), Anup Malani

The Welfare Effects of FDA Regulation of Drugs, Anup Malani and Tomas J. Philipson

Bill Stuntz and the Principal-Agent Problem in Criminal Law, Richard H. McAdams

The Focal Point Theory Of Expressive Law, Richard H. McAdams and Francesco Parisi

Depoliticizing Administrative Law, Thomas J. Miles and Cass R. Sunstein

Affirmative Action and the Goals of Education, Martha Nussbaum

Die lautlose Krise, Martha Nussbaum

Personal Laws and Equality: The Case of India, Martha Nussbaum