Books written or edited by faculty and other members of the University of Chicago Law School community. Links to the D’Angelo Law Library catalog are provided.


Submissions from 1990

Roman Canon Law in Reformation England, Richard H. Helmholz

International Taxation: U.S. Taxation of Foreign Taxpayers and Foreign Income, Joseph Isenbergh

Love’s Knowledge: Essays on Philosophy and Literature, Martha Craven Nussbaum

Cardozo: A Study in Reputation, Richard A. Posner

The Problems of Jurisprudence, Richard A. Posner

After the Rights Revolution: Reconceiving the Regulatory State, Cass R. Sunstein

Feminism and Political Theory, Cass R. Sunstein

Submissions from 1989

Cases, Problems and Materials on Bankruptcy, 1989 Supplement, Douglas G. Baird

Hart and Wechsler's The Federal Courts and the Federal System, Paul M. Bator

Selected Statutes on Trusts and Estates, John H. Langbein and Lawrence W. Waggoner

Submissions from 1988

Hart and Weschler's The Federal Courts and the Federal System, Paul M. Bator, Daniel J. Meltzer, Paul J. Mishkin, and David L. Shapiro

The Firm, the Market and the Law, Ronald H. Coase

Die Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, David P. Currie

The Constitution of the United States: A Primer for the People, David P. Currie

Law and Literature: A Misunderstood Relation, Richard A. Posner

Submissions from 1987

Cases, Problems, and Materials on Security Interests in Personal Property, Douglas G. Baird and Thomas H. Jackson

American Bar Association Commission on Taxpayer Compliance Report and Recommendations, July 1987, Walter J. Blum

Conflict of Laws: Cases, Comments, Questions, Roger C. Cramton, David P. Currie, and Herma Hill Kay

Gregory, Kalven and Epstein on Torts, Richard A. Epstein

Supplement to Cases and Materials on Tort, Richard A. Epstein

Canon Law and the Law of England, Richard H. Helmholz

The Founders' Constitution, Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner

Selected Statutes on Trusts and Estates, John H. Langbein and Lawrence W. Waggoner

Cases and Materials on Admiralty, Jo Desha Lucas

Cases and Materials on Admiralty, Jo Desha Lucas

The Economic Structure of Tort Law, Richard A. Posner and William M. Landes

Submissions from 1986

The New Right v. the Constitution, Richard A. Epstein

The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy, Martha Craven Nussbaum

Logic, Science, and Dialectic: Collected Papers in Greek Philosophy, Gwilym Ellis Lane Owen

Economic Analysis of Law, Richard A. Posner

Search and Seizure: A Study Guide, Geoffrey R. Stone

Search and Seizure: A Study Guide, Geoffrey R. Stone

Constitutional Law, Geoffrey R. Stone, Cass R. Sunstein, Louis M. Seidman, and Mark V. Tushnet

Submissions from 1985

Labor Law and the Employment Market: Foundations and Applications

Select Cases on Defamation to 1600

Aristotle's De Motu Animalium: Text with Translation, Commentary, and Interpretive Essays, Aristotle Aristotle and Martha Craven Nussbaum

The Constitution in the Supreme Court: The First Hundred Years, 1789-1888, David P. Currie

Takings: Private Property and the Power of Eminent Domain, Richard A. Epstein

Labor Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems, Bernard D. Meltzer and Stanley D. Henderson

The Federal Courts: Crisis and Reform, Richard A. Posner

Say It With Figures, Hans Zeisel

Say It with Figures, Hans Zeisel

Submissions from 1984

The Future of Gold

Cases, Problems, and Materials on Security Interests in Personal Property, Douglas G. Baird and Thomas H. Jackson

Cases and Materials on Torts, Richard A. Epstein

Juries, Libel & Justice: The Role of English Juries in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-century Trials for Libel and Slander: Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, 28 February 1981, Richard H. Helmholz and Thomas A. Green

Antitrust: Cases, Economic Notes and Other Materials, Richard A. Posner and Frank H. Easterbrook

Die zukunft Unserer Maerket, Hans Zeisel and Jahre Marplan

Submissions from 1983

Canon Law and English Common Law, Richard H. Helmholz

Cablespeech: The Case for First Amendment Protection : a Time Incorporated Study, Philip B. Kurland, James P. Mercurio, and George H. Shapiro

Moore's Federal Practice (Revision of Volume IB), Jo Desha Lucas, James William Moore, and Thomas S. Currier

Revitalizing America’s Cities: Neighborhood Reinvestment and Displacement, Michael H. Schill and Richard P. Nathan

The Limits of Law Enforcement, Hans Zeisel

Entry for Jury Behavior, Hans Zeisel and Shari Seldman Diamond

Submissions from 1982

Language and Logos: Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy Presented to G. E. L. Owen

How Should Economists Choose?, Ronald H. Coase

Federal Courts: Cases and Materials, David P. Currie

The Rules of the Game: Reform and Evolution in the International Monetary System, Kenneth W. Dam

Labor Law: Cases, Materials and Problems, Bernard D. Meltzer and Stanley D. Henderson

Tort Law: Cases and Economic Analysis, Richard A. Posner

Antitrust: Cases, Economic Notes, and Other Materials, Richard A. Posner and Frank H. Easterbrook

Submissions from 1981

Air Pollution: Federal Law and Analysis, David P. Currie

Federal Jurisdiction in a Nutshell, David P. Currie

Cases and Materials on Torts Supplement, Richard A. Epstein

Cases and Materials on Torts, Richard A. Epstein, Charles O. Gregory, and Harry Kalven Jr.

The Church and the English Crown 1305-1334: A Study Based on the Register of Archbishop Walter Reynolds, Richard H. Helmholz

The Economics of Justice, Richard A. Posner

Antitrust: Cases, Economic Notes and Other Materials, Richard A. Posner and Frank H. Easterbrook

Submissions from 1980

Modern Products Liability Law, Richard A. Epstein

Casenote Legal Briefs, Adaptable to Courses Utilizing Lucas' Casebook on Admiralty, Jo Desha Lucas

Economics of Corporation Law and Securities Regulation, Richard A. Posner

Submissions from 1979

Der Laienrichter im Strafprozess (Lay Judges in Criminal Courts)

Federal Income Tax Simplification, Walter J. Blum and Charles H. Gustafson

Energy: The Next Twenty Years, a Study Group Report sponsored by the Ford Foundation, Kenneth W. Dam and Kenneth J. Arrow

Introduction to Sir William Blackstone: Commentaries on the Laws of England, Volume III, John H. Langbein

Cases and Materials on Admiralty, Jo Desha Lucas

Submissions from 1978

Analysis of Rufus Mincey v. State of Arizona

Group Defamation

Aristotle's De Motu Animalium: Text with Translation, Commentary, and Interpretive Essays, Aristotle Aristotle and Martha Craven Nussbaum

Economic Policy Beyond the Headlines, Kenneth W. Dam and George P. Shultz

State and Local Taxation, Cases and Materials, Walter Hellerstein and Jerome R. Hellerstein

Watergate and the Constitution, Philip B. Kurland

Writing Law Examinations, John H. Langbein

The Use of Discretion in the Legal System, Edward Hirsch Levi

Cases and Materials on Admiralty, Jo Desha Lucas

Aristotle's De Motu Animalium, Martha Craven Nussbaum

The Economics of Contract Law, Richard A. Posner

Austrian Socialism: 1928-1978, The First Paul F. Lazarsfeld Lecture, Hans Zeisel

Submissions from 1977

The GATT: Law and International Economic Organization, Kenneth W. Dam


Law on the Midway, Frank L. Ellsworth

Cases and Materials on Torts, Richard A. Epstein

Financial Reporting by State and Local Government Units, Walter Hellerstein and Sidney Davidson

Comparative Criminal Procedure: Germany, John H. Langbein

Torture and the Law of Proof: Europe and England in the Ancien Regime, John H. Langbein

Labor Law: Cases, Materials and Problems, Bernard D. Meltzer

Economic Analysis of Law, Richard A. Posner

Submissions from 1976

Advertising and Free Speech

Corporate Readjustments and Reorganizations, Walter J. Blum and Stanley A. Kaplan

Federal Jurisdiction in a Nutshell, David P. Currie

On Resources: Who Gets What How, Kenneth W. Dam