Books | Scholarship | University of Chicago Law School

Books written or edited by faculty and other members of the University of Chicago Law School community. Links to the D’Angelo Law Library catalog are provided.


Submissions from 2023


The Unbounded Home: Property Values Beyond Property Lines, Lee Anne Fennell


Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law, Tom Ginsburg and Benjamin Schonthal

Submissions from 2022

Elements of Bankruptcy, Douglas Baird

The Unwritten Law of Corporate Reorganizations, Douglas Baird

Property, Jesse Dukeminier, James Krier, Gregory Alexander, Michael Schill, and Lior Strahilevitz

Criminal Law and the American Penal System, John Rappaport and Andrew Crespo

Submissions from 2021

Personalized Law: Different Rules for Different People, Omri Ben-Shahar and Ariel Porat

Democracies and International Law, Tom Ginsburg

Can Blockchain Solve The Hold-Up Problem In Contracts?, Richard Holden and Anup Malani

The Collapse of Constitutional Remedies, Aziz Huq

Law and Economics: Theory, Cases, and Other Materials, William Landes and J. Shahar Dillbary

The Constitution of the United States, Michael Paulsen, Steven Calabres, Michael McConnell, Samuel Bray, and William Baude

How Antitrust Failed Workers, Eric Posner

Submissions from 2020

International Law in the U.S. Legal System, Curtis Bradley

Foreign Relations Law: Cases and Materials, Curtis Bradley, Jack Goldsmith, and Ashley Deeks

Baird and Jackson's Bankruptcy Cases, Problems, and Materials, Edward Morrison, Barry Adler, and Anthony Casey

Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities, Martha Nussbaum

The Cosmopolitan Tradition, Martha Nussbaum

The First Amendment, Geoffrey Stone, Louis Seidman, Cass Sunstein, Mark Tushnet, and Pamela S. Karlan

Property: Concise Edition, Lior Strahilevitz, Jesse Dukeminier, James Krier, Gregory Alexander, and Michael H. Schill

Submissions from 2019

Contracts: Cases and Comments, Douglas Baird, John Dawson, William Harvey, and Stanley Henderson

Constitution-Making and Transnational Legal Order, Tom Ginsburg, Gregory Shaffer, and Terence C. Halliday

Moral Psychology with Nietzsche, Brian Leiter

Mercados radicales: cómo subvertir el capitalismo y la democracia para lograr una sociedad justa, Eric Posner

Submissions from 2018

Outsourcing the Board: How Board Service Providers Can Improve Corporate Governance, Stephen Bainbridge and M. Todd Henderson

Commercial and Debtor-Creditor Law Selected Statutes, 2018 Edition, Douglas G. Baird, Theodore Eisenberg, and Thomas H. Jackson

The Schoolhouse Gate: Public Education, the Supreme Court, and the Battle for the American Mind, Justin Driver

Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Law, John Gardner, Leslie Green, and Brian Leiter

“The Empire of Disgust”: Prejudice, Stigma, and Discrimination in India and the U.S., Zoya Hasan, Aziz Z. Huq, Martha C. Nussbaum, and Vidhu Verma

The Cambridge Handbook of Classical Liberal Thought, M. Todd Henderson

Mental State, M. Todd Henderson

How to Save a Constitutional Democracy, Aziz Huq and Tom Ginsburg

Antitrust Law and Trade Regulation: Cases and Materials, A. Douglas Melamed, Randal C. Picker, Philip J. Weiser, and Diane P. Wood

Last Resort: The Financial Crisis and the Future of Bailouts, Eric A. Posner

Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society, Eric A. Posner and E. Glen Weyl

The Free Speech Century, Geoffrey Stone and Lee Bollinger

Submissions from 2017

Evidence and Innovation in Housing Law and Policy

Commercial and Debtor-Creditor Law: Selected Statutes, Douglas G. Baird and Theodore Eisenberg

Federal Securities Laws: Selected Statutes, Rules and Forms, John C. Coffee Jr., Hillary Sale, and M. Todd Henderson

The Economics of Tax Avoidance and Evasion, Dhammika Dharmapala

Property, Jesse Dukeminier, James Krier, Gregory Alexander, and Michael H. Schill

Property, Jesse Dukeminier, James Krier, Gregory Alexander, and Michael H. Schill

Comparative Constitutional Law in Latin America, Tom Ginsburg and Rosalind Dixon

Great Christian Jurists in English History, Richard H. Helmholz and Mark Hill

The Timing of Lawmaking, Saul Levmore and Frank Fagan

Election Law: Cases & Materials, Daniel Hays Lowenstein, Richard L. Hasen, Daniel P. Tokaji, and Nicholas Stephanopoulos

The Expressive Powers of Law: Theories and Limits, Richard H. McAdams

Aging Thoughtfully: Conversations about Retirement, Romance, Wrinkles, and Regret, Martha Craven Nussbaum and Saul Levmore

Reforming the Federal Judiciary: My Former Court Needs to Overhaul Its Staff Attorney Program and Begin Televising Its Oral Arguments, Richard A. Posner

The Federal Judiciary: Strengths and Weaknesses, Richard A. Posner

Sex and the Constitution: Sex, Religion, and Law from America's Origins to the Twenty-First Century, Geoffrey R. Stone

Constitutional Law, Geoffrey R. Stone, Louis M. Seidman, Cass R. Sunstein, and Mark V. Tushnet

Submissions from 2016

Assessing Constitutional Performance

Limited Liability: A Legal and Economic Analysis, Stephen Bainbridge and M. Todd Henderson

Commercial and Debtor-Creditor Law: Selected Statutes, Douglas G. Baird, Theodore Eisenberg, and Thomas H. Jackson

Constitution Making, Sujit Choudhry and Tom Ginsburg

Fatal Fictions: Crime and Investigation in Law and Literature, Alison LaCroix, Richard McAdams, and Martha Nussbaum

Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice, Martha Craven Nussbaum

El conocimiento del amor: Ensayos sobre filosofía y literatura, Martha Craven Nussbaum

Gniew i wybaczanie : uraza, wielkodusznosc, sprawiedliwosc, Martha Craven Nussbaum

The Constitution of the United States, Michael Stokes Paulsen, Steven Calabresi, Michael W. McConnell, and Samuel Bray

Divergent Paths: The Academy and the Judiciary, Richard A. Posner

Constitutional Law: 2016 Supplement, Geoffrey R. Stone, Louis M. Seidman, Cass R. Sunstein, Mark V. Tushnet, and Pamela S. Karlan

The Taming of Free Speech, Laura Weinrib

Debating Climate Ethics, David A. Weisbach and Stephen Gardiner

Submissions from 2015

Rawls's Political Liberalism

The Future of Healthcare Reform in the United States

Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials, John C. Coffee Jr., Hillary Sale, and M. Todd Henderson

Judicial Reputation: A Comparative Theory, Tom Ginsburg and Nuno Garoupa

Natural Law in Court, Richard H. Helmholz

Fundamentals of Property Law, Richard H. Helmholz, D. Barlow Burke, Ann M. Burkhart, and Thomas Gallanis

Nietzsche on Morality, Brian Leiter

The Expressive Powers of Law: Theories and Limits, Richard H. McAdams

Submissions from 2014

American Guy: Masculinity in American Law and Literature

Capabilities, Gender, Equality: Towards Fundamental Entitlements

Classics in Comparative Law

Comparative Constitutional Law in Asia

Customary Law and Economics

Law and Development of Middle-Income Countries: Avoiding the Middle-Income Trap

Elements of Bankruptcy, Douglas G. Baird

Commercial and Debtor-Creditor Law: Selected Statutes, Douglas G. Baird, Theodore Eisenberg, and Thomas H. Jackson

More Than You Wanted to Know: The Failure of Mandated Disclosure, Omri Ben-Shahar and Carl E. Schneider

The NSA Report: Liberty and Security in a Changing World, Richard A. Clark, Michael J. Morell, Geoffrey R. Stone, and Cass R. Sunstein

Property, Jesse Dukeminier, James Krier, Gregory Alexander, Michael H. Schill, and Lior Strahilevitz

Property, Jesse Dukeminier, James Krier, Gregory Alexander, Michael H. Schill, and Lior Strahilevitz

The Classical Liberal Constitution: The Uncertain Quest for Limited Government, Richard A. Epstein

Wrong-Doing, Truth-Telling: The Function of Avowal in Justice, Michel Foucault

Happiness and the Law, Jonathan Masur, John Bronsteen, and Christopher Buccafusco

The Twilight of Human Rights Law, Eric A. Posner

Economic Analysis of Law, Richard A. Posner

Property Law: Rules, Policies & Practices, Joseph William Singer, Bethany R. Berger, Nestor M. Davidson, and Eduardo Peñalver

Submissions from 2013

Constitutions in Authoritarian Regimes

Fairness in Law and Economics

International Commercial Arbitration in Asia

Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Law

Public Law in East Asia

Shakespeare and the Law: A Conversation Among Disciplines and Professions

Subversion and Sympathy: Gender, Law, and the British Novel

The Coase Theorem Vol. II: Criticisms and Applications

The Coase Theorem vol. I: Origins, Restatements and Extensions