Making Courts Matter: Politics and the Implementation of State Supreme Court Decisions
Christopher Berry and Charles Wysong
Catholic Schools, Charter Schools, and Urban Neighborhoods
Margaret F. Brinig and Nicole Stelle Garnett
The Role of Accreditation Commissions in Higher Education: The Troublesome Case of Dana College
Richard A. Epstein
Higher Education's Gainful Employment and 90/10 Rules: Unintended "Scarlet Letters" for Minority, Low-Income, and Other At-Risk Students
Anthony J. Guida Jr and David Figuli
The Evolving Economic Structure of Higher Education
Henry Hansmann
Religion, Schools, and Judicial Decision Making: An Empirical Perspective
Michael Heise and Gregory C. Sisk
Teaching Patriotism: Love and Critical Freedom
Martha C. Nussbaum
Freedom to Fail: The Keystone of American Federalism
Paul E. Peterson and Daniel Nadler
Fiscal Federalism, Political Will, and Strategic Use of Municipal Bankruptcy
Clayton P. Gillette
Copyright's Asymmetric Uncertainty
Steven J. Horowitz