Centennial Tribute Essays
The Changing Purposes of Criminal Punishment: A Retrospective on the past Century and Some Thoughts about the Next
Albert W. Alschuler
In Coase's Footsteps
Douglas G. Baird
The Missed Opportunity in Gault
Emily Buss
The Smithsonian
David P. Currie
Richard A. Epstein
The Self-Defeating International Criminal Court
Jack Goldsmith
The Shaping of Chance: Actuarial Models and Criminal Profiling at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century
Bernard E. Harcourt
Christopher St. German and the Law of Custom
Richard H. Helmholz
Elements of the Law
Dennis J. Hutchinson
Activists Vote Twice
Joseph Isenbergh
The Empirical Side of Law & Economics
William M. Landes
Property's Uneasy Path and Expanding Future
Saul Levmore
Uncertainty and the Standard for Preliminary Relief
Douglas Lichtman
What's Wrong with Gideon
Tracey L. Meares
The University of Chicago Law School: Ruminations and Reminiscences
Bernard D. Meltzer
The Law School's Fair Image
Abner J. Mikva
Cultivating Humanity in Legal Education
Martha C. Nussbaum
From Edison to the Broadcast Flag: Mechanisms of Consent and Refusal and the Propertization of Copyright
Randal C. Picker
A Theory of the Laws of War
Eric A. Posner
Social Norms from Close-Knit Groups to Loose-Knit Groups
Lior Jacob Strahilevitz
Why Was Lochner Wrong?
David A. Strauss
The Rights of Animals
Cass R. Sunstein
The Least Restrictive Means
Alan O. Sykes
Hume's Second-Best Constitutionalism
Adrian Vermeule
Should Legal Rules Be Used to Redistribute Income?
David A. Weisbach
The Rule of Law in Times of Stress
Diane P. Wood