Submissions from 2024
A Guide for United States Firms on Maintaining the Protection and Enforcement of Trademarks and Copyrights in Mexico, Keyana Banisadre
Patent Reform As International Prestige-Seeking: Initial Insights From Brazil, Jack Brake
Brazil’s Role in Global Climate Treaties, Uven Chong
The Impact of Anti-Corruption Legislation on the Evolution of Corporate Law in Uzbekistan, Julia Ferreira
Rights & Realities of Self-Determination in Brazil, Starr Gibens
The Impact of Affirmative Action Implemented in Brazilian Universities: Increased Racial Self-Identification Among Brazilians, Natalie Isayan
Challenges to Judicial Independence in Mexico, Qiaofeng Li
Comparative U.S. and Brazil Subconstiutionalism: A Law and Economics Approach, Joe Lorenzini
Uzbekistan and the Autocrat’s Parchment Problem, Paul Mapara
International Law as a Tool for Reviving, Preserving, and Protecting the Tajik Language in Uzbekistan, Lindsay Saligman
The Abortion Debate: A Comparison between the US and Mexican Supreme Courts, Anastasia Shabalov
Uzbekistan’s Decision: A New National Identity, Kirby Voss
How the Legal Rights of Brazilian Indigenous People are Inextricable from the Preservation of Brazil’s Environment, Elizabeth Walsh
Anti-Corruption Efforts in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Henry Wineburgh
Submissions from 2021
Direct Democracy for Constitutional Change?, Evan De Ycaza
Shh---It's a Secret! The Evolution of the Swiss Banking System & International Tax Implications, Avera Dorsey
The Infant Nutrition Debate: Innovation and It's Role in International Crisis, Kimberly Johnson
Gender Equality or Feminism, Can You Have Both? A Comparative Look at Denmark and Switzerland, Camille N'Diaye-Muller
Board Diversity Requirements: Comparison of US and European Law, Delaney Prunty
Mending a Broken America, Josh Sullivan
Submissions from 2020
Current State of Drug Recycling Programs in the United States, Nicole Briones
Submissions from 2019
Falling Nations, Tammy Adereti
Religious and Religiously-Affiliated Actors in International Law : Snapshots of Collaboration, Whittney Barth
Public Anticorruption in Morocco and Tunisia : a Comparative Study, Marcus Bauer
Freedom of Religion in the 2014 Tunisian Constitution, Allison Bitz
Hungary's (Soon to Be) New Administrative Courts, Rachel Cheng
Corporate Governance Reform and State-Owned Entities in Morocco & Tunisia, Brandon Cheung
A Review of Corporate Governance in Morocco and Tunisia, Audrey Cho
When Sharing Is No Longer Caring : a Critical Examination of EU-North Africa Border Management, Jenny Dai
Overview of European State-Sanctioned Mass Surveillance Law, Michael Fiedorowicz
The GDPR's Effect on Transatlantic Relations, Christina Gay
The 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive and Virtual Currency Regulation in the European Union, Travis Gidado
(Paper on Internet Piracy and Copyright from the International Immersion Program 2019), Holly Highfill
The Problem of Criminal Defamation : Hungary vs. The European Union, Justyna Jóźwik
The Evolution of the Hungarian Tax System, Katie Karnosh
Divergent Immigration Attitudes within Emerging North African Refugee "Host" Countries : Morocco and Tunisia, Elizabeth Ketchum
More Than Revenue : Taxation in Hungary as a Political Tool, Austin Kissinger
Women's Rights in Tunisia Before and After the 2011 Revolution : Progress When It Helps the People in Power, Erica Mail
True Democracy? : Tunisia and the Road Ahead, Jacob A. McGee
Constitutional Tinkering and Democratic Institutions: A Case Study of the 2019 Electoral Process, Kamara Nwosu
Constitutional Tinkering and Democratic Institutions : a Case Study of the 2019 Electoral Process, Tiffany Chikamara [Kamara] Nwosu
The European “Right to Be Forgotten”: a Solution to the Nonconsensual Pornography Problem in the United States?, Allie Piacenti
Enforcing a Right to an Independent Judiciary Against Hungary in Response to Forthcoming Implementation of New Administrative Courts, David Brandon Smith
Challenges of the International Investment Arbitration-Influence of the Achmea Case, Shin-Ying (Chloe) Tsai
Economic Development in Morocco and Tunisia : Reflections from the International Immersion Program Trip, Richard Tsay
Submissions from 2018
The Interplay Between China's Climate Policy and Other Development Goals, Sari Amiel
Tracing the Impact of Migrants, Democracy and Globalization on the Chilean Wine Industry, Ray Andrada
The Role of Economic Incentives in Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking in Thailand, Jasmine Dela Luna
Social Credits in China : Responses from a Variety of Chinese Citizens About China's New Data Aggregation Initiative, Barry Frett
Bike Share Development in Chile, Tracy Gao
"I Can't Get No ... Education"-- Rolling Stones (Chilean Version), Chris Hurley
Lessons from Thailand : Designing Universal Health Care Coverage for Access to Mental Healthcare, Sara Kim
The Impact of Culture and Regime Change on Foreign Direct Investment in Thailand, Nicole Labell
China's New Anti-Monopoly Law, Luke Lechtenberg
Regulating the Shadow Banking System in China, Megan Lindgren
The Evolution of Securities Law in Thailand, Jinn-Min (Jimmy) Lin
Financing of Chilean Public-Private Partnerships : the Shaping of Chile's Public Policy for Economic Development, Laura C. Loaiza
The Role of Chinese Administrative Courts in Mediating Interregional Inequality, Nabihah Maqbool
Economic Growth, International Trade and China, Juan Nascimbene
"Beyond Common Sense :" the Resurgence of Thailand's Anachronistic Lèse Majesté Law, Lauren NuDelman
Thailand's Troubled Road Towards Democracy, Marusya Rechetnikova
Chile as a Hub of International Arbitration?: the Dashed Hopes of Chile's Adoption of the UN Model Law, Taylor Richards
The Culture of Counterfeiting: the Interplay of Social Norms in the Regulation and Creation of Counterfeit Goods, Regina Roediger
Gender Equity & Rhetoric in Chile, Kimberly A. Rubin
Recent Changes to Merger Notification in Chilean Antitrust Law, Max Samels
The Thai Coup Cycle : Why the National Council for Peace and Order's Authoritarian Reforms Are Unlikely to Bring Political Stability to Thailand, David Brandon Smith
Beating the Legislation Lag: the Dynamic Development of Thailand's E-Commerce Industry, Tarra Theisen
Chilean Wine Law, Nathan Wages
Submissions from 2017
"If He Beats You, It Means He Loves You" : Domestic Violence and Women's Rights in Russia, Bianca Chamusco
Fake Crime and Real Punishment : How a Weak Judiciary Has Held Back Development in Russia, Conor Gilligan
Recent Legislative Restrictions and Putin's Propaganda Machine: the Russian Government's Attack on Religious Freedom, Jason Grover
[Hague Agreement], Julia Haines
An Analysis of the Three Major Cross-Border Insolvency Regimes, Ryan Halimi
"The Laws Are the Same for Everyone" : Regulating Protest in the United States and Russia, Morgan Herrell
The Destruction of Cultural Property at the International Criminal Court : the Prosecutor v. Al Mahdi, Shiva Jayaraman
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap : the Economic and Legal Challenges of Bringing Clean Energy Innovation to the Russian Federation, Matt Klomparens
The Singapore Legal Industry : a Brief Overview and Comparison, Hannah Loo
Notes on Singapore's Development Strategy, Maria Mondeja
Hong Kong's Role in Sino-African Trade Relations: a Tripartite Coalition, Josephine Oshiafi
Covert Consensus: Why the United States Supreme Court Won't Admit That It Uses Concensus to Interpret the Constitution, Joshua Pickar
Arbitration in Singapore and Hong Kong, Piyush Prasad
Russia's Disabled "Orphans" : Suggestions for Institutional Change, Eileen Prescott
Gender Discrimination Against Refugees, Abhinaya Prithivi
Russia's Economic Development Since Crimea and Its "Pivot" Towards China, Marusya Rechetnikova
Intertwining Public Morality, Prosecutorial Discretion, and Punishment : Low Crime and Convictions in Singapore, Zachary Reynolds
Reviving a Historic Economic Powerhouse: Dutch Private Equity, Taylor Richards
Unhelpful Consistency: the History and Methodology of Soviet Commercial Courts from Lenin to Khrushchev, John Rizner
The Growth of Singapore and Hong Kong in the Face of Climate Change and Environmental Degradation, Alexander K. Robinson
Russia and Climate Change : Bipolar Near the North Pole, Andrew Sabintsev
"Great Laws, Bad Implementation" : Criminal Justice Reform in Russia Since the Fall of the Soviet Union, Taryn Strohmeyer
Religious Freedom and International Law : the Protection of Religious Minorities in International Tribunals, Anagha Sundararajan
In an Era of FinTech : Strategies of Government to Deal With Virtual Currencies, Kamolnich Swasdiphanich
Promised Land or Fool's Paradise? : a Comparison of International Wildlife Crime and United States Drug Crime, Sarah E. Welch
License to Drill : the OFAC Licensing Regime and How to Obtain Clearance to Invest in Russian Financial and Commodities Markets, Zachary Z. Zermay
A Tale of Two Cities: Comparative Study of Public Housing Policies of Hong Kong and Singapore, Richard Junqi Zhang
Submissions from 2016
Confronting the Colonial Legacy : Retaining and Rejecting Spanish Colonial Law in Nineteenth Century Latin America : Mexico and Argentina, Tyler Joseph Cerami