Edward H. Levi Scholarship & Documents | Edward H. Levi - Deanship | University of Chicago Law School

Dean of the University of Chicago Law School: 1950-1962


Edward H. Levi’s academic interests ranged from legal process to constitutional law to bankruptcy law. He authored the textbook An Introduction to Legal Reasoning (1949) and wrote widely on issues of legal process.

Outside the classroom, Levi put his scholarly knowledge to practical use. As an advisor to the Federation of Atomic Scientists he helped write the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, which gave control of the nation’s atomic energy program to a civilian commission of presidential appointees. Levi argued twice before the United States Supreme Court, both times concerning Illinois’s maze-like criminal procedure laws.

Levi taught courses in antitrust and commercial law as well as basic jurisprudence. He first taught Elements of Law in 1939 and continued to offer the course (which he refined over the years) until his retirement in 1984. In the 1950s and 1960s Levi taught Law of Competition and Monopoly with economist Aaron Director. The innovative interdisciplinary course was emblematic of Levi’s philosophy of legal education.

For more information on Levi, see the Edward H. Levi Papers, Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.



An Introduction to Legal Reasoning, Edward H. Levi, 1948


What Can the Law Schools Do?, Edward H. Levi, 1951



New Law Head Wants to Make 'Good Law School Even Better', Fred Winsberg, 1950


News of the Quadrangles: Law School's Levi, Jeannette Lowery, 1950


The Law School at Mid-Century, Edward H. Levi, 1953


Ford Gives Law School $1.275 Million Grant, Chicago Maroon Staff, 1956


Law School - Out of Chicago Tradition...Framework for Experimentation, Learning, Edward H. Levi, 1959


Levi: Proud of Law School, Chicago Maroon Staff, 1959


Nixon Here Monday for Law School Dedication/Architect Discusses Law Building, Chicago Maroon Staff, 1959


Law's Dedicatory Year, University of Chicago Magazine staff, 1960


New Law Building Satisfies Faculty Needs, Expectations, Chicago Maroon staff, 1960


The Law School, Cap and Gown staff, 1961



Law Schools and the Universities, Edward H. Levi, 1965


Education and Legal Education, Edward H. Levi, 1969