Submissions from 2020
The End of the 1951 Refugee Convention?", Seyla Benhabib
Submissions from 2017
Gambling With Their Climate: Future Generations, Negative Emissions & Risk Transfers, Henry Shue
Submissions from 2015
Three Concepts of Human Dignity, Moshe Halbertal
Submissions from 2014
The Moral Side of Non-Negligence, Barbara Herman
Three, Not Two, Concepts of Liberty, Axel Honneth
Submissions from 2013
Giving Corporate Agents Their Due -- and Only Their Due, Philip Pettit
Submissions from 2012
Tom Paine and the Ironies of Social Democracy, Elizabeth Anderson
Submissions from 2011
Democracy v. Citizens United?, Joshua Cohen
Submissions from 2010
Trying Political Leaders, Michael Walzer
Submissions from 2008
An Epistemic Case for Legal Moralism, Robert Goodin
Submissions from 2006
Dewey and Posner on Pragmatism and Moral Progress, Richard Rorty
Submissions from 2004
America's Responsibility as a Global Citizen, Peter Singer