Book chapters or other book sections written or edited by faculty and other members of the University of Chicago Law School community.
Submissions from 1974
The Probable Effects of Pay Cable Television on Culture and the Arts, Richard A. Posner
Truth in Advertising: The Role of Government, Richard A. Posner
Submissions from 1973
Business Organization and the Accountant, Ronald H. Coase
Can Law Protect and Enforce Individuality?, Philip B. Kurland
Foreign Criminal Procedure: A Comment, William M. Landes
An Introduction to Legal Reasoning [extract], Edward Hirsch Levi
The Nature of Judicial Reasoning, Edward Hirsch Levi
An Overextension of Equal Protection, Jo Desha Lucas
The Lockout, Bernard D. Meltzer
Submissions from 1972
Community Organization and Community Theory: A View from the Law, Walter J. Blum and Dallin H. Oaks
Industrial Organization: A Proposal for Research, Ronald H. Coase
Regulation and Consumerism, Ronald H. Coase
Introduction, Harry Kalven Jr. and Hans Zeisel
Statistics and the Law, Harry Kalven Jr. and Hans Zeisel
A Changing Federalism: American Systems of Laws and Constitution, Philip B. Kurland
Toward a Political Supreme Court, Philip B. Kurland
Submissions from 1971
The Market for Goods and the Market for Ideas, Ronald H. Coase
Constitutional Twins: Obscenity and Libel, Harry Kalven Jr.
Jury, Harry Kalven Jr. and Hans Zeisel
The Courts Should Decide Less and Explain More, Philip B. Kurland
Law and Economics, William M. Landes
Submissions from 1970
Auto Accidents and General Deterrence, Walter J. Blum and Harry Kalven Jr.
Discussion: Achieving Efficient Regulation of a Fishery, Ronald H. Coase
Social Cost and Public Policy, Ronald H. Coase
Jury, Harry Kalven Jr. and Hans Zeisel
Habitual Offenders, Philip B. Kurland
Legal Aspects of Revenue, Jo Desha Lucas
Submissions from 1969
Exclusive Distributorships in the United States and the European Economic Community: Schwinn and Grundig-Consten, Kenneth W. Dam
Earl Warren, The 'Warren Court,' and the Warren Myths, Philip B. Kurland
Robert H. Jackson, Philip B. Kurland
The Court Should Decide Less and Explain More, Philip B. Kurland
A Law Professor's View, Phil C. Neal
The Needs of the Foreign Student in the Professional School, Max Rheinstein
The Beginnings of Social Science Research in Austria, Hans Zeisel
The Tools of Causal Analysis, Hans Zeisel
Submissions from 1968
Comparative Public Law, Gerhard Casper and Stefan A. Riesenfeld
Consumer's Surplus, Ronald H. Coase
The Nature of Costs, Ronald H. Coase
The Problem of Social Cost, Ronald H. Coase
A Soliloquy on Comparative Negligence, Harry Kalven Jr.
The Quest for the Middle Range: Empirical Inquiry and Legal Policy, Harry Kalven Jr.
Equal Educational Opportunity: The Limits of Constitutional Jurisprudence Undefined, Philip B. Kurland
The Role of Law in Arbitration: A Rejoinder, Bernard D. Meltzer
Introduction, Norval R. Morris
Administration (of decedents' estates), Max Rheinstein
Advancement (decedents' estates), Max Rheinstein
Alimony, Max Rheinstein
Annulment, Max Rheinstein
Civil Law, Max Rheinstein
Conflict of Laws, Max Rheinstein
Desertion, Max Rheinstein
Devise, Max Rheinstein
Estates, Administration of, Max Rheinstein
Inheritance, Max Rheinstein
Interlocutory Decree, Max Rheinstein
Intestate Succession, Max Rheinstein
Law of Succession, Max Rheinstein
Legacy, Max Rheinstein
Legal Systems: Comparative Law and Legal Systems, Max Rheinstein
Marriage, Max Rheinstein
Primogeniture, Max Rheinstein
Probate, Max Rheinstein
Trends in Marriage and Divorce Laws of Western Countries, Max Rheinstein
Will, Max Rheinstein
Karl Polanyi, Hans Zeisel
Submissions from 1967
Some International Constraints on Improved Export Earnings of Developing Countries: Tariff Preferences and the Cotton Textile Agreement, Kenneth W. Dam
Some International Constraints on Improved Export Earnings of Developing Countries: Tariff Preferences and the Cotton Textile Agreement, Kenneth W. Dam
Preface, Harry Kalven Jr. and Hans Zeisel
The Role of a Liberal Arts College within a University, Edward Hirsch Levi
Introduction, Phil C. Neal
Comparison of the Rate of Incidence of Marriage Breakdown in the Swiss and the Italian Parts of the Swiss-Italian Border Region, Max Rheinstein
Marriage Breakdown in Ticino and Comasco, Max Rheinstein
Rechtswidrige Erzeugung Menschlichen Lebens: Ein neuer Grund deliktischer Haftung, Max Rheinstein
The Law, Hans Zeisel
Submissions from 1966
The Theory of Public Utility Pricing, Ronald H. Coase
Juries in Personal Injury Cases: their Functions and Methods, Harry Kalven Jr.
On Thoreau, Harry Kalven Jr.
Guidelines and the Constitution: Some Random Observations on Presidential Power to Control Prices and Wages, Philip B. Kurland
Introduction, Philip B. Kurland
Motion for a Directed Verdict, Philip B. Kurland
The Constitution: Article V and the Amending Process, Philip B. Kurland
Compensation and the Good Samaritan, Norval R. Morris
Submissions from 1965
Federalism and the Fourth Amendment: A Requiem for Wolf, Francis A. Allen
A Doctrine in Search of Authority, Philip B. Kurland
Principles of Law Bearing upon Contracts between Soviet Trading Organizations and American Business Enterprises, Soia Mentschikoff
Articles on Marriage, Succession, Wills, etc., Max Rheinstein
Motivation of Intergenerational Behavior by Norms of Law, Max Rheinstein
Succession, Wills, etc., Max Rheinstein
The Law of Family and Succession, Max Rheinstein
Why the Lex Fori, Max Rheinstein
Submissions from 1964
International Legal Aspects of Federalism, Kenneth W. Dam
Supreme Court of the United States, Philip B. Kurland
Modern Civil Law - Family Law and Succession, Max Rheinstein
Submissions from 1963
African Legal Studies: A Survey of the Field and the Role of the United States, Denis V. Cowen
Robert Trimble, Philip B. Kurland
Stanley Forman Reed, Philip B. Kurland
The Legal Background of the School Segregation Cases, Philip B. Kurland
The School Prayer Cases, Philip B. Kurland