Mental Decrepitude on the U.S. Supreme Court: The Historical Case for a 28th Amendment
David J. Garrow
From Politics to Efficiency in Choice of Law
Erin A. O'Hara and Larry E. Ribstein
New Economic Perspectives on Telecommunications Regulation (reviewing Competition in Telecommunications by Jean)
William P. Rogerson
Celebrity Names as Web Site Addresses: Extending the Domain of Publicity Rights to the Internet
Deborah J. Ezer
Reconciling the Juridical Links Doctrine with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Article III
William D. Henderson
Uncommon Preservation: Common Law Recognition of Admiralty Jurisdiction in Seamen's Wage and Hypothecation Cases
Rebecca Emily Rapp
In Memoriam
In Memoriam: Edward H. Levi (1912-2000)
Hugo F. Sonnenschein, Bernard D. Meltzer, Gerald R. Ford, Katharine Graham, and Antonin Scalia