Frederick Schauer
The Failure of Sentencing Guidelines: A Plea for Less Aggregation
Albert W. Alschuler
How Not to Promote Serious Deliberation about Abortion (reviewing Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes by Laurence H. Tribe)
Michael W. McConnell
Recent Books
Law Review Editors
The Attorney Misconduct Exception to the Work Product Doctrine
G. Michael Halfenger
The Endangered Species Act and Ursine Usurpations: A Grizzly Tale of Two Takings
Geoffrey L. Harrison
Defining the "Public Act" Requirement in the Act of State Doctrine
Lynn E. Parseghian
Hard Times for Unions: Another Look at the Significance of Employer Illegalities
Robert J. LaLonde and Bernard D. Meltzer
Hard Times for Unions: Challenging Times for Scholars
Paul C. Weiler
Stanley Fish and the Future of Pragmatism in Legal Theory
Sotirios A. Barber