Volume 13, Number 2 (1965) Autumn
The Center for Studies in Criminal Justice
Law School Record Staff
Three New Appointments
Law School Record Staff
Two Special Programs
Law School Record Staff
Fellowship for Rheinstein
Law School Record Staff
The Hopkins Lecture Hall
Law School Record Staff
The Kreeger Chair
Law School Record Staff
Israel's Highest Judge
Law School Record Staff
Public Law Perspectives on a Private Law Problem: Auto Compensation Plans
Walter J. Blum and Harry Kalven
Four Alumni Meetings
Law School Record Staff
Conferences and Lectures, Past and Future
Law School Record Staff
Law Schools and the Universities
Edward H. Levi
Alumni Day and Dinner
Law School Record Staff
White House Fellow
Law School Record Staff
Placement -- The Class of 1965
Law School Record Staff
Felix Frankfurter
Philip B. Kurland
Freund Centennial Prizes
Law School Record Staff
Court Program Continues
Law School Record Staff
AG and DAG
Law School Record Staff
Evaluation of Public Policy Relating to Radio and Television Broadcasting: Social and Economic Issues
Ronald H. Coase
Two Notable Alumni
Law School Record Staff
The Visiting Committee
Law School Record Staff
"It's Shocking How Old He Looks"
Law School Record Staff
The Class of 1968
Law School Record Staff