Volume 6, Number 2 (1977)
Front Matter
Editorial Staff
State Law, Shareholder Protection, and the Theory of the Corporation
Ralph K. Winter Jr.
Fear of Deterrence: A Critical Evaluation of the "Report of the Panel on Research on Deterrent and Incapacitative Effects"
Isaac Ehrlich and Randall Mark
Determinants of the Death Rate from Robbery: A Detroit Time Study
Franklin E. Zimring
The Influence of Representation on Public Policy
W. Mark Crain and Robert D. Tollison
Forced Busing and the Demand for Private Schooling
Claude H. Farrell, David N. Hyman, and Loren A. Ihnen
Retroactive Law
Stephen R. Munzer
Adam Smith and the Problem of Justice in Capitalist Society
Donald J. Devine
Gratuitous Promises in Economics and Law
Richard A. Posner
An Empirical Study of the Federal Summary Judgment Rule
William P. Mclauchlan
Timing in Personal Taxation
William A. Klein