Volume 48, Number 1 (2019)
The Insignificance of Clear-Day Poison Pills
Emiliano M. Catan
Constitutional Folk Theories as a Guide to Constitutional Values? The Case of the Legislative Veto
Edward H. Stiglitz
Active Firms and Active Shareholders: Corporate Political Activity and Shareholder Proposals
Geeyoung Min and Hye Young You
Rent Seeking and Bias in Appeals Systems
Tim Friehe and Ansgar Wohlschlegel
Costly Pretrial Agreements
Luca Anderlini, Leonardo Felli, and Giovanni Immordino
To Serve and Collect: The Fiscal and Racial Determinants of Law Enforcement
Michael D. Makowsky, Thomas Stratmann, and Alex Tabarrok
Follow the Leader? Testing for the Internalization of Law
Shaun Larcom, Luca A. Panzone, and Timothy Swanson