Volume 19, Number 1 (1990)
Volume Information
Editorial Staff
An Augmentation of the Guard
Richard A. Epstein
Why Do Universities Have Endowments?
Henry Hansmann
Liability Salvage--By Private Ordering
Wayne T. Brough
Why Tender Offers? The Efficient Market Hypothesis, the Supply of Stock, and Signaling
Lloyd R. Cohen
Empirical Evidence on the Selection Hypothesis and the Decision to Litigate or Settle
Linda R. Stanley and Don L. Coursey
The Incentive to Sue: An Option-Pricing Approach
Bradford Cornell
Second Thoughts on the Public-Good Justification for Government Poverty Programs
Dwight R. Lee and Richard B. McKenzie
An Experimental Study of Single-Actor Accidents
Lewis Kornhauser and Andrew Schotter
Indemnity, Settlement, and Litigation: Comment and Extension
Philip L. Hersch