Volume 12, Number 2 (1983)
The Death and Transfiguration of Benefit Taxation: Special Assessments in Nineteenth-Century America
Stephen Diamond
Childhood Competence and Autonomy
Ferdinand Schoeman
Criminal Procedure as a Market System
Frank H. Easterbrook
An Alternative Mechanism to Assure Contractual Reliability
Charles R. Knoeber
Settlement out of Court: The Disposition of Medical Malpractice Claims
Patricia Danzon and Lee A. Lillard
The Pricing of Surrogate Crime and Law Enforcement
Roger L. Faith and Robert D. Tollison
A Comparison of Taxes, Regulation, and Liability Rules under Imperfect Information
Michelle J. White and Donald A. Wittman
Risk Sharing through Breach of Contract Remedies
A. Mitchell Polinsky