Volume 58, Number 4 (2015)
The Role of Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance in Securities Fraud Class Action Settlements
Dain C. Donelson, Justin J. Hopkins, and Christopher G. Yust
On the Distributive Costs of Drug-Related Homicides
Nicolas Ajzenman, Sebastian Galiani, and Enrique Seira
Do Cheeseburger Bills Work? Effects of Tort Reform for Fast Food
Christopher S. Carpenter and D. Sebastian Tello-Trillo
Political Connectedness and Court Outcomes: Evidence from Chinese Corporate Lawsuits
Haitian Lu, Hongbo Pan, and Chenying Zhang
Intrinsic Motivation in Public Service: Theory and Evidence from State Supreme Courts
Elliott Ash and W. Bentley MacLeod
Evaluating Mergers in the Presence of Dynamic Competition Using Impacts on Rivals
Darren Filson, Saman Olfati, and Fatos Radoniqi
Banking Deregulation, Local Credit Supply, and Small-Business Growth
Prasad Krishnamurthy