Volume 52, Number 2 (2009)
Do Wrongful-Discharge Laws Impair Firm Performance?
Robert C. Bird and John D. Knopf
Regulatory Exploitation and Management Changes: Upcoding in the Hospital Industry
Leemore Dafny and David Dranove
The Effects of Male Incarceration Dynamics on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Infection Rates among African American Women and Men
Rucker C. Johnson and Stephen Raphael
Does It Matter Who Your Buyer Is? The Role of Nonprofit Mission in the Market for Corporate Control of Hospitals
Paul Gertler and Jennifer Kuan
Postcommunist Oligarchs in Russia: Quantitative Analysis
Serguey Braguinsky
Effects of Occupational Licensing Laws on Minorities: Evidence from the Progressive Era
Marc T. Law and Mindy S. Marks
Explaining the Puzzle of Cross-State Differences in Bankruptcy Rates
Lars Lefgren and Frank McIntyre