Volume 49, Number 1 (2006)
File Sharing: Creative Destruction or Just Plain Destruction?
Stan J. Liebowitz
Piracy on the High C's: Music Downloading, Sales Displacement, and Social Welfare in a Sample of College Students
Rafael Rob and Joel Waldfogel
Measuring the Effect of File Sharing on Music Purchases
Alejandro Zentner
Impact of Legal Threats on Online Music Sharing Activity: An Analysis of Music Industry Legal Actions
Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ram D. Gopal, Kaveepan Lertwachara, and James R. Marsden
The Origins of Democracy: A Model with Application to Ancient Greece
Robert K. Fleck and F. Andrew Hanssen
Does Religion Really Reduce Crime?
Paul Heaton
Contract Duration: Evidence from Franchising
James A. Brickley, Sanjog Misra, and R. Lawrence Van Horn
Regulation and Incentives in European Aviation
Philippe Gagnepain and Pedro L. Marín
Neighborhood Crime and Young Males' Job Opportunity
Keith R. Ihlanfeldt
The Economics of Teacher Quality
Darius Lakdawalla
Initial Public Offering Discount and Competition
Shmuel Hauser, Uzi Yaari, Yael Tanchuma, and Harold Baker
Plea Bargains Only for the Guilty
Oren Bar-Gill and Oren Gazal Ayal