Volume 39, Number 2 (1996)
Front Matter
Editorial Staff
Settling for Coupons: Discount Contracts as Compensation and Punishment in Antitrust Lawsuits
Severin Borenstein
The Economic Epidemiology of Crime
Tomas J. Philipson and Richard A. Posner
Congressional Control of the Courts: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Expansion of the Federal Judiciary
John M. de Figueiredo and Emerson H. Tiller
The Use of Covenants: An Empirical Analysis of Venture Partnership Agreements
Paul Gompers and Josh Lerner
Is the "Dominant Firm" Dominant? An Empirical Analysis of AT&T's Market Power
Simran K. Kahai, David L. Kaserman, and John W. Mayo
Stigma and Self-Fulfilling Expectations of Criminality
Eric B. Rasmusen
Issuer Expenses and Legal Liability in Initial Public Offerings
Randolph P. Beatty and Ivo Welch
How Reelection Constituencies Matter: Evidence from Political Action Committees' Contributions and Congressional Voting
Thomas Stratmann
Agent Discretion and the Choice of Insurance Marketing System
Laureen Regan and Sharon Tennyson
The Political Economy of Branching Restrictions and Deposit Insurance: A Model of Monopolistic Competition among Small and Large Banks
Nicholas Economides, R. Glenn Hubbard, and Darius Palia