Volume 34 (Contracts and the Activities of Firms: A Conference Sponsored by the John M. Olin Foundation and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation)
Ronald H. Coase
Records Pertaining to Contracts and the Activities of Firms in the National Archives: An Overview
Tab Lewis
The Relationships among Acquiring and Acquired Firms' Product Lines
Robert H. Mc Guckin, Sang V. Nguyen, and Stephen H. Andrews
The Extent and Nature of Establishment-Level Diversification in Sixteen U. S. Manufacturing Industries
Mary L. Streitwieser
Contractual Relationships in the Deregulated Transportation Marketplace
Laurence T. Phillips
Specific Investments, Contracts, and Opportunism: The Evolution of Railroad Sidetrack Agreements
Russell Pittman
Prices Are Property: The Organization of Financial Exchanges from a Transaction Cost Perspective
J. Harold Mulherin, Jeffry M. Netter, and James A. Overdahl
Contractual Resolution of Bondholder-Stockholder Conflicts in Leveraged Buyouts
Kenneth Lehn and Annette Poulsen
Political Risk and Organizational Form
Frederick J. Phillips-Patrick
A Researcher's Guide to the Contracts of Firms Filing with the SEC
James A. Overdahl
The Role of the FTC's Line of Business Data in Testing and Expanding the Theory of the Firm
David J. Ravenscraft and Curtis L. Wagner III