Volume 32, Number 1 (1989)
Front Matter
Editorial Staff
Ownership and Performance in Competitive Environments: A Comparison of the Performance of Private, Mixed, and State-Owned Enterprises
Anthony E. Boardman and Aidan R. Vining
Regulation and the Theory of Legislative Choice: The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
Thomas W. Gilligan, William J. Marshall, and Barry R. Weingast
Railroad Deregulation, Innovation, and Competition: Effects of the Staggers Act on Grain Transportation
James M. Mac Donald
The Effect of Fuel Economy Standards on Automobile Safety
Robert W. Crandall and John D. Graham
The Rationality of Ideology
William R. Dougan and Michael C. Munger
Medicaid Drug Formulary Restrictions
David Dranove
Advertising in Consumer Goods Industries: Durability, Economies of Scale, and Heterogeneity
Lacy Glenn Thomas
A Dutch Auction Information Exchange
Christopher D. Hall
On the Incentives of Judges to Enforce Legislative Wealth Transfers
Gary M. Anderson, William F. Shughart II, and Robert D. Tollison