Volume 5, Number 1 (2004)
Title Page
CJIL Editors
Table of Contents
CJIL Editors
Lex Mercatoria - Hoist with Its Own Petard?
Celia Wasserstein Fassberg
Justice, Institutions, and Multiple Equilibria
Roger B. Myerson
Two-Tier Market Institutions
Avinash Dixit
The Law Merchant in the Modern Age: Institutional Design and International Usages under the CISG
Clayton P. Gillette
The International Committee of the Red Cross and the Development of International Humanitarian Law
François Bugnion
The International Committee of the Red Cross and Its Contribution to the Development of International Humanitarian Law in Specialized Instruments
Knut Dörmann and Louis Maresca
The Mural-Covered Wall: On Separation and the Future of Jews and Palestinians in Israel/Palestine and the Diaspora
Marc H. Ellis
Without Reservation
Gregory F. Jacob
International Commercial Arbitration: Reflections at the Crossroads of the Common Law and Civil Law Traditions
Javier H. Rubinstein
Using "Norms" to Change International Law: UN Human Rights Laws Sneaking in through the Back Door?
Troy Rule
Forward unto the Digital Breach: Exploring the Legal Status of Tomorrow's High-Tech Warriors
Adam Sherman
Sovereignty and the Southern African Development Community
Benjamin Sirota
Matter of Law, Question of Policy: Kosovo's Current and Future Status under International Law
Epaminontas E. Triantafilou