Volume 14, Number 1 (2013)
Table of Contents
CJIL Editors
Ersatz Normativity or Public Law in Global Governance: The Hard Case of International Prescriptions for National Infrastructure Regulation
Megan Donaldson and Benedict Kingsbury
Jurisdiction, Immunity, Legality, and Jus Cogens
Anthony J. Colangelo
Variations on a Theme: Comparing the Concept of "Necessity" in International Investment Law and WTO Law
Andrew D. Mitchell and Caroline Henckels
Beyond the Post-Conflict Checklist: Linking Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice through the Lens of Critique
Dustin N. Sharp
Navigating Conflicts in Cyberspace: Legal Lessons from the History of War at Sea
Jeremy Rabkin and Ariel Rabkin
Case Studies in the Advancement of Sexual Orientation Rights and the Role of Developing International Legal Norms: Argentina and Brazil
Christine A. Bonomo
Increasing the ICJ's Influence as a Court of Human Rights: The Muslim Rohingya as a Case Study
Lee J.F. Deppermann
The Common European Sales Law's Compliance with the Subsidiarity Principle of the European Union
Michael Educate
Regulating Digital Currencies: Bringing Bitcoin within the Reach of the IMF
Nicholas A. Plassaras