"Égalité et amour à la fin du Mariage de Figaro: constituer les émotion" by Martha Nussbaum

Égalité et amour à la fin du Mariage de Figaro: constituer les émotions démocratiques

Publication Date


Publication Title

Martha Nussbaum: émotions privées, espace public

Book Editors

Solange Chavel



Series Title

Raison publique; 13

Section Title

Égalité et amour à la fin du Mariage de Figaro: constituer les émotions démocratiques

Link to University of Chicago’s Library Catalog


Additional Information

French translation of 'Equality and Love at the End of The Marriage of Figaro: Forging Democratic Emotions,' 11:3 Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 397 (2010).

Additional Note

Because of the large quantity of her publications and contractual issues, Professor Nussbaum has posted citations in Chicago Unbound, rather than full-text. The list of her publications is current through December 1, 2013, and will be updated once a year.

Full text not available in ChicagoUnbound.

Catalog Record
