Ter verdegiging van universele warden
Publication Date
Publication Title
Internationale Rechtvaardigheid: over politiek en ethiek in een mondiaal tijdperk
Book Editors
Gert Verschraegen and Ronald Tinnevelt
Section Title
Ter verdegiging van universele warden
Link to University of Chicago’s Library Catalog
Recommended Citation
Martha Nussbaum, "Ter verdegiging van universele warden," in Internationale Rechtvaardigheid: over politiek en ethiek in een mondiaal tijdperk, Gert Verschraegen & Ronald Tinnevelt eds. (Pelckmans, 2005).
Additional Note
Because of the large quantity of her publications and contractual issues, Professor Nussbaum has posted citations in Chicago Unbound, rather than full-text. The list of her publications is current through December 1, 2013, and will be updated once a year.
http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/cat/bib/6162710" title="Catalog Record" target="_blank" class="btn" > Catalog Record
Additional Information
Flemish translation of an adapted excerpt of chapter 1 of Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach (2000).