University of Chicago Law Review

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Qualified immunity is a judge-made doctrine originally created to shield officers from liability only when they could not have been on notice that their actions were wrongful. In the four decades since the Supreme Court first articulated this justification for qualified immunity, the doctrine has become unmoored from its roots and has expanded to protect officers even in the face of clear evidence that the officers should have known better.

The test for qualified immunity states that officers are immune from liability in the absence of clearly established law that previously condemned their conduct, but the Supreme Court has not defined exactly what “clearly established law” means. In a set of conflicting cases, the Court has both repudiated the consideration of departmental policies as clearly established law and, subsequently, cited departmental policies as evidence of clearly established law. As a result of this ambiguity, lower courts have been inconsistent—even within circuits—about whether departmental policies count as clearly established law.

This Comment addresses this gap in the doctrine by proposing a solution that ameliorates the legal fiction at the heart of the clearly-established-law inquiry. Using Hope v. Pelzer’s obviousness exception to the clearly-established-law requirement, this Comment proposes incorporating departmental policies into the qualified immunity doctrine as an objective measure for determining when an officer’s rights violation was obvious. This solution shifts the application of qualified immunity to align with the original justification for the doctrine without requiring a change in precedent from the Supreme Court. Ultimately, it closes a loophole in the doctrine by offering a method through which officers can be held accountable for their conduct when they clearly should have known that their actions were wrong.

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