Formalism and Employer Liability under Title VII
Samuel R. Bagenstos
Enforcing Equality: Statutory Injunctions, Equitable Balancing under eBay, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Michael T. Morley
Denying Deference: Civil Rights and Judicial Resistance to Administrative Constitutionalism
Bertrall L. Ross II
Disparate Impact, School Closures, and Parental Choice
Nicole Stelle Garnett
The Diversity Feedback Loop
Patrick Shin, Devon Carbado, and Mitu Gulati
Charters, Choice, and the Constitution
Myron Orfield and Thomas Luce
Rethinking Proxies for Disadvantage in Higher Education: A First Generation Students' Project
Tomiko Brown-Nagin
Eliminating the Distinction between Sex and Sexual Orientation Discriminatio in Title VIIs Antiretaliation Provisions
Benjamin Berkman
The Resurgence of the Maternal Wall: Revisiting Accommodation under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Mikaela Shaw
Irreconcilable Differences: Conflicting Court Approaches to Assessing the Duty to Conciliate
Gregory Tsonis
Distinct Claims for Distinct Wrongs?: The Preemption Treatment of Highly Personal Wrongs
Evan Feinauer