Embryo Culture and the Culture of Life: Constitutional Issues in the Embryonic Stem Cell Debate
John A. Robertson
Defining Life from the Perspective of Death: An Introduction to the Forced Symmetry Approach
Kirsten Rabe Smolensky
Reproductive Cloning: Another Look
Bonnie Steinbock
Reduce, Refine, Replace: The Failure of the Three R's and the Future of Animal Experimentation
Darian M. Ibrahim
Equal Consideration and the Interest of Nonhuman Animals in Continued Existence: A Response to Professor Sunstein
Gary L. Francione
Kennewick Man and the Meaning of Life
Steven Goldberg
Parenthood from the Grave: Protocols for Retrieving and Utilizing Gametes from the Dead or Dying
Katheryn D. Katz
Formalism and the Legal Status of Body Parts
Michele Goodwin
Criminalizing Consensual Transmission of HIV
Amanda Weiss
Attacking the Hidden Epidemic: Why a Strict Liability Standard Should Govern the Transmission of Sexually Transmitted Disease
Vladimir W. Sentome
Between Organs and Adoption: Why Pre-Embryo Donors Should Not Be Allowed to Discriminate against Recipients
Mark W. Premo-Hopkins
Organ Donation by Incompetent Patients: A Hybrid Approach
Sara Lind Nygren
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