The Seventh Amendment: Some Bicentennial Reflections
Paul D. Carrington
The New Jury and the Ancient Jury Conflict
Stephen C. Yeazell
Reforming Jury Trials
William W. Schwarzer
A View from the Bench: Practical Perspectives on Juries
Prentice H. Mashall
The Role of the Civil Jury in a System of Private Litigation
George L. Priest
Civil Jury as a Regulator of the Litigation Process
Marc Galanter
Junk Science and the Jury
Peter Huber
Court-Ordered Arbitration: An Alternative View
Deborah R. Hensler
Court-Annexed Arbitration: The Wrong Cure
Diane P. Wood
The Foreword - Vanishing Civil Jury
Albert W. Alschuler
Ignorance as Bliss? - The Historical Development of an American Rule on Juror Knowledge
Edward J. Finley II
The Right to Jury Trial in Non-Article III Courts and Administrative Agencies after Grandfinanciera v. Nordberg
Mark I. Greenberg
The Foreign Defendant's Demand for Jury Trial under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
J. Christopher Groobey
The Pros and Cons of Jury Trials in Will Contests
Josef Athanas
A More Rational Approach to Complex Civil Litigation in the Federal Courts: The Special Jury
Rita Sutton
Judicial Review of Labor Arbitration Awards Reinstating Dangerous Employees
Jeffrey Alan Goldenberg
The Binational Dispute-Resolution Panel Created by the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement: What Did Canada Win?
Susan A. Maxson
Arbitration with the Soviets: The Importance of Forum Selection in Dispute Resolution Clauses in Non-Maritime Joint Enterprise Agreements
Katherine T. Ward
Front Matter
Table of Contents
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