Coase-Sandor Working Paper Series in Law and Economics
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Law & Economics Working Papers
This essay responds to an article by Daniel Shaviro which argues in part that the failure of empirical assumptions behind the permanent income hypothesis undermines the case for preferring consumption taxation over income taxation. We consider each of Shaviro's arguments and conclude that none change the basic considerations in favor of consumption taxation in any significant way. Shaviro concludes that administrability and implementation concerns should be central to the choice of the tax base and that these concerns are likely to point to taxing consumption. We agree with this conclusion.
Recommended Citation
David A. Weisbach & Joseph Bankman, "Consumption Taxation Is Still Superior to Income Taxation" (John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics Working Paper No. 358, 2007).
Additional Information
Chicago Unbound includes both works in progress and final versions of articles. Please be aware that a more recent version of this article may be available on Chicago Unbound, SSRN or elsewhere.