Volume 8, Number 3 (1979)
Front Matter
Editorial Staff
Causal Paradigms in Tort Law
John Borgo
Epstein's Tort Theory: A Critique
Richard A. Posner
Causation and Corrective Justice: A Reply to Two Critics
Richard A. Epstein
Products Liability in Markets with Heterogeneous Consumers
Janusz A. Ordover
An Economic Analysis of the Law of False Advertising
Ellen R. Jordan and Paul H. Rubin
The Executive Branch in the Interest-Group Theory of Government
W. Mark Crain and Robert D. Tollison
Detention of Heroin Addicts, Job Opportunities, and Deterrence
Harold L. Votey Jr.
Cost and Output in the Legislative Firm
W. Mark Crain
Defending Organized Crime? A Note
JÌ_rgen Backhaus