Volume 7, Number 2 (1978)
Economics and Contiguous Disciplines
Ronald H. Coase
Wealth, and Possibly Liberty
George J. Stigler
Litigation and Social Status in Seventeenth-Century New Haven
Thomas L. Haskell
Costly Litigation in the Model of Single Activity Accidents
Janusz A. Ordover
Penalties and Compensation for Auto Accidents
Charles R. Knoeber
Producers' Liability and Product-Related Accidents
Richard S. Higgins
The Economics of the Baby Shortage
Elisabeth M. Landes and Richard A. Posner
Judicial Economy and Class Actions
Roger Bernstein
Personal Bankruptcies
Vincent P. Apilado, Joel J. Dauten, and Douglas E. Smith
An Economic Theory of the Evolution of Common Law
John C. Goodman