Volume 44, Number 1 (2015)
Testing for Racial Prejudice in the Parole Board Release Process: Theory and Evidence
Shamena Anwar and Hanming Fang
Assessing Racial Disparities in Parole Release
Stéphane Mechoulan and Nicolas Sahuguet
The Hierarchical Influence of Courts of Appeals on District Courts
Christina L. Boyd
Does the Endowment Effect Justify Legal Intervention? The Debiasing Effect of Institutions
Jennifer Arlen and Stephan Tontrup
Do Institutional Investors Value the Rule 10b-5 Private Right of Action? Evidence from Investors’ Trading Behavior following Morrison v. National Australia Bank Ltd.
Robert P. BartlettIII
Does the Social Cost of Carbon Matter? Evidence from US Policy
Robert W. Hahn and Robert A. Ritz