Volume 36, Number 3 (2007) Current Research on Medical Malpractice Liability, A Conference Sponsored by the John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics at the University of Chicago Law School
Medical Malpractice Reform and Physicians in High-Risk Specialties
Jonathan Klick and Thomas Stratmann
Does Malpractice Liability Keep the Doctor Away? Evidence from Tort Reform Damage Caps
David A. Matsa
An Empirical Study of the Impact of Tort Reforms on Medical Malpractice Settlement Payments
Ronen Avraham
An Empirical Assessment of Early Offer Reform for Medical Malpractice
Joni Hersch, Jeffrey O'Connell, and W. Kip Viscusi
Unlimited Subrogation: Improving Medical Malpractice Liability by Allowing Insurers to Take Charge
Kenneth S. Reinker and David Rosenberg
When Tort Resolutions Are -ÏWrong-: Predictors of Discordant Outcomes in Medical Malpractice Litigation
David M. Studdert and Michelle M. Mello
Physicians' Insurance Limits and Malpractice Payments: Evidence from Texas Closed Claims, 1990-Ò2003
Kathryn Zeiler, Charles Silver, Bernard Black, David A. Hyman, and William M. Sage