Volume 35, Number 1 (2006)
The Appeals Process and Adjudicator Incentives
Steven M. Shavell
The Unreluctant Litigant? An Empirical Analysis of Japan's Turn to Litigation
Tom Ginsburg and Glenn Hoetker
Product Defects and the Value of the Firm in Japan: The Impact of the Product Liability Law
Sumiko Takaoka
The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit's Impact on Patent Litigation
Matthew D. Henry and John L. Turner
Divorce Laws and the Structure of the American Family
St̩phane Mechoulan
Subsidizing Addiction: Do State Health Insurance Mandates Increase Alcohol Consumption?
Jonathan Klick and Thomas Stratmann
Debiasing through Law
Christine Jolls and Cass R. Sunstein
Does the U.S. Constitution Need an Equal Rights Amendment?
Lisa Baldez, Lee Epstein, and Andrew D. Martin