Volume 16, Number 1 (1987)
Front Matter
Editorial Staff
Inducement of Breach of Contract as a Problem of Ostensible Ownership
Richard A. Epstein
A Critique of Economic and Sociological Theories of Social Control
Robert C. Ellickson
Breach of Contract in the Soviet Economy
Heidi Kroll
The Coase Theorem and California Animal Trespass Law
Kenneth R. Vogel
Some Agency Problems in Settlement
Geoffrey P. Miller
Fear and Loathing in the Coase Theorem: Experimental Tests Involving Physical Discomfort
Don L. Coursey, Elizabeth Hoffman, and Matthew Spitzer
Raising the Alcohol Purchase Age: Its Effects on Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes in Twenty-Six States
William Du Mouchel, Allan F. Williams, and Paul L. Zador