Volume 66, Number 3 (2023)
Dynamic Decision-Making under Rolling Admissions: Evidence from US Law School Applications
Yao Luo and Yu Wang
Loans to Chapter 11 Firms: Contract Design, Repayment Risk, and Pricing
B. Espen Eckbo, Kai Li, and Wei Wang
Do Private Prisons Affect Criminal Sentencing?
Christian Dippel and Michael Poyker
Does Voluntary Financial Disclosure Matter? The Case of Fairness Opinions in Mergers and Acquisitions
Adam B. Badawi, Matthew D. Cain, and Steven Davidoff Solomon
Partisan Gerrymandering and Turnout
Daniel E. Jones, Neil Silveus, and Carly Urban
Multidimensionality of Landownership among Men and Women in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ardina Hasanbasri; Talip Kilic; Gayatri Koolwal,; and Heather Moylan
The Lion’s Share: Evidence from Federal Contracts on the Value of Political Connections
Şenay Ağca and Deniz Igan