Volume 65 (S2: A Special Issue in Honor of Sam Peltzman)
Public Opinion about Regulation
Sam Peltzman
Peltzman Revisited: Quantifying 21st- Century Opportunity Costs of Food and Drug Administration Regulation
Casey B. Mulligan
The Returns to Medical Inventions
David Dranove, Craig Garthwaite, and Bingxiao Wu
Advertising Costs and Product Prices
Hal Varian
Does Uber Benefit Travelers by Price Discrimination?
Yenjae Chang, Clifford Winston, and Jia Yan
A Retrospective Analysis of the AT&T/Time Warner Merger
Dennis W. Carlton, Georgi V. Giozov, Mark A. Israel, and Allan L. Shampine
Antitrust in the Information Economy: Digital Platform Mergers
Robert W. Crandall and Thomas W. Hazlett
In the Beginning: The Creation of the Economic Expert in Antitrust
Kenneth G. Elzinga