Volume 56, Number 1 (2013)
An Activity-Generating Theory of Regulation
Joshua Schwartzstein and Andrei Shleifer
Reforming Fisheries: Lessons from a Self-Selected Cooperative
Robert T. Deacon, Dominic P. Parker, and Christopher Costello
Does Shareholder Proxy Access Improve Firm Value? Evidence from the Business Roundtable's Challenge
Bo Becker, Daniel Bergstresser, and Guhan Subramanian
Does Higher Malpractice Pressure Deter Medical Errors?
Toshiaki Iizuka
Law Firm Expertise and Merger and Acquisition Outcomes
C. N. V. Krishnan and Ronald W. Masulis
Information Production by Investment Banks: Evidence from Fairness Opinions
Matthew D. Cain and David J. Denis