Volume 55, Number 3 (2012)
A Sex Difference in Risk Taking and Promotions in Hierarchies: Evidence from Females in Legislatures
Dino Falaschetti
Lines in the Sand: Price Dispersion across Iraq's Intranational Borders before, during, and after the Surge
S. Brock Blomberg and Rozlyn C. Engel
Intellectual Property Protection and Technology Licensing: The Case of Developing Countries
Sunil Kanwar
The Effect of Punishment Severity on Plea Bargaining
Richard T. Boylan
Product Liability and Moral Hazard: Evidence from General Aviation
Eric Helland and Alexander Tabarrok
Judicial Biases in Ottoman Istanbul: Islamic Justice and Its Compatibility with Modern Economic Life
Timur Kuran and Scott Lustig
Peter T. Leeson