Volume 47, Number 1 (2004)
The Response of Criminals and Noncriminals to Fines
Avner Bar-Ilan and Bruce Sacerdote
The Political Economy of Property Exemption Laws
Richard M. Hynes, Anup Malani, and Eric Posner
Protecting Intellectual Property Rights: Are Small Firms Handicapped?
Jean O. Lanjouw and Mark Schankerman
The Fugitive: Evidence on Public versus Private Law Enforcement from Bail Jumping
Eric Helland and Alexander Tabarrok
Research and Development Alliances: Evidence from a Federal Contracts Repository
Conrad S. Ciccotello, Martin J. Hornyak, and Michael S. Piwowar
Regulation and the Evolution of Corporate Boards: Monitoring, Advising, or Window Dressing?
Eric Helland and Michael Sykuta
An Empirical Investigation of the Competitive Effects of Domestic Airline Alliances
Gustavo E. Bamberger, Dennis W. Carlton, and Lynette R. Neumann
Abortion Policy and Fertility Outcomes: The Eastern European Experience
Phillip B. Levine and Douglas Staiger
Retail Gasoline Price Cycles across Spatially Dispersed Gasoline Stations
Andrew Eckert and Douglas S. West
Financial Disclosure and Bond Insurance
Angela K. Gore, Kevin Sachs, and Charles Trzcinka
On the Incidence and Variety of Low-Price Guarantees
Maria Arbatskaya, Morten Hviid, and Gregory Shaffer