Volume 37, Number 1 (1994)
Front Matter
Editorial Staff
Accuracy in the Determination of Liability
Louis Kaplow and Steven M. Shavell
Public Spending on AIDS Education: An Economic Analysis
Tomas J. Philipson and Richard A. Posner
Raid or Trade? An Economic Model of Indian-White Relations
Terry Anderson and Fred S. McChesney
Deregulation and the Prevalence of Black Truck Drivers
John S. Heywood and James H. Peoples
Residual Claims in Bankruptcy: An Agency Theory Explanation
Katherine H. Daigle and Michael T. Maloney
Pricing and Performance in Monopoly Airline Markets
Margaret A. Peteraf and Randal Reed
Assessing the Costs of Regulation: The Case of Dual Trading
Tom W. Smith and Robert E. Whaley
Changing Rules in Tort Law and the Market for Childhood Vaccines
Richard L. Manning
Does the Government Free Ride?
Elizabeth Becker and Cotton M. Lindsay